NWDB Leadership Committee Work Plan

NWDB Leadership Committee Work Plan
Goal: To have internal strategic guidance to ensure goals are met.
 Strategy One:
 Strategy Two:
 Strategy Three:
Leadership committee provides ongoing assistance on committee processes, goal setting and outcome reporting.
Assure alignment of current and potential funding, resources and partnerships.
Create additional committees as needed to meet emerging needs
Intended Outcome / Metric: Each committee’s goals will have been met
Action Steps
Potential Barriers
Communications Plan
Evaluation of Action
Strategy One
1. To define and describe in
writing the process the
leadership committee has
established for
communication between and
among the committees and
the full board.
Meagan, Wendy,
and Natalie will
summarize the
process in writing
for review by all
Final version will
be approved at
the November
Allot staff time to do this
None identified
Allot time for committee
chairs to answer questions
and review drafts
Draft reviewed by
committee chairs and
then leadership
Actual document that
is accepted and
understood by all
Feedback from
committee chairs
Committee plans and reports
on progress
Final document given
to full board
2. To maintain documentation of
engagement with committees
and the provision of technical
assistance when it occurs.
This may include working with
committee chairs to help them
ensure all members have tasks
to do, which may in turn, help
with attendance.
committee chair
summarizes TA
As needed only
Committee chairs request for
assistance / Leadership
Committee assessment of
need for assistance
Poor attendance at
meetings (both
committee meetings
and at board meetings)
Unwilling to request
Reports not submitted
or submitted late
TA report – as
between Leadership
and other committee
TA has been provided;
verbal report
presented at
Leadership Committee
Any needed changes
have been
Strategy Two
1. Link committee goals to
2. Define gaps in budget
3. Identify potential partners in
expansion of services and in
addressing any budget gaps
identified. (This might include
the NE Commission, NE
Partnership, NC dept of
commerce, etc.)
Dawn and Wendy,
with input from
committee chairs
and the written
committee plans,
will develop a
report that links
planned committee
work to current
budget and that
identifies gaps
between goals and
the current budget.
All staff and board
work to identify
potential partners.
committee tasks
staff with seeking
support from
specific entities.
Draft report to
be presented at
the November
Committee plans with budget
requests/need completed
NWDB budget
Goals and activities not
clearly enough defined
to have associated
budget needs identified.
Lack of funding for
specific projects
Lack of overall funding
A written report
Discussion with
committees about what,
if any, funds will be
needed to implement
action steps
Committee’s have
increased clarity
regarding what they
are able to
Recommendations for
fund development
Board as a whole has
better clarity about
what they can
accomplish to
compliment and/or
expand mandated
Board discussion about
gaps in funds
to accomplish the
work of the
Strategy Three
1. Monitor changes in the One
Stop system statewide and
provide feedback. Explore
need to support One Stop –
ex. work on RFP process;
needed quality in a Host
Agency; software concerns,
2. NWDB Board makes data
informed decisions.
Staff reports on progress of
mandated & grant funded
activities and goals.
Reports are used by the board
to assess NWDB’s overall
functioning and to guide
NWDB’s focus and direction (
e.g. sector strategies).
Leadership Committee to use
Wendy – keep
informed about
state level work
and report back to
Committee on a
regular basis.
Ongoing until
further notice.
Management staff
and Leadership
together map
strategies for
continuous board
education and data
A board
schedule is
completed by the
November Board
Feedback from
board members is
sought regarding
how they want
Information from the state
re requirements
Waiting for outside
NA at this time
Keep committees and
NA at this time
board informed of
state/federal guidelines
as they emerge
Training, report
Develop mechanism to
request feedback
from board regarding
understanding of
current mandates, of
NWDB progress on
mandates, and on how
they would like to
receive information
and training on those
Process for determining
how host agency might be
Feedback from board
members regarding any gaps
in knowledge or
understanding of WIA
mandates and the work that is
being done to meet those
Data from staff regarding
work on mandates, progress
towards goals presented so
that board knows quantity
and quality of baseline work
Lack of clarity among
board members
regarding work of
NWDB and workforce
investment act.
Reluctance to admit any
lack of knowledge.
Need for additional
feedback from staff
regarding baseline
activities (state
mandates) presented in
ways that address board
members’ current levels
of understanding.
Modified board
reports if needed
Board members
report full
understanding of
mandates and NWDB
work with regard to
those mandates.
Board trainings and
reports sufficient to
meet board member
reports effectively
All committee
(including Wendy)
Ongoing (with
specific deadline
agreed to as
issues emerge)
Vary – based on the issues
Agenda item on Leadership
committee to review staff
and committee reports /
data from requests for
Time to discuss and review
Reluctant to critique;
reluctant to provide
Different points of view
/ agency perspective
and goals, diversity of
Facilitating consensus
Reports discussed
at each meeting
Action plans
written as need
Dialog between
Leadership and other
Each action plan will
have outcomes with
Dialog (discussion
recommendation) with
full board as needed re
policy, funding
priorities, …
Time for the work (in
committee and/or prior
Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?)
The Leadership Committee’s role is primarily one of oversight and planning. Progress is directly linked to the work of other committees as well as of the Leadership Committee itself. Progress
will also be measured by the quality of reports, communications and flow of information. Measures of progress in these areas will include the establishment of and adherence to procedures
that improve the flow of information. Qualitative measures of board and staff perceptions, attitudes and behaviors may also be used to assess if goals have been reached. Among the
measures of success are:
The existence of an overarching description of mandated activities and grant activities to include one or more trainings to ensure full board understanding of WIA and other NWDB
functions and of board members roles, responsibilities and work load.
Established committee structure and information flow between and among committees and the full board
Reports on progress towards established objectives, goals and mandates
Lessons Learned (What did you learn? What might you do differently? What needs to be done next?)
Evidence Of Success (How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?)