Seminar / Symposium: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2008.”The Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology”.Nov. 10-12, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2008. “Management Training for Conservation and Development” training from August 10-September 12, 2008 organized by Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, Government of Nepal, Nepal. 2008. “Biosafety- Risk Assessment and Management Training”.May 06-08, 2008.Organized by Environment Section, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Government of Nepal. 2007. “Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Training” June 07 – July 12, 2007. Organized by HR Development and Training Section, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Government of Nepal. 2007. Research paper presented in “National Seminar on Sustainable Use of Biological Resources”, organized by ECOS, IoF and PN Campus, April 2223, 2007, Pokhara, Nepal. 2007. Participated in Workshop on “Application of FAO/UNEP Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for the Study of Land Cover Dynamics in SNPBZ”, 11-13 April, 2007, ICIMOD, Nepal. 2007. Participated in “Research Design and Plant Descriptor” training held during 6-8 February 2007, organized by Department of Plant Resources (DPR), MoFSC, GoN, Nepal. 2004. Research presentation in 4th National Conference on Science and Technology organized by Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST) from 23rd to 26th March, 2004; Kathmandu, Nepal. 2003. Participated in the “4th Indian Subcontinent Regional Orchid Specialist Group Meeting and Orchid Show”.Organized by LI-BIRD from 18th to 22nd April, 2003 in Pokhara, Nepal. 2002. Participated in International Conference on Wild Rice (ICWR) organized by Green Energy Mission (GEM) from 21st to 27th October, in Kathmandu, Nepal. Publications Books: 1. 2. 3. Rajbandari, K. R., Bhatt, G.D, Chhetri, R. andRai, S. K. 2015. Catalogue of Nepalese Flowering Plants Supplement 1.GoN, MOFSC, DPR, National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories, Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal. Rai S. K. 2010. NepalkoArthikBikaskalagiPrathamiktaPrapta Tis JadibutikoPahichanPustika.(Nepali).Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. Rai S.K., ThapaMagar M.S., Joshi M. D. and Khatri S. 2010.Basics of Gardening.Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. Research Papers and Articles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Rai, S. K., Gajurel, J. P., Shrestha, K. K., Scheidegger, C, Shakya, L. R. (2014). Risleya (Orchidaceae), a new Record for Flora of Nepal. The Journal of Japanese Botany, Vol. 89(6): 409-411. Rai, S.K., Gajurel, J., Shrestha, K.K., Scheidegger, C., Shakya, L.R. (2013). Peristylusmanii (H.G. Reichenbach) Mukerjee (Orchidaceae) - a new record for Nepal.Pleione, 7, 250 - 252. Gajurel, J., Rai, S.K., Shrestha, K.K., Scheidegger, C., Shakya,L.R. (2013). Bulbophyllumgriffithii (Lindley) Reichenbach f. and Platantheracumminsiana (King &Pantling) J. Renz - two new records of orchids from Nepal. Pleione, 7, 253 - 257. Katuwal H. B., Khanal B., Basnet K., Rai B., Devkota S., Rai S.K., Nobis M. and Scheidegger C. The Mammalian fauna from the Central Himalaya, Nepal.Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 2(1):21-29. Rai S. K. 2009. JalabayuParibartanakaAsarraNyunikarankaUpayaharu.(In Nepali); (Impact of Climate Change and Mitigation Measures).BanaspatiSrot 13(2):1-3. Newsletter of Department of Plant Resources-December 2009. Rai S. K. 2009. Ethnoecological Knowledge and Management Systems of Plants by RaiBantawa Community of Nepal. Report submitted to Department of Plant Resources, Thapathli. Rai S K. 2008. Hurdles to cross for the ‘Jadibuti’ cultivation in Nepal: A case study of Jumla. Plant Resources, a scientific publication, bulletin of Department of Plant Resources, MoFSC, GoN, Kathmandu, Nepal. 30:105-108. Rai S K. 2008. BanaspatiParichaya- Ander (Nepali) (Plant IntroductionRicinuscommunis). BanaspatiSrot. Newsletter of Department of Plant ResourcesMarch 2008. Rai S K. 2007. Aromatic Plants of Karnali Region, Mid Western Nepal. Plant Resources, Plant Resources, a scientific publication, bulletin of Department of Plant Resources-29, MoFSC, GoN, Kathmandu, Nepal. 29:54-71. Rai S K, Shrestha M R, Maden K and Shakya L R. 2007. Didymoplexispallens Griffith. (Orchidaceae): A new record for Nepal. Pleione.1(2).55-56. Rai S K. 2007. BanaspatiParichaya- Ganja (In Nepali).(Plant IntroductionCannabis sativa L.).BanaspatiSrot. Newsletter of Department of Plant Resources, MoFSC, NG. March, 2007. 10(3):6-8 Rai S K and Bimb H P. 2006. Genetic diversity of Oryza species of Nepal as Revealed by Morphology and Isozymes.In Proc. of Fourth National Conference on Science and Technology, organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) from 23rd to 26th March, 2004, Nepal.pp59-66. Rai S K. 2006. NepalkoParbatiyaKshetrakaBanaspaticSampadahrukoPrabardanabamArthikBikas kaSambhavanaharu.(In Nepali); (Management of plant resources of Nepal Himalaya and its economic prospects).BanaspatiSrot. Newsletter of Department of Plant Resources, MoFSC, NG. December, 2006. 10(2):1-4. Rai S K and Pokhrel M. 2006. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal and aromatic plants of Chandannath, Depalgaun and Garjankot Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Jumla, Mid-western Nepal. Plant Resources, a scientific 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. publication, bulletin of Department of Plant Resources, MoFSC, GoN, Kathmandu, Nepal. 27:16-20. Kunwar R M, Nepal B K, Kshetri H B, Rai S K and Bussmann R W. 2006. Ethnomedicine in Himalaya: a case study from Dolpa, Humla, Jumla and Mustang districts of Nepal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 2:27 ( Rai S K, Subedi S and Mishra S. 2004. Utilization pattern of medicinal plants in Thumpakhar Village Development Committee, Sindhupalchok, Nepal.BotanicaOrientalis. Vol 4(1):75-78. Rai S K. 2004. Rasayanikkitnasakkobikalpamajaibikupaya. in Nepali In Gorkhapatra, 3rd July 2004. GorkhapatraSamsthan, Kathmandu, Nepal. Parajuli J and Rai S K. 2004. Hemp can earn a future if its abuse is stemmed. In The Rising Nepal, Friday Supplement, 6th June 2004. GorkhapatraSamsthan, Kathmandu, Nepal. Rai S K. 2004. Tale of Chiraito- the Swertia. In The Rising Nepal, Friday Supplement, 21st May. GorkhapatraSamsthan, Kathmandu, Nepal. Rai S K. 2003. Wild Rice in Nepal- A valuable gene pool. In The Rising Nepal, Friday Supplement, 26th September. GorkhapatraSamsthan, Kathmandu, Nepal. Rai S K. 2003. Aflatoxin- A general perspective.BotanicaOrientalis. Annual Issue 2003.Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Photos Exhibitions and Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2013. Photographs contributed for A Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Nepal Supplement I by Watanabe et al 2013. 2008. Cover page photographs of Medicinal plants published in Plant Resources Journal, bulletin-30 of Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2008. Photographs of Mahonianepalensis published in the info-calendar of Department of Plant Resources. 2008. Photographs of Medicinal Plants published in Calendar of Asian Pharmaceuticals. Nepal. 2008. Photographs of Wild Ornamental Plants published in Calendar of Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2007. Photographs of Medicinal Plants published in Medicinal Plants of Nepal (Revised edtn.), Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2007. Photograph of Dactylorhizahatagirea published in the poster of Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2007. Photographs of wildlife of Nepal Exhibited and Organized by Wildlife Conservation of Nepal (WCN). 15-18 June 2007. Kathmandu, Nepal. 2006. Photographs exhibited in “Nationwide Photo Competition and Exhibition” held on 15th December 2006 organized by National Organization of Freelance Photo Journalists, Lalitpur, Nepal. 2006. Participated in “Photography Competition and Exhibition” held during Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF), 7-11 December, 2006 organized by Himal Association, Lalitpur, Nepal. 11. 2002. Photographs of plants exhibited on Training Workshop and Exhibition on Botanical Illustrations, Drawing and Photography. Organized by the Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal (ESON) in collaboration with Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University from 18th to 21st August, 2002 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Mr. Rai is skilled in following fields. 1. Ecological Modelling 2. Plant Biotechnology/ Biochemistry Some laboratory techniques and analyses of the experiments performed on plant biochemistry and plant biotechnology. 3. Plant Taxonomy Enumeration, collection, preservation, description, illustration, identification and nomenclature of plant specimens. Ecological Surveys GIS, LCCS 3. Scientific Social Survey: Data Processing and Statistical Analysis 4. Writing skill: Writing research proposals, papers, newspaper articles and public notes. Mr.Sanjeev Kumar Raiholds a bachelor degree inscience Biodiversity and Environment from Patan Campus, Tribhuvan University of Nepal in 2000 and master in Plant Biotechnology from Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University in 2002. He is doing Ph.D. in Ecology and Climate Change from Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University. Career Objective: To develop skill as a plant biologist and share knowledge for the benefit of the needy people of Nepal and around the World