2014 AACP Walmart Scholars Program Program Information and Application Instructions Deadline: February 14, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. EST Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. 1 The Program Description………….………………………………………………………………………....2 Evaluation of Applications .................................................................................................................. 3 Scholarship Notification...................................................................................................................... 3 Application Instructions and link to online application .................................................................. 4 Instructions for Student’s Evaluation of Experience/Program ....................................................... 4 Examples of GPA Verification Letters...............................................................................................6 2014 Program Information I. The Program A. Description The AACP Walmart Annual Conference Scholarship Program (the Program) provides up to eighty-five (85) student-faculty pairs from AACP member institutions a $1,000 scholarship to support registration and other meeting expenses for the student to attend and participate in the AACP Annual Meeting and Seminars. B. Goal of the Program AACP appreciates the challenges facing the colleges and schools of pharmacy in striving to ensure there are an adequate number of well-prepared individuals who aspire to join the faculties at our expanding number of institutions across the country. The goal of the scholarship program is to strengthen the recipient’s skills and commitment to a career in academic pharmacy through their participation at the AACP Annual Meeting and Seminars. C. Eligibility, Requirements, and Service to AACP Graduate students, professional (doctoral) students, residents, and fellows, along with their faculty mentors, are eligible to apply for the travel scholarships. *A faculty mentor may only apply with one mentee.* Applicants must be enrolled in a professional pharmacy degree program or graduate program at an AACP regular or associate member institution, must also be an individual member of AACP, have a strong interest in enhancing their preparation for a career in academic pharmacy, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, and be a United States citizen or permanent resident. Please note that some preference is given to residents, fellows, and final year students. Students early in their pharmacy careers should not be discouraged from applying, as a small number of outstanding first and second year students are selected each year. Additionally, an attempt is made to balance the number of award recipients per institution as much as possible. Awardees must provide a final report, with appropriate recognition to Walmart and AACP, on their experiences after the annual meeting and no later than August 1, 2014. AACP leaders and staff will publicly acknowledge the pairs during the orientation and at other appropriate points in the 2014 Annual Meeting and Seminars to promote Walmart and AACP’s commitment to the recruitment and development of pharmacy faculty. Further, to assist with maximizing the experience of the scholarship pair to its fullest, logistics will be provided prior to the annual meeting that lists sessions that are both required and suggested to attend. D. Scholarships (Requirements of How to Spend $1,000) The program will provide $1,000 annual conference scholarships to up to eighty-five student-faculty pairs from AACP member institutions to attend the AACP Annual Meeting and the AACP Teachers Seminar in Grapevine, Texas from July 26-30, 2014. The scholarship is to cover 100% of the student’s cost to register for the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting and Teachers Seminar. Beyond registration costs, the recipient pair should apply the remainder of the scholarship to airfare, lodging, and other meeting expenses for the student, as the intent of the AACP Walmart Scholarship Program 2 is to aid the student financially. AACP does not require a report from the student as to how they plan to spend the scholarship funds. Based on previous Walmart Scholar comments and for economical reasons, we strongly suggest that scholars share a hotel room with other students or their faculty mentor at the annual meeting. Hotel information will be available at www.aacp.org in early April 2014. II. Evaluation of Applications A. Evaluation Scale A one to ten point evaluation scale for scoring each of the evaluation criterion is used. An application meeting of all the requirements of a given criterion could receive a score of ten on that criterion. A poorly conceived application could receive a minimum score of one, whereas a “strong” application could receive a maximum perfect score of 100. Only integer scores will be utilized. B. Evaluation Criteria AACP leaders will use the following criteria by which all applications will be judged. The evaluation team will look for well thought out, organized, articulate, and complete applications, with evidence that both parties have a strong interest in enhancing the student’s preparation for a career in academic pharmacy. 1. Credentials of the Student (weight factor=6) The GPA verification letter, the Student’s Statement of Career Goals, and the Academic Pharmacy Essay are used for this criterion. The degree to which the student is motivated to pursue an academic career is evaluated. Evaluation involves an assessment of how closely the personal and academic credentials of the student match with the goal of the Program. 5 points – Academic criteria (GPA) 15 points – career statements/goals o Do the student’s goals relate to the goals of the program? o Articulation of goals o Grammar 5 points – evidence of professional involvement 15 points – research/teaching experience 20 points – academic pharmacy essay 2. Faculty Mentor’s Support of Student (weight factor=4) The faculty mentor’s description of the student’s qualifications and capacity to succeed in this type of Program is used for this criterion. The degree to which the faculty mentor believes the student will benefit from participating in the Program is evaluated. 10 points – degree of mentor’s engagement with the student/resident/fellow 10 points – ongoing plan for mentorship 20 points – mentor’s assessment of student’s qualities or attributes that give them a higher propensity for academic pharmacy compared to other students III. Scholarship Notification 1. Scholarship recipients will be announced in mid April 2014. 2. Funds will be forwarded to the student (or the student’s institution) on or shortly after May 15, 2014. 3. AACP will announce the scholarship recipients in Academic Pharmacy Now, in other appropriate publications, and in a News Release for trade journals and newsletters. 4. AACP will arrange for publicity of the recipients at the AACP Annual Meeting and Seminars. Here is a sample listing of events from those required and suggested based on the 2013 meeting: AACP Walmart Scholars Orientation (Saturday, July 26, 2014); Teachers Seminar (Saturday, July 26, 2014); Graduate Student Program (Saturday, July 26, 2014); 3 Council of Faculties & Department Chairs Welcome Reception (Sunday evening, July 27, 2014); Attendance at two Poster Sessions (Sunday, July 27, and Monday, July 28, 2014); and Student Community Engaged Service Award Presentation and Projects (Tuesday, July 29, 2014). IV. Application Instructions—Applications are due by February 14, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. EST. A. Applications Applications will be collected electronically through http://fs16.formsite.com/AACP/form38/index.html A printable form is available for review only: http://fs16.formsite.com/AACP/form38/print. Paper applications will not be accepted. It is strongly suggested that students and mentors utilize the login option in order to save partial information on the combined application and enable a later return to complete the application. Students and their Mentors will need to share the login and password for the application. The application is in an online survey format and will require the following information to be considered complete. In the application, * indicates a required response. 1. Demographic Information Name, Address, Email, Phone, AACP Member numbers for Student and Mentor, etc. 2. GPA Verification (document to be uploaded in combined PDF) Please provide a letter from the Dean’s or Registrar’s Office verifying your cumulative GPA, including undergraduate course work. The letter should also verify your current professional or graduate degree GPA. This is used in place of transcripts so that we can verify that your GPA is within the eligible limits. See examples on page 6. (One page maximum length) 3. Student’s Statement of Career Goals (document to be uploaded in combined PDF) Students must describe their reasons for wanting to participate in this Program, their career goals and other academic and personal attributes they may wish evaluators to consider. (Two pages maximum length**) 4. Student’s Academic Pharmacy Essay (document to be uploaded in combined PDF) In a one page essay, students must explain how teaching, research/scholarship, and service are essential to academic pharmacy. (One page maximum length**) 5. Faculty Mentor’s Support of Student (document to be uploaded in combined PDF) Faculty mentors must describe the reasons for wanting to sponsor the student in this Program, and describe the student’s qualifications and capacity to succeed in an academic career. (Two pages maximum length**) **Please note: Documents for uploading are to be within the following parameters: Arial font size 11, 1-inch margins, and double space; 1 to 2 page maximum length, based on specifications above. Papers submitted outside these parameters will not be reviewed. The header feature may be utilized for names and institution, and will not impact the parameters for document length. 4 All four documents should be combined into one PDF file for uploading. The order of this document should be: GPA Verification Letter, Student’s Statement of Career Goals, Student’s Academic Pharmacy Essay, and then the Faculty Mentor’s Support of Student letter. If you are unsure how to combine your documents into one PDF, there are multiple websites like wikiHow that will provide a step by step of how to do so. B. Application Deadline Applications must be received at AACP by 5:00PM EST, February 14, 2014. V. Instructions for Student’s Evaluation of Experience/Program—Evaluations must be completed by the student and e-mailed to AACP by COB August 1, 2014. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Please note that excerpts from your evaluations may be used in AACP-related publications (Academic Pharmacy Now) and/or forwarded to AACP and Walmart leaders. Evaluations should be two to three pages in length, and include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personal impressions of the AACP Teachers Seminar Personal impressions of the AACP Annual Meeting Your reasons for pursuing a career in academic pharmacy The impact of the experience on your personal, academic, and career goals Other comments and impressions of the Program, including suggestions for improvement Your Faculty-Mentor’s Signature Please e-mail program evaluations to: walmartscholars@aacp.org 5 VI. Examples of GPA Verification Letters: Please provide an official letter from the Dean’s or Registrar’s Office verifying your cumulative GPA, including undergraduate course work. The letter should also verify your current professional or graduate degree GPA. This is used in place of transcripts so that we can verify that your GPA is within the eligible limits. This letter will be uploaded into the online application. Examples: Example 1 (Pharm.D. candidate) School Letter Head Dean X X College of Pharmacy Address February 1, 2014 Dear AACP, Student X is currently enrolled in the Pharm.D program at X College of Pharmacy. Student X has a cumulative GPA of 3.2. Student X’s cumulative GPA in the Pharm.D program is 3.5. Thank you, Dean X X College of Pharmacy Example 2: (Graduate student, Resident or Fellow) School Letter Head Dean X X College of Pharmacy Address February 1, 2014 Dear AACP, Student X has graduated from the Pharm.D program at X College of Pharmacy. Student X graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.2. Student X’s cumulative GPA in the Pharm.D program was 3.5. Thank you, Dean X X College of Pharmacy 6