Finborough School Learning Programme

Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: Prep 1
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Subject: Topic
Intro to school
Autumn Term 2015
Features around school
I can tell you the boundaries of the school
I know what a physical feature is
I can identify places around school using a simple map
I know what a man made feature is
I can tell the difference between a physical and manmade feature
I can tell you the boundaries of the school using a map
I can identify places around school using a map
Homework (s)
I can use compass points
I can use directional language
I can name a range of physical features
I can tell you the four main compass points
I can name a range man-made features
I can use directional language to explain a location
I can sort of man-made and physical features and begin
to explain my reasoning
I can name a physical feature
I know that compass points refer to direction
I can tell you the boundaries of the school
I can name a man-made feature
I am beginning to use directional language
I can identify key places around school using a simple
I can sort a selection of man-made and physical features
I can tell you the boundaries of the school and explain
where they are referring back to a map
I can identify a range of places around school referring
back to a map
I can name a physical feature
I can tell you the 8 main compass points (NE etc.)
I can name a man-made feature
I can confidently use directional language
I can sort a selection of man-made and physical features
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: P1
Subject: Topic
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Autumn Term 2015
I can identify key areas around the school using a map
I can design symbols
I can use my ideas to create map of a known area
I can identify key areas around the school using a map
I can use symbols on my map
I can create a map that use symbols and a key
I can design symbols and use them on my map
I can use my ideas to create a map of a known area
I can use symbols on my map
I can use symbols and a key
I can identify some of key areas around the school using
a map
I can design a symbol and use it on my map
I can my ideas to create a map of a known are with some
I can use some symbols on my map
I can use symbols and a key with minimal support
I can use my ideas to create a map of a known area with
some support
I can identify key areas around the school using a map
and describe their location
Homework (s)
I can design a range of symbols and use them effectively
on my map
I can use a range of symbols on my map
I can symbols and a key effectively
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: P1
Subject: Topic
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
Guy Fawkes I can recall facts about a famous person from the past
Autumn Term 2015
I can sort toys into past and present
I can compare toys from now and then
I am developing a sense of chronology
I can explore a range of toys
Homework (s)
I can recall facts about a famous person from the past
I can sort toys into particular eras in time
I can explore a range of toys from the past and begin to
make comparisons
I can put toys on a timeline and begin to appreciate eras in
I can recall some facts about a famous person from the
I can refer to the past and present when sorting toys
I can explore and talk about a range of toys
I can make comparisons between toys from now and then
by referring to the materials they are made from
I can make comparisons between toys from now and then
I can put 3+ toys on a simple timeline
I can recall facts about a famous person from the past and
say why they are a significant figure in history
I can sort toys into particular eras in time and explain my
I can explore a range of toys from the past and begin to
make comparisons
I can put toys on a timeline by referring to their year
I can make comparisons between toys from now and then
by referring to the materials they are made from and how
they work
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group:
Subject: Topic
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
I can design a toy
Autumn Term 2015
I can recall facts about Christmas in the past
I know how Christmas is celebrated in another country
I can recall facts about a Christmas in the past
I know how Christmas is celebrated in another country
and give an example
I can tell you something about a Christmas in the past
I know the different countries celebrate Christmas in
different way
I recall a range of facts about Christmas in the past and
use images to find out more information
I know how Christmas is celebrated in another country
and give different examples
I can make a toy
(Design and technology link)
I can design a toy
I can select resources to make my toy
I can use a template to design a toy
I can select resources to make toy
I can design a toy effectively
Homework (s)
I can independently select appropriate resources to build
my toy