
Supplementary methods:
HPLC analysis
Thiocyanate ion concentration was measured on a Thermo Scientific HPLC system using a UV
detector (Spectasystem UV1000) at 210 nm. A reverse phase Discovery C18-HS column was
used as the stationary phase and the mobile phase consisted of 40% v/v acetonitrile in ddH2O,
containing 2 mM tetrabutyl ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. Mobile phase was pumped
through the column at a rate of 0.5 mL/min. The SCN- peak area was converted to concentration
using a standard curve (1-100 mg/L SCN-). Ammonium ion concentration was measured on a
Waters 717plus system with a conductivity detector (Water model 430) and a Hamilton cation
exchange column. Mobile phase (30% methanol in ddH2O) was pumped through at a rate of 1
mL/min. A standard curve (1-100 NH4+ mg/L) was used to determine concentration.
CN- analysis
Free cyanide (HCN, CN-) in solution was measured using the Cynoprobe (Mintek, Johannesburg,
South Africa). Temperature and agitation within the Cynoprobe were maintained at 20°C and
500 rpm (10 seconds) ensuring a homogeneous sample and avoiding interference of these
parameters with mass transfer. The reading was converted to a cyanide concentration using a
standard curve (range 0.3 – 30 mg/L CN-) in a 2.5M NaOH solution (pH 10.0).
ESOM construction
The matrix used for ESOM training was generated using tools found at
https://github.com/micronorman/bantools (A. Norman, unpublished). For each assembly, reads
from both samples were mapped to the assembly using Bowtie2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012)
with default parameters. Read-mapping information was used to calculate coverage for 10 kb
windows of each scaffold by reads from each sample. Values for di- and tri-nucleotide
frequencies were also calculated for each window. Columns and rows of the resulting matrix
were normalized as follows. Columns: the values for each coverage and nucleotide frequency
measurement were normalized by the sum of all values for that measurement, log-transformed,
standardized to follow a normal distribution, and scaled from 0 to 1; rows: the values of all
measurements for each scaffold window were standardized to follow a normal distribution.
ESOMs were trained on the resulting matrix for 100 epochs.
Genome completeness by single copy genes
Datasets were queried for 51 single copy genes (SCG) using in-house scripts. Briefly, SCG were
identified in metagenomes using BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) with a representative reference
set. Ribosomal proteins were also searched by annotation, and the results of these two methods
were reconciled manually by genome bin to generate information for Figure 2. The 51 genes and
results from the SCG BLAST searches may be viewed using the links below:
Phylogenetic analysis
Ribosomal proteins (RPs) were detected based on annotations and used to build a concatenated
protein phylogenetic tree (Figure S2). We used 16 RPs that commonly co-occur in a near-
contiguous block (RP L 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, and 24, and RP S 3, 8, 10, 17, and 19)
such that all proteins were located on one scaffold per bin. To compile a custom reference set,
the RP S3 amino acid sequences from each dataset were searched against the Uniref100 database
using ublast (Edgar, 2010), and RP sequences from genomes for the two best hits to each query
were obtained from the NCBI genomes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/) or JGI-IMG
(http://img.jgi.doe.gov/) databases. Alignments for each of the 16 RP sets were generated using
MUSCLE v3.8.31 (Edgar, 2004) and edited in Geneious to manually trim ends and automatically
remove columns with greater than 95% gaps. The 16 alignments were then concatenated,
resulting in an alignment containing 801 taxa with 2536 unambiguously aligned positions.
Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using RAxML v8.0.26 (Stamatakis, 2014) under the LG +
gamma model of evolution. Support values were generated with 100 bootstrap replicates.
Genes for 16S rRNA were detected using Rnammer (Lagesen et al., 2007) and via
BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) of all scaffolds ≥ 500 bp against a condensed 16S rRNA gene
reference set. For each gene identified, the best-hit non-environmental sequence from NCBI-nr
was added to a custom reference dataset that included six archaeal sequences for rooting.
Analysis was performed on this dataset using ssu-align (Nawrocki, 2009) to generate a
nucleotide alignment to the bacterial structural model and to mask insertions. The final alignment
contained 847 taxa with 1582 unambiguously aligned positions. RAxML (Stamatakis, 2014)
was used to reconstruct phylogeny under the GTRCAT model of evolution (Figure S3). Support
values were generated with 100 bootstrap replicates.
To identify Eukaryotic genome bins, a tBLASTn was performed (Camacho et al., 2009)
with genome bins as target databases and reference sets of Eukaryotic marker proteins taken
from Brown et al. (Brown et al., 2013) used as queries. In order to obtain near full-length
proteins, intervals of nucleotide sequences hit by each search were translated and aligned to the
reference sets using MUSCLE v3.8.31 (Edgar, 2004). In total, 17 ribosomal proteins present in
both Eukaryotic genome bins were chosen for analysis. These were RPL 11, 19, 20, 21, 27, 31,
32, 33, 35, 43, 44, and RPS 3, 5, 11, 16, 17, and 18. Each protein alignment was examined in
Geneious, allowing exons from the same gene to be stitched together. The resulting alignments
were manually trimmed and then concatenated together to generate a final alignment with 2,415
columns and 63 taxa where each taxon possessed at minimum 1,300 amino acids. ProtTest v3.0
(Darriba et al., 2011) was run (using options for -all-matricies and -all-distributions) to determine
the best evolutionary model for phylogenetic reconstruction. Accordingly, RAxML (Stamatakis,
2014) was run under the LG+gamma model, and support values were generated with 100
bootstrap replicates (Figure S4).
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