FORM 420-1(j) Aboriginal Language Teaching Evaluation Superintendent’s Supervision Report Teacher Observed: Grade: Aboriginal Language: Date(s): Calendar Day(s): Period (s): Topic of Lesson (s)/ Learning Outcome: RESPONSIBILITIES A. PLANNING 1. Possess a current Aboriginal Languages Curriculum Guide in the classroom and uses it as the basis for year/unit/day planning. 2. Year plans include timelines for units of each curricula subject and submitted to the school administrator by October 15 and/or thirty days after each semester or quad. 3. Unit plans are detailed with information on goals and outcomes, instruction, assessment and resources, time requirements, align with the year plan and are created prior to the unit of instruction. 4. Day/lesson plans are created prior to the school day and are kept organized in a day book including descriptive details such as information on curriculum based lesson outcomes, instructional strategies, resources and assessment procedures and other relevant information. EVALUATION: Curriculum guides – Year plans – Unit plans – Day/lesson plans – B. INSTRUCTION 1. Instruction is appropriately selected to align with curriculum outcomes from the Aboriginal Languages Curriculum Guide. 2. Lessons include reviews of prior learning, an overview of the lesson, instruction and activities that are sequenced to maximize student learning, concluded with a review of the lesson and clear and concise assessment procedures relayed to students. Lessons are well paced with smooth transitions. 3. Instructional time is appropriate and timely as allowable by the timetable in the school. 4. Communicates with students in a manner that is engaging, coherent and appropriate to student level of understanding and includes appropriate and timely feedback. 5. The teacher models and demonstrates knowledge of target language and communication skills. 6. Students are spending substantial time with Aboriginal language development in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representation. 7. Incorporates technology in the classroom where appropriate. 8. Encourages local First Nations and Métis language usage by students and teachers. 9. Emphasize more student activity than teacher led activity in most lessons. Students work independently, in pairs and in groups. EVALUATION: Alignment with curriculum – Lessons – Instructional timeCommunicates – Models Language development Incorporates technology Encourages language usageEmphasize student activity - Northern Lights School Division #113 April 2015 C. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. Maintains a safe environment within classroom, community activity or outdoor instruction. Ensures that cultural activities are a natural component of language program delivery. Students’ activity is monitored and supervised at all times. Encourage students to take risks as Aboriginal language learners because of a positive and supportive learning environment. EVALUATION: Safe environment Cultural activities Students’ activity is monitored Students take risks- D. ASSESSMENT: 1. Assessment practices are in alignment with curriculum learning goals, outcomes and indicators. 2. Marks are kept in the day book or in a separate grade book and status of current grades for the target Aboriginal Language are entered on report cards. EVALUATION: Assessment– Marks- E. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT: 1. Has posted three to six positive behavioural expectations. 2. Teaches, practices and reinforces daily routines and provides positive feedback articulated in the Aboriginal Language. 3. Provides strategies for redirecting student behaviour. EVALUATION: Positive behavioral expectations.Routines and positive feedback Redirecting student behaviour - F. FIRST NATIONS AND METIS EDUCATION: 1. Incorporate First Nation and Métis content and resources into instruction with such topics such as Treaty Education, local history, etc. EVALUATION: First Nation and Métis Content – G. CAREER DEVELOPMENT/EDUCATION: 1. Incorporate career education into Aboriginal Language instruction. EVALUATION: Career education - Comments and Follow-up: Date: FORM 420-1(j) Aboriginal Language Teaching Evaluation Superintendent’s Supervision Report SUMMATIVE EVALUATION Not Evident Developing Practice Maturing Practice Exemplary Practice Comments A. PLANNING B. INSTRUCTION C. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT D. ASSESSMENT E. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT F. FIRST NATIONS AND METIS EDUCATION G. CAREER DEVELOPMENT/ EDUCATION Superintendent Signature Teacher's Signature Date: Northern Lights School Division #113 April 2015