chateau study guide

Study Guide: Château of the Loire Valley & the Valois Kings
AMBOISE Charles VIII was born and died here.
Da Vinci buried here in the St. Hubert Chapel.
Connected by underground tunnel with le Clos Lucé.
The Amboise Conspiracy 1560 resulted in one of the bloodier episodes of the Wars of Religion.
François I moved here at age 7 and lived 18 yrs. This was a time of festivities, luxury, pleasure.
Medieval fortress built by Fulk Nerra 11th C.
English Plantagenet Kings controlled this area until 1205.
Has tapestry of the Apocalypse.
Largest of the chateau of the Loire Valley: 440 rooms, 365 chimneys, wall of 35 km.
Was a hunting lodge, then built into Fr. Renaissance marvel by François 1e.
Given to Gaston d’Orleans by his brother Louis XIII to distract him from conspiracies.
Name comes from “bald hill” (montagne chauve).
Given to Diane de Poitiers when Catherine de Medeci took back Chenonceau.
CHENONCEAU Chateau of 6 women, including Catherine de Medeci and Diane de Poitier.
The river Cher runs under it.
1st fireworks show in France was done here.
Bombing during WWII destroyed the stained glass windows of the chapel.
Has elements of both French and Italian Renaissance architecture because of its owners.
BLOIS First built in 9th C. Has statue of Louis XII on horseback in the courtyard. Louis XII was born here
1462. He became king after Charles VIII’s death in 1498 and married Charles’ widow, Anne de Bretagne.
François 1e spent his time between Blois and Amboise. Assassination of the Duc de Guise by Henri III’s
men occurred here 1588. Marie de Medici was banished here by her son, Louis XIII 1617.
Le CLOS LUCÉ connected by tunnel to Amboise. Home for da Vinci’s last 3 years of life.
D’USSÉ inspiration for Belle au Bois Dormant by Perrault. Spectacular gardens; wax museum
LANGEAIS where Anne de Bretagne married Charles VIII.
CHINON Originally a Gallo-Roman camp, then a fortress of the Counts of Blois. In 11th C. the Counts of
Blois lose it to their enemies, the Counts of Anjou (the English). 1154-1204 Chinon flourishes. In 15th C.
Charles VII moves into the limelight. The English king Henry VI is also the king of Paris. In 1429 Joan of
Arc comes to help Charles become king of all France. Henry II Plantagenet is buried here.
AZAY LE RIDEAU First built in 13th C. In 1418 Charles VII had it burned down after being insulted by a
Burgundian soldier there. It was known as “Azay le Brulé” until 19th C. It was rebuilt by Gilles Berthelot
in early 16th C. It was bought by the French Govt in 1905 for $50,000. Sits on the River Indre.
LOCHES a 1000 year old fortress. 10th -13th C the Counts of Anjou (English) control it. Henry II
Plantagenet (English) reinforced its defenses. His son, Richard Lionheart, took possession before leaving
for a Crusade. Philippe Auguste took it. Richard seized it back from P-Auguste. Agnes Sorel, Charles
VII’s favorite, abandoned Chinon and moved to Loches. She is buried here. Louis XI made it a prison for
his enemies.
VILLANDRY This is the last great Renaissance chateau to be built on the Loire River. What sets it apart
are its gardens, recognized as the most fascinating in France. There is a water garden, a maze, an herb
garden, a kitchen garden, and sculptures made from plants. It includes canals, fountains, cascades, and
vine-covered pergolas.
King Charles VI the mad. Comes unglued in a battle of the Hundred Years’ War.
King Charles VII saved by Joan of Arc; he took refuge at Chinon; moved his court to Loches; had a
famous mistress, Agnes Sorel.
Louis XI ended feudal France by organizing regions; was brought up at Loches
Charles VIII married Anne de Bretagne; died after bumping his head at Amboise
Louis XII –3rd husband of Anne de Bretagne; emblem = porcupine; had no sons
François I –32 year reign; married Claude de France, daughter of Anne de Br. / Louis XII
A great builder king; arranged for his son to marry Catherine de Medici
Henri II – married Catherine de Medici; had Diane de Poitiers as mistress; 3 sons became king after him
François II – married Mary Stuart; became king at 15, died at 16. Crown goes to his brother…
Charles IX – became king at age 10, died of TB at 24. Weak king. At the end of his reign, the castles of
the Loire were abandoned. The crown goes to his next brother …
Henri III –Catherine de Medici’s favorite son; came back from Poland to rule France; Blois became
important as the seat of gov’t during his reign. He had his enemy, the Duc de Guise, assassinated here.
A year later the duc’s uncle assassinated Henri III. No children, so the Valois dynasty ended. His sister,
Margaret of France, married distant cousin Henri of Navarre, who begins the Bourbon dynasty as . . .
Henri IV Ends the wars of religion by issuing the Edict of Nantes 1598.