January 30, 2015 Status Report - North Dakota Tourism Alliance

January 30, 2015 No. 6
This Week at the Capitol
Revised State Revenue Forecast Presented
A revised state revenue forecast was presented to lawmakers on Thursday, Jan.29, which predicts falling oil
prices will cause a more than $4 billion drop in oil and gas tax revenue over the next two years when compared
to the December State Revenue Forecast used in the Governor’s Budget Recommendations.
The forecast projects oil and gas tax revenue will be down nearly $762 million for the remainder of the current
biennium, and down $4.05 billion during the 2015-2017 budget cycle. The new forecast will be used for
budgeting purposes until the next forecast is released in March.
Deadline for Bill Introduction Passes
The deadline for bill introduction in the House and Senate has passed, and a total of 852 bills (378 in the Senate
and 474 in the House) have been introduced, which is a slight increase over the previous session’s 844 bills. The
bills will continue to make their way through committee hearings and floor votes in their assigned chambers
until Crossover on February 27. TAP is currently tracking more than 20 bills and monitoring their impact on
tourism in North Dakota.
Bills in Committee this Week
SB 2207 – State matching grant program for county historical work
SB 2207 provides $4 million to the State Historical Society to provide matching fund grants to county historical
societies for carrying on historical work in their counties. The grants may not exceed $40,000 and the county
historical society must provide 40 percent matching funds, which may consist of in-kind contributions. TAP is
monitoring this bill. SB 2207 was heard before the Senate Political Subdivisions Committee on Thursday, Jan.29.
SB 2223 – Sales and use tax exemptions for clothing
SB 2223 provides a sales and use tax exemption for clothing and allocates $9.5 million to be paid to cities and
counties to offset the cost of this exemption. TAP is monitoring this bill. SB 1012 was heard before the Senate
Finance and Taxation Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 28.
SB 2241 – Department of Commerce satellite offices on Indian reservations
SB 2241 requires the Department of Commerce to establish satellite offices on each of the state’s Indian
reservations. The satellite offices are required to include a staff member from each of the Department's four
divisions. TAP is monitoring this bill. SB 2241 was heard before the Senate Industry, Business and Labor
Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 28.
SB 2243 – North Dakota Tribal Tourism Alliance Program
SB 2243 includes $6 million for the Department of Commerce to establish a North Dakota Tribal Tourism
Alliance Program to assist tribal governments in the promotion of tourism on Indian reservations in the state.
The Department of Commerce may also award grants to tribal governments for the purpose of conducting and
administering tribal tourism programs. TAP is monitoring this bill. SB 2243 was heard before the Senate
Industry, Business and Labor Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 28.
How to Contact Your Legislators
During a legislative session, a legislator can be reached at the State Capitol by leaving a message with the
legislative telephone message center at (888) NDLEGIS (635-3447) or (701) 328-3373 (local). That number can
also be used to obtain information on bills under consideration. A legislator can also be reached by mail or email and address rosters are posted at http://www.legis.nd.gov/contact-my-legislators.
Legislative Updates
A Legislative Update will be sent to TAP members each Friday during the 2015 Legislative Session.
If at any time TAP members have pertinent information or updates they would like to include in the next
Legislative Update, contact Dana Bohn, executive director, at clearh2o@btinet.net or 701-355-4458.
2015 Legislative Deadlines and TAP Dates
Feb. 27
March 2-3
March 11
April 3
April 29
Crossover for bills
Crossover for resolutions
Good Friday
Session is limited to 80 legislative days
Legislative Information/Bill Drafts
Copies of bill drafts and information about the 64th Legislative Session can be found on the North Dakota
Legislative Branch website at www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/64-2015/regular.
Legislative Bills Tracked (to date)
HB 1003 – North Dakota University System (Workforce)
HB 1009 – State Fair Association
HB 1014 – Bank of North Dakota (Housing)
HB 1016 – Job Service North Dakota (Workforce)
HB 1018 – Department of Commerce (Tourism marketing/infrastructure)
HB 1019 – Career and Technical Education (Workforce)
HB 1031 – Oil and gas production tax funding for State Highway Fund (Highway 85)
HB 1150 – Elimination of Montana sales tax exemption
HB 1199 – Housing reimbursement for members of the legislative assembly (Passed House)
HB 1224 – Nonresident waterfowl hunting
HB 1243 – Refunds of sales tax and farm machinery gross receipts tax paid
HB 1252 – Nonresident waterfowl licenses
SB 2012 – Department of Human Services (Childcare)
SB 2015 – Office of Management and Budget (Infrastructure)
SB 2018 – State Historical Society
SB 2019 – Parks and Recreation Department
SB 2042 – State income tax deduction for military retirement pay (Workforce)
SB 2207 – State matching program for county historical work
SB 2223 – Sales and use tax exemption for clothing
SB 2241 – Department of Commerce satellite offices on Indian reservations
SB 2243 – Department of Commerce Tribal Tourism Alliance Program
Hearing Schedule
Thursday, Feb. 5
8:30 AM
HB 1014
Appropriations Government
Bank of North Dakota
Appropriation -$50 million
for the Housing Incentive
Fund, $12 million for Flex
PACE to support
affordable housing
9:00 AM
HB 1252
House Energy
and Natural
Relating to nonresident
waterfowl licenses