25th October

V Team Committee Meeting Minutes – 25th October 2013
Present: Matt (Chair and Acting Secretary), Lauren (Events Officer), Angus (Publicity Officer), Hamish
(Treasurer), Debbie (Volunteer Support Worker)
1) Election Results
Matt has been elected as V Team Chair and Sara Ali has been elected as the new Volunteer
Liaison. The V Team Secretary role is now vacant. Matt will let Debbie know the elections
timescale so she can arrange the election. The post should be publicised at the next
Members Meeting. Matt will continue the Secretary role until a new Secretary is elected.
2) Better Time for Committee Meetings
As Friday is a bad day for Committee Meetings as many committee members have Friday as
a busy day and it doesn’t work well with Members Meetings being on a Thursday, a new
time for Committee Meetings was discussed and it was agreed that they will now take place
on Mondays at 1:15pm starting on 4th November.
3) Project Leader Applications
Lauren provided everyone with the applications for Shoebox Appeal and Children’s
Christmas Party Project Leaders. They were read and discussed with suggestions for which to
be chosen written on the applications. Lauren to make the final decision and to contact the
chosen Project Leaders next week to meet them.
4) Ideas – Publicity, new projects etc.
Angus has been contacting Helen from Marketing and Impact to feature regular stories of V
Team activity. Plasma screens will also hopefully be used.
There will be a Mega Abseil for 40 V Team and RAG members during Student Volunteering
Week/RAG Week (Wednesday 26th February 2014) in Bristol.
Matt to try to link with the British Heart Foundation about more sport-related volunteering
Volunteering with animals would be good to provide something different to prospective
Movember discussed.
5) Things to be mentioned at the Student Community Group (Thursday 31st October 1:15pm)
Shoebox Appeal especially a link with Hall Reps – Project Leaders to be contacted before
about their plan/intentions.
RAG Week/Student Volunteering Week should be brought up by Matt too.
6) Things to be mentioned at the V Team Members Meeting (Thursday 31st October 6:15pm)
Oxfam will have about 10 minutes to speak about setting up a campaigns group.
V Team Secretary role will be advertised – timescale to be sorted by then.
Foodcycle may be mentioned?
Bath Half
Project Leaders for Shoebox Appeal and Children’s Christmas Party announced and start to
recruit volunteers for these projects.
Ask members what they want regarding socials.
Ask members about any project ideas.
Ask members how they like to be contacted/informed eg Facebook/Twitter/email.
7) Socials
Next social to be a meal after a meeting on 14th November – either at Parade, Plug or
Fountain Canteen (probably Fountain Canteen if possible).
8) A.O.B.
Action pics of V Team Committee to be taken.
Website to be updated – Matt to make a list of things e.g. interesting fact, course for
committee members to provide answers to and then be put on page to make it more
Matt to contact chairs of committees about potential projects/helping out etc.
Angus can’t make the next committee meeting.
Next V Team Committee Meeting: Monday 4th November 2013 1:15pm – 2:05pm
Action Points:
Arrange timescale for Secretary election.
Mention Shoebox Appeal and Student Volunteering Week at Student
Community Group.
Link with British Heart Foundation, Foodcycle people, society chairs and animal
volunteering groups about new volunteering opportunities.
Make list of things for committee webpage update.
Make final decision on Project Leader applications.
Arrange to meet Project Leaders and encourage them to come to the Members
Ensure Matt is aware of what to ask Hall reps about Shoebox Appeal at Student
Community Group meeting.
Continue with publicity and looking into different ways of publicising V Team
and the volunteering opportunities on offer/success stories.
Arrange V Team Secretary election.
Be prepared for Members Meeting.
Continue to come up with event and social ideas.
Action pics.