Meeting: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board Date and Time: Wed 6 October 2010 at 2.15 pm ending 3.40 pm Venue: Council Room, Venn Building Part A: Unreserved Business Name Minutes: 1 - 21 Part A: 1 - 16 Membership Category 6 Oct 2010 Mr Charlie Cordeaux Chair Deputy Dean Enterprise Elected Academic Elected Professor Head of Department of Drama and Music Elected Academic Head of Department of English Head of Department of Politics and International Studies Elected Academic Ms Sarah Jane Dickenson Dr Mahrukh Doctor Prof Martin Goodman Deputy Dean Learning and Teaching Elected Academic Elected Professor Prof Lester Grabbe Dr Catherine Greensmith Dr Karen Harrison Dr Richard Heseltine Elected Professor Elected Academic Prof Valerie Sanders Dr Martin Arnold Mr John Bernasconi Prof Richard Boon Dr Alastair Borthwick Ms Linda Clements Dr Katharine Cockin Prof James Connelly Mr Paul Hewitt Ms Linda Hockley Mr Duncan Holt Dr Helen Johnston 8 November 2010 Elected Academic Director, Library and Learning Innovation Human Resources Advisor Head of the School of Arts and New Media Elected Academic Faculty Admissions Tutor 19 Jan 2011 11 May 2011 Apologies Apologies Apologies Apologies Apologies Apologies Absent Apologies Absent Apologies 1 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mr Paul Marshall Dr Lucy Michael Prof Lindsay Moir Dr Marina MozzonMcPherson Dr Chris Newell Mr Rowan Oliver Mrs Jenny Parsons Prof Calie Pistorius Dr Maureen Ramsden Prof Simon D Smith Prof Keith Tester Dr Colin Tyler Dr Gonzalo Villalta Puig Dr Jenel Virden Mr Ian White Prof Christopher Wilson Dr Nigel Young Prof Peter Young Faculty Finance Officer Elected Academic Head of the Law School Head of the Department of Modern Languages Elected Academic Elected Academic Faculty Administrator Vice-Chancellor Elected Academic Head of the Department of History Elected Professor Elected Reader Elected Academic Head of Department of Humanities Representative from the Faculty of Education Elected Professor Senior Tutor Head of Department of Social Sciences Apologies Apologies Absent Apologies Apologies Apologies Absent In attendance: Mr Matthew Barrow Mrs Chris Coulson Mrs Pat Escreet Mrs Amanda Foulkes Miss Marie Holmes Mr Rob McGeechan Ms Chris Milner Mr Graeme Murphy Vice- President Education, Student Union Departmental Secretary, Humanities Dean’s PA (Secretary to the Board) Senior Secretary for Social Work, Social Sciences Quality Secretary, Faculty Office Interim Director, ICTD Quality Secretary Collaborative Provision, Faculty Office Head of Customer Services ICTD Action 1 Welcome The Committee welcomed Mr Matthew Barrow, Mr Rob McGeechan, Mr Graeme Murphy, new Heads of Department, newly elected members and new support staff attendees to their first meeting. 2 Declarations (a) Reserved Business Items contained in Part B of the agenda were reserved items of business within the definition in Ordinance 31. 8 November 2010 2 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Members’ Interests Members were invited to declare if they had any personal or pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any item on the agenda under Standing Orders. No declarations were made. (c) Starred Items No items on the agenda were starred. 3 Minutes The minutes, Part A, of the meeting of the Committee held on 12 May 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 4 Matters Arising There were no matters arising 5 Chair’s Unreserved Business (a) New appointments A verbal report on new academic staff appointments and promotions was given. (b) Faculty Constitution The draft constitution received at the last meeting had been approved. An amendment to include iHull had been requested. (c) Reviews i) Scarborough Campus There would be a review of academic provision, involving staff and students. ii) Humanities Review This would take place in Semester 2, with the Acting Dean undertaking some preparatory meetings in Semester 1. Meanwhile, a decision had been made to suspend recruitment to the single honours BA Religion, whilst continuing recruitment to Joint and Combined programmes involving Religion. 8 November 2010 3 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ iii) Social and Behavioural Studies Review The review started the previous session would continue this session. iv) Discussion of reviews The view was expressed that whilst the central concern of reviews was the extent to which subject areas could recruit undergraduate students, there was an argument for looking at subjects in the round, including the extent to which they played an important part in the intellectual life of the University. The need for consultation with students was raised and this was confirmed as a necessary part of the process of review. (d) Larkin 25 The programme of events continued and had been widely advertised, and well supported so far. (e) iHull: Institute for Creativity and Innovation The post of Director had been withdrawn; a part secondment might be considered. The current funding ended in July, and a significant sum remained to be spent. (f) Estate The Wilberforce refurbishment and the conversion at Scarborough campus were commended. (g) Health and Safety A meeting with the University Energy Manager had taken place. Guidance around the use of portable heaters was related to the Carbon Reduction targets. The recommended room temperature was 19°C. Heaters should only be used if the temperature fell below this. (h) Website Officer The Faculty Website Officer had left the University and approval had been obtained for a replacement for 12 months. The post would be advertised. 6 Student Matters The need for student representation in reviews had been raised in the previous item. 8 November 2010 4 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Academic Services Academic Services had become two separate areas, Library and Learning Innovation (LLI), and the Information and Communications Technology Department (ICTD). The Interim Director of ICTD would attend Faculty Board, or send a delegate, to participate as an observer and take questions. 8 Financial Report Last year the Faculty income was £34.5 million. Expenditure was £20 million, and the surplus of £14.5 million was £1.3 million higher than expected. International fees had contributed to this success, especially in the Modern Languages EFL area. There would be challenges ahead as a result of the imminent Government Spending Review. The University’s new Finance Officer was monitoring non-pay spend. Mobile phone usage, taxi fares, and temporary and agency staff costs would be scrutinised. 9 Admissions The committee considered the tabled Faculty figures for Fulltime Undergraduate admissions as at 5 October 2010. Congratulations and thanks were extended to all admission tutors and staff working in the admissions area for achieving targets without overshooting. For the next cycle, Departments were asked to ensure that a member of staff was on standby during Wednesday afternoons, and during half term, to meet with those visitors who could not attend open days. Offer levels would need to be reviewed and revised upwards. It was noted that Hull’s position in the league table seemed anomalous in this regard. 10 Learning and Teaching (a) Teaching Fellows Dr Helen Fenwick and Mrs Alison Price-Moir, both of the Department of History, were congratulated on the award of University Teaching Fellowships. Ms Sarah Jane Dickenson was congratulated on the award of a National Teaching Fellowship. 8 November 2010 5 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Learning and Teaching Support Unit (LTSU) The appointment of new Advisors was noted: E-learning: Ms Shirley Bennett Employability and enterprise: Mr Paul Chin Learning and Teaching Innovation: Dr Darren Mundy PGCHE Programme Director: Dr Barbara Allan (c) University Learning, Teaching & Assessment Committee Under the new committee structure, ULTAC would continue its work, but the work of Quality and Standards Committee would be undertaken in a different way. ULTAC would have sub-committees for Regulations, codes and processes, for Programme approvals and for Student Progress. It would set up short-life working groups to address particular areas, for example Assessment, with membership drawn from the Deputy Deans. (d) National Student Survey (NSS) Departments were required to respond to an analysis of the 2010 results. These responses would be considered at Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee next week and a Faculty response would be provided to the PVC Learning and Teaching. (e) International Buddy Scheme The scheme run by the Faculty and the Business School had been launched again this year, with extra funding. Departments were asked to encourage students to take part. 11 Research (a) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Six student scholarship applications had been submitted, the maximum permitted, and one award had been made, to an MA student in History. The student competition would be replaced by the Block Grant Partnerships: Capacity Building Route. Institutions had been encouraged to form consortia to take part. Discussions at Hull were ongoing. (b) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) No student awards had been made, and decisions by ESRC on Training Centres and Units had been postponed until the new year. 8 November 2010 6 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Research Excellence Framework (REF) Departments and combinations of subject areas had been reviewed during the summer. The announcement that the Funding Council had delayed the exercise until 2014 gave more preparation time. 12 Enterprise Partnership agreements with overseas institutions were being renewed. International Office were keen for FASS to work with TKK in China. It should be possible to attract arts students with good IELTS scores to the Faculty’s masters programmes. 13 Reach Out Dr Marina Mozzon-McPherson had stepped down from her Reach Out role to become Head of Department, She was thanked for all the work she had done, especially in relation to schools engagement. The Faculty was seeking someone to undertake Reach Out responsibility. 14 Collaborative Provision The Board noted that there would be a QAA Collaborative Provision Audit in Spring 2011. 15 Minutes of Faculty Committees The minutes of Faculty Committees were received for information. 16 Any Other Unreserved Business (a) Timetable issues The use of different week numbers for the same week was difficult for staff and students to understand. No guidance had been provided in the handbook template. Information about the allocation of students to seminar groups had been made available to departments in a different way, without adequate notice or training. This had increased the workload of departments at the peak time around registration. The Faculty Administrator would raise these issues with Student Administrative Services. 8 November 2010 FAC ADMIN 7 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Board 6 October 2010 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Wilberforce Building Technical difficulties were encountered by Film Studies staff on the first day of teaching. There were problems with lights going off while people were still in rooms, and with the heating. The Acting Dean would raise these issues with the Facilities Directorate. DEAN FASS Attachments to Part A : Unreserved Business Minute Paper Circulation 9 Faculty figures for Fulltime Undergraduate admissions as at 5 October 2010 OR 15 Minutes of Faculty Executive Committee 4 May 2010 Minutes of Faculty Research Executive 5 May 2010 Minutes of Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee 5 May 2010 Minutes of Faculty Staff Development Committee 9 June 2010 Minutes of Faculty Collaborative Provision Executive 26 May 2010 Minutes of Faculty Reach Out Committee 20 May 2010 OR OR OR OR OR OR Signature of Chair __________________ Date of signature __________________ These minutes are available in alternative formats on request from Committee Section. 8 November 2010 8