The Multi-verse Running head: THE MULTI-VERSE: WORLDS APART The Multi-verse: Worlds Apart William Detschel University of Advancing Technology 1 The Multi-verse 2 Abstract The idea of a multi-verse has been around for many years and there have been people out there trying to prove of its existence or deny it. There have been many theories about whether the multi-verse exists and how it came to be through scientific views as well as religious views. To prove if the multi-verse could actually exist there have been a few attempts through experimentation which test different variables given to us by the universe itself. Some of these experiments have been unsuccessful because of the lack of our technology, but that doesn't mean we have given up. Scientists have picked back these past experiments and used out new found technology to help further the experiment. There have also been many arguments against the multi-verse theory some through religious views and others through scientific views. Each of these factions have their own facts behind why it cannot exist. The Multi-verse 3 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Ever wonder what would of happened if you decided to go with the choice you decided not to take? What if I tell you that the choice you did not take could have happened in another universe outside of ours. The multi-verse is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes that together comprise everything that exists and can exist. In this document we will look into the different theories behind the multi-verse and how they can come to be created through the different views of scientists, philosophers, and even naturalists. We will also discuss the plausibility behind these theories in order for us to understand if the multi-verse can exist as well as positions on why the multi-verse cannot exist. By the end of this document we will have the information we will need in order for us to decide if we believe that there is a multi-verse out there. CHAPTER 2. THEORIES The Multi-verse 4 According to George Ellis (2011) Brian Greene came up with nine different proposals for the multi-verse each with their own unique perspectives. The first of these proposals is that in the vastness of space is an infinite number of universes similar to ours which lies beyond part of the universe that we view. The second proposal deals with the Inflationary theory in which the newborn universe had a fleeting period of super fast accelerating expansion. This theory predicted the existence of an infinite amount of other universes with different characteristics from our own. The next proposal deals with String theory which is the pre-eminent theory of quantum gravity. String theory suggests that our universe might be one of many fourdimensional 'braneworlds' floating in a higher dimensional space-time. The fourth proposal discusses cyclic universes, which in itself is a theory in which the universe explodes into existence not just once, but repeatedly in endless cycles of death and rebirth, I will hit this topic in more detail later on. The fifth proposal talks of the possible physical parameters in the string theory landscape, in which these universes are the "valleys" of this landscape Livio, M. (2012). The sixth proposal is a quantum mechanics idea in which many worlds exist at the same time as branches of the wave function of the universe. The seventh proposal is a simple one in which the universe we live in is just a holographic projection. The next proposal suggest that we occupy ourselves in one of the artificial universes created as simulations on a super-advanced computer. The ninth and final proposal argues that it is a philosophical necessity that every possible must be realized somewhere, in "the grandest of all multi-verse". Since we cannot make direct observations of universes beyond our observational horizon, the greatest distance that light can have travelled towards us since the universe became transparent to radiation 300,000 years after the big bang, there is a possible tenth proposal in which there is no multi-verse at all. The Multi-verse 5 Another theory according to Hand (2009) presented by Andrei Linde is that parts of the universe feel the force from inflation more strongly than the average portion which creates a "localized bulge". Because of inflations immense amount of force, the "localized bulge" would inflate into a new universe all together, but still be attached to the old universe by a quantumscale thread. The creation of this new universe would be too small to notice by us because of the quantum-scale connection, but to the new universe residents this would be a big bang of their own. In the same article by Hand (2009) Paul Steinhardt, a professor of physics at Princeton, compared the "local bulge" to an aneurysm. The new off-shoot universes tend to take over as the older universes become what he calls "rare islands". Steinhardt also suggested that the physical laws could change with each new emergence. Steinhardt along with Neil Turok proposed an alternative to inflation called Ekpyrosis1 (Hand, 2009). Steinhardt and Turok both proposed two universes on separate three-dimensional branes would oscillate back and forth along a perpendicular dimension, sort of like two sheets being hung out to dry side by side, and then colliding releasing a huge amount of energy to start each universe afresh. Thus the big bang wouldn't be the beginning but a collision. Another idea which is discussed by Scott (2012) is that because of the untestable and unobservable nature of the multi-verse changed the views of the hypothesis by physical scientists as non-scientific. The multi-verse could be an outcome of mathematical proofs and positions of faith rather than empirical evidence. Penre (2012) has the idea that we create our own multi-verse in our minds. Every time a choice arises we have different options that we go through and decide which to go with. When 1 The periodic destruction of the cosmos by a great conflagration every Great Year. The cosmos is then recreated to begin the cycle anew. The Multi-verse 6 we make a choice, we dismissed the other options, but because we thought about them they become real in certain terms, as probable versions of the multi-verse. There is another possible theory using Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or another term for it is Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Dissociative Identity Disorder is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in - and alternately take control of - an individual (Psychology Today, 2013). Where does this alternate identity come from? Psychologist suggest that it is used to hold repressed memories of a time you choose to forget and eventually comes around to "express" themselves by changing the personality of the host. The alternate identity may also come from another representation of the host from an outside source such as another universe where there may be a similarly identical person with a different perspective that has changed perspectives for a short time. This next theory by Effingham (2012) combines the plausibility of the multi-verse with the Grandfather Paradox. The paradox is that is time travel were possible a time traveler could go back in time and kill his paternal grandfather before the birth of his own father. According to Effingham (2012) this is impossible, for the time traveler would not exist so he couldn't go back in time to kill his grandfather from this arises a contradiction. The multi-verse allegedly solves the Grandfather Paradox. Effingham (2012) states that when the time traveler goes back in time he arrives in a separate universe, so he kills that universes grandfather hence no paradox. Effingham (2012) had another theory about the multi-verse through the use of fission. Consider the cases of fission, where one object splits into two. The fission counterparts were both once the parent object. The fission counterparts are distinct, but remain appropriately connected. When the time traveler goes back to the target time "T" they cause the universe to fission (split) creating universe "A" and universe "B". The Multi-verse 7 Lee Smolin from Penn State University had a theory that every black hole is the seed for a new universe that erupts into existence through the big bang like explosion, but is hidden from our view by the black holes event horizon. This is sort of the cosmic version of a genetic mutation, when a universe sprouts from the core of a black hole, its physical attributes such as particle masses and force strengths are, close, but not identical to those of its parent universe. Small variations in the parameters of the progeny universes will lead to some that are optimized for black hole production. After many "generations" the descendants will create numerous black holes thus overwhelming the population of the multi-verse. According to the Muslim Debate Initiative (2012) Atheists theorize two possibilities of how the multi-verse functions: The multi-verse has a mechanism inside allowing it to create universes or the multi-verse has an outside source controlling it to make more universes. Lets' take a look at that first possibility where the multi-verse has a mechanism inside allowing it to create universes. The mechanism would be what the MDI (2012) call "First Cause", not the multi-verse itself. If the mechanism consisted of a number of different components which could interact with each other it would be finite and limited, since only things that are limited can interact with each other. According to Atheists, the existence of limits amongst the components of the internal mechanism within the multi-verse, would mean the multi-verse is not infinite. If this mechanism was said to consist of only one infinite component, then it ceases to be a mechanism. This brings us back to where we started with the problem behind the multi-verse explanation, with no answer at all. The second possibility states that something outside the multi-verse is causing it to create universes, but according to MDI (2012) this results in the same problem as above. It is still not the first cause of creating universes, but it is this "something else" instead would be the First The Multi-verse Cause. For something else to affect the state and behavior of the multi-verse means it is being "physically interacted" with by something else. This means that the multi-verse is a limited and finite object, which entitles it not to be infinite and an unlimited thing. The final result that the Atheists have come up with is that an ultimate First Cause is the first and only initiator of the creation of the universes. The reason why it creates universes is because it initiated such an action itself. A very popular theory about the multi-verse was brought up by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. Hawking & Mlodinow (2012) discussed in their book, The Grand Design, that M-Theory space time has ten space dimensions as well as one time dimension. Seven of the space dimensions are actually curled up so small that we don't notice them. Hawking and Mlodinow (2012) have two approaches to cosmology and the space dimensions: and top-down approach and a bottom-up approach. The top-down cosmology predicts that the number of large space dimensions is not fixed by any principle of physics. The shape of the remaining curled up dimensions, the internal space, determines both the values of physical quantities such as the charge of the electron and the nature of the interactions between elementary particles a.k.a. the force of nature. There are probability amplitudes for as many as ten to the five hundredth power different internal spaces, universes, each leading to different laws and values for physical constants. In the top-down approach we accept that universe exist with all possible internal spaces. In some universes electrons have the weight of golf balls and the force of gravity is stronger than that of magnetism. According to Hinduism through their Dasakam, Brahma, forgetting that Krishnia is avatar of Vishnu, had kidnapped all Gopas and their cattle for a year. Brahma returned after on earth year to find that everything was as is and the Gopas and cattle were still present even though 8 The Multi-verse 9 Brahma kidnapped them. Then Brahma saw millions of Brahma coming to salute Krishna and all the Vishnus going to Krishna. The Brahmas were then assigned the role to create different universes and each and every Brahma was responsible for creating a unique universe. CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTS There have been multiple experiments conducted in order to prove the multi-verse theory to be plausible. Some experiments have been successful while others not so much. We will look into and discuss a few experiments while seeing what they brought to the table and if they were successful. The first experiment was conducted by David Deutsch, a British physicist from the University of Oxford, and discussed in an article by Le (2010). Deutsch called his experiment the Four-Slit Experiment in which he took an opaque barrier with four-slits cut one-tenth of a millimeter apart and fired a laser on the opaque barrier. The laser then reached a screen that shows interference patterns of bright and dark fringes when a photon passes through the slits. Deutsch was able to distinguish the tangible (visible) photons from the shadow (invisible) photons, which are only detectable through their interference with tangible photons. Each tangible (visible) photon is accompanied by an entourage of shadow photons, and when one tangible photon passes through one slit some shadow photons pass through the other three slits. This helped conclude the existence of a hidden world teeming with shadow photons. These shadow photons share the same law of physics as their tangible counterparts through interference. The only difference is the positioning of each particle in each universe. The next experiment was conducted by Stephen Feeney, an Astrophysics student at the University College London, and discussed in an article by Scott (2012). Feeney argued that the The Multi-verse 10 impacts between the possible "bubble universes" could result in testable observations. The collisions caused would then produce in homogeneities in the inner bubble cosmology, raising the idea that their effects are imprinted in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Over the course of seven years data was obtained from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) through an algorithm designed specifically to determine the presence of collisions between bubble universes. Feeney anticipated that when "bubble universes" collided and azimuthal symmetrical imprint should be left on the (CMB). Unfortunately the analysis of the WMAP data does not provide supporting evidence for collisions between "bubble universes" having taken place. A more recent experiment led by Stephen Feeney, a PhD student from the University College London, who created an algorithm that examines the WMAP data for unique signatures. After determining the WMAP results would look like both with and without cosmic collisions then the algorithm kicks in to figure out which scenario fits with the WMAP data. According to Feeney (2012), the algorithm uses two unique parameters to choose the right scenario: adaptiveresolution techniques and optimal fillers. Unfortunately the results of this experiment are not yet conclusive enough to determine if we live in a multi-verse or not. CHAPTER 4. ARGUMENTS As with all theories there will be people who choose not to view the theory as plausible with a majority of them with facts to back them up. According to Megill (2011) Some physicists are upset with the multi-verse concept. This being because the possibility of the multi-verse having a limitation of physics. Physicists want to find a unique self-consistent set of equations that determines all microphysical constants. They hope that future theories will reveal that all physical parameters are uniquely determined. The Multi-verse 11 According to Scotts' (2012) article George Ellis believes that if you are going to test for a multi-verse you would need to know exactly what sort of multi-verse you are looking for and since we don't know the physical attributes of the multi-verse we are looking for then it will be impossible to test it. Ellis then goes into how the multi-verse theory cannot be listed as scientific is testability is one of the criteria which separates science. This argument will discuss is the study of cosmology is a scientific view or a philosophical one. Cosmology may have developed into a science this is not to say that it does not touch on philosophical themes - beginnings, origins, causes, and existence - regardless of where they found their origin. It can be argued that cosmology could be more philosophical than scientific. According to the article by Scott (2012) the problems we face with testing the multi-verse theory on if the multi-verse exists is the product of reason and the extension of currently existing cosmological models rather than of pure observation. Some naturalists deny the existence of the multi-verse even though the theory goes accordingly to what they believe. According to Megill (2011) a naturalist believes that the philosophical theorizing about the natural world should be consonant with scientific facts and theses, concerning both scientific matter and methodology. The naturalists cannot deny the existence of the multi-verse is possible given that multi-verses play a role in several scientific theories. Going back to the time travel multi-verse theory, the multi-verse according to Effingham (2012) is not proper time travel at all, for you end up not in your own past but a doppelganger universe. He states that what you have is not a time machine but a device that either generates universes, or navigates the already existing universes. In the same article Deutsch and Lockwood were cited describing that two times are appropriately connected if and only if they are The Multi-verse 12 qualitatively identical to their physical properties. The encounters problems given the possibility of an eternal, yet contingently unchanging, universe. All the times in such a universe would be connected. Every instant in that universe counts as being the same instant as every other thus creating a non-unique universe. CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION It seems as much information that we have covered we all have been to different universes ourselves. While looking at the different theories from various groups of people that have their own views on the multi-verse theory as well as their arguments it seems that there is plausible information for both sides of the argument. Even when it comes to experiments revolving around finding signs that there is a multi-verse, showed us ways we could check for it as well as the possibility that the outcomes of said experiments can't prove anything because of insufficient data. The way it seems to end is that everyone, whether they agree with theories or not, is that there is a possibility of a multi-verse though it may be a different result on how it came to be then the way they believe. The Multi-verse 13 References Ellis, G. (2011). The Untestable Multiverse. Nature, 469(7330), 294-295. Effingham, N. (2012). An Unwelcome Consequence of the Multiverse Thesis. Syntheses, 184(3), 375-386. Retrieved from: Scott, C. D. (2012). The Death of Philosophy: A Response to Stephen Hawking. South African Journal of Philosophy, 31(2), 384-404. Hand, E. (2009). THE TEST OF INFLATION. Nature, 458(7240), 820-4. Retrieved from: Livio, M., & Rees, M. J. (2005). Anthropic reasoning. Science, 309(5737), 1022-1023. Megill, J. (2011). Evil and the many universes response. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 70(2), 127-138. Le, T. (2010). The Multiverse. Quantum Mechanics and the Multiverse, (5), 34-44 Penre, W. (2012) Metaphysics Paper #3: Our Metaphysical Multiverse. The Wes Penre Papers Retrieved from: Livio, M. (2012) How Can We Tell If A Multiverse Exists? Huffington Retrieved from: Hawking S. & Mlodinow L. (2012) Choosing Our Universe. The Grand Design, 123-144. Muslim Debate Initiative (2012) Atheists and the 'Multi-verse argument'. A Rational Investigation into the Purpose of Life, (1) Retrieved from: D'Amico, V. (2011). Testing the multiverse... observationally. Universe Today The Multi-verse Retrieved from: Feeny, S. (2012). Hierarchical bayesian detection algorithm for early-universe relics in the cosmic microwave background. Cornell University Library Retrieved from: 14 Annotated Bibliography Ellis, G. (2011). The untestable multi verse. Nature, 469(7330), 294-295. The author discusses the nine possible theories that would explain that we live in a multi-verse. They then go into how these theories could possibly be correct, but they are not observationally or experimentally testable. This article is from the official journal of Effingham, N. (2012). An unwelcome consequence of the multi-verse thesis. Syntheses library, 184(3), 375-386. The author in this thesis discusses that the different universes in the multi-verse theory are actually different timelines. They use the Grandfather Paradox to support their claims. This article will give another look at how the multi-verse comes to creation if the theory proves plausible or even true. This article is from the official journal from the Synthese Library. Scott, C. D. (2012). The death of philosophy: A response to Stephen Hawking. South African Journal of Philosophy, 31(2), 384-404. The author in this article breaks down certain parts of Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinows book The Grand Design in particular the section of the book about the multi-verse theory. The other asks the question as to whether the multi-verse theory is scientific or philosophical or even both. They approach this by analyzing and deconstructing various hypotheses argued in The Grand Design. This source is useful as it discusses the theory from a different perspective and talent. This article is from the official journal of the South African Journal of Philosophy. Hand, E. (2009). The test of inflation. Nature, 458(7240), 820-4. The author discusses in this article Andrei Lindes' theory of the multi-verse. They talk about how the Universe might feel an inflationary force, but because of the its immense strength would inflate into a whole new universe which would be attached to our universe. We would never know this happened as it would be too small to see whereas the residents of the new universe saw it as the Big Bang. The author then discusses Paul Steinhardts reaction to Lindes theory stating that the new offshoot universes take over and the ones left behind become rare islands. This article is from the official journal of Livio, M., & Rees, M. J. (2005). Anthropic reasoning. Science magazine, 309(5737), 1022-1023. The author discusses the fact that physicist are hostile to the multi-verse theory because of the other universes different variables. Physicists want to discover a uniquely self-consistent set of equations that determines all microphysical constants. This article is from the official journal of Science Magazine. Megill, J. (2011). Evil and the many universes response. International journal for philosophy of religion, 70(2), 127-138. Retrieved from The author discusses reasoning's to why naturalists should not deny the multi-verse theory because of their belief that the natural world should be consonant with scientific facts. They cannot deny the existence since they play a role in scientific theories. This article is from the official journal of the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. Le, T. (2010). The Multi-verse. Quantum mechanics and the multi-verse, (5), 34-44 Retrieved from The author discusses the experiment David Deutsch worked on where he fired a laser on an opaque barrier with four slits one-tenth of a millimeter apart that shows the interference pattern of bright and dark fringes when a photon passes through the slits. This experiment discusses the possibility of parallel universes through the display of shadow photons. This article is from the official journal of Quantum Mechanics and the Multi-verse. Penre, W. (2012) Metaphysics paper #3: Our metaphysical multi-verse. The Wes penre papers. Retrieved from The author discusses the possible theory that for each choice we don't make puts aside a possible scenario that plays out in its own universe. Because we think of them, they become real in certain terms, as probably versions of the Multi-verse. This article is from the journal of the Wes Penre Papers. Livio, M. (2012) How can we tell if a multi-verse exists? Huffington post Retrieved from The author discusses the multi-verse through the 'landscape' scenario which is part of string theory. This article suggests that these multi-verses are in the "valleys" of this landscape. This article is from the official journal of the Huffington Post. Muslim Debate Initiative (2012) Atheists and the 'multi-verse argument'. A Rational investigation into the purpose of life, (1) Retrieved from The author discusses the Atheists views on the multi-verse argument giving their collective knowledge on how they believe it could work and what's controlling the choices. The atheists suggested two possibilities of how the multi-verse works. First through the use of a device within the multi-verse controlling it to make universes. Second that there is an outside source controlling the multi-verse. This article is from the official journal of the Muslim Debate Initiative. Hawking, S. & Mlodinows, L. (2012) Choosing our universe. The grand design. 140-144 The authors discuss the topic on the M-theory which states that space-time has ten space dimensions and one time dimension. They go into discussing how these dimensions came to be and why we can't see them or even reach them. They also go into describe the possible differences these dimensions have compared to our dimension. This chapter is pulled from Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow published book The Grand Design. D'Amico, V. (2011). Testing the multiverse... observationally. Universe Today The author discusses a computer algorithm designed by Stephen Feeney as well as other colleagues from the University College London, Imperial College London, and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. The author than discusses what the algorithm looks for as well as the basics of what it is supposed to do. This article is pulled from the official journal of Universe Today. Feeny, S. (2012). Hierarchical bayesian detection algorithm for early-universe relics in the cosmic microwave background. Cornell University Library The article pulled from the Cornell University Library discusses the algorithm behind the experiment conducted by Stephen Feeney, a PhD student from the University College London. It discusses a more in depth look into how the algorithm will actually work from the inside and where the data fits into it. This article is pulled from the Cornell University Library.