The Music Service Service Level Agreement Academic Year 2010-11 School: Little Primary School The Hill Sheffield Headteacher: Mrs Smith Sheffield Music Service agrees to provide services to support the music curriculum at Little Primary School. The Music Service will provide: A designated Music Service Assistant Manager for your area: Your manager is: Telephone No: E-mail Address: Specialist Instrumental/Vocal Teachers On-going support to Sheffield Music Service teachers including: - Continuing professional development and observations. - On-going support from a Sheffield Music Service Line Manager. - Up-to-date Enhanced CRB checks and renewals. - Safeguarding training. Recruitment and mentoring of new teachers. Continuing professional development opportunities for class teachers through the City Achievement Programme and a range of partners. Administration in the form of direct billing to families and carers. Wider Opportunities Programme including Pathways Lessons. Instruments on free loan for the Wider Opportunities Programme and Pathways Lessons. The offer of an annual review meeting with the Headteacher and Music Staff by request. The school will provide: A main contact in the school to liaise with instrumental/vocal teachers in order to: - Involve the Music Service teacher in parent’s evenings and other school activities. - Provide Music Service teacher with information regarding the individual needs of pupils. - Provide Music Service teacher with a yearly/termly school calendar - Include progress reports with school reports to parents at the end of the year. A commitment to this contract for one year ensuring a half-term’s notice is given of any reduction in hours. A deputy for class music lessons in cases of the illness of a Music Service teacher. Notification to the Music Service Office at least two weeks in advance of any days when tuition will not be possible due to school activities or closure. An understanding that lessons will in most cases be taught during curriculum time for a period of up-to 30 minutes when children may have to miss lessons. Appropriate and safe accommodation for lessons. Resources including music stands, CD player and when possible, a piano or keyboard. Support for the Wider Opportunities and Pathways Programme including: - The participation of the class teacher - Storage and Insurance for the musical instruments. - The school hall/large space for whole class lessons The Music Service Service Level Agreement Academic Year 2010-11 I have read this agreement and agree to the terms and conditions set out above. Little Primary School agrees to the following charges for the academic year 2010/11: Activity No of Sessions Total Charge WOP’s Pathways School Billed No of Sessions No of Hours No of Hours Total Charge Total Charge Total Charge Total £Total Charge For your information the value of your Wider Opportunities Programme 2009/2010 instruments is: 31 Brass instruments - £6,529 (Free of charge, school to provide insurance) Signed: ____________________________________________ Headteacher ____________________________________________ Music Co-ordinator ____________________________________________ SMS Head of Service Name of contact in school and role………………………………………………………………………… Contact email address.……………………...………………………………………………………………. Contact telephone number…...……………...……………………………………………………………… Please return to the Music Service Office by 30/09/2010 to: Emma Housley The Music Service Business Manager Bannerdale Centre 125 Carternkowle Road Sheffield S7 2EX Invoices will be raised centrally by Sheffield Music Service in 3 instalments with usual SCC payment terms of 30 days. The Music Service Optional Feedback Form for Schools Please use scale of 1 – 5 (1 is poor and 5 is excellent) How would you rate the following: 1. Quality of teaching and learning which is delivered by Music Service Teachers? 1 2. 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Relationship with you and your teachers? 1 5. 4 Organisation of dates and times? 1 4. 3 Punctuality and communication with school? 1 3. 2 2 3 4 5 Relationship with the children and their families? 1 2 3 4 5 Any other comments below would be gratefully received: Thank you so much for taking the time to fill in this evaluation. Our aim is to do our best to respond to your comments with information and/or action. Please e-mail for an electronic version of this form.