Faculty Name & Department/School: Benjamin (BJ) Philmus/ Department of Pharmacy Research Project Title: Characterization of secondary metabolite production from lichenized cyanobacteria. Project Overview: Cyanobacteria are well known producers of bioactive natural products. Some free living species have been identified as the causative agents of toxic algal blooms which have resulted in the death of farm animals and humans (i.e. Microcystis aeruginosa). However, in contrast to the tremendous work that has been done in researching free living species, symbiotic species have not been studied as intensely. Cyanobacteria are known to form symbiotic relationships with fungi which results in the formation of a composite organism known as the lichen. Lichens have been used throughout human history in traditional medicine and as dyes. Research has shown that lichens produce a large number of bioactive natural products but which compounds are derived from the fungus and which from the cyanobacteria is still not completely addressed. This project proposes to start characterizing the compounds produced by lichenized cyanobacteria that grow in the Pacific Northwest, particularly Oregon. What skills will students obtain in this project? Cyanobacterial culturing techniques (liquid and solid media), microscopic identification of cyanobacteria, genomic DNA isolation and PCR techniques to classify the isolated cyanobacteria, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry (MS), NMR characterization of isolated compounds. Student research tasks: All tasks will be performed with the help of an experienced lab member. Isolate cyanobacteria from lichen samples Grow cyanobacteria to isolate genomic DNA for taxonomic identification purposes Grow cyanobacteria for small molecule extraction followed by chemical characterization of the constituents by HPLC-MS and possibly NMR Period of work: Fall-Spring Number of hours per week expected of student: 5-10 Preferred Faculty Contact Information: benjamin.philmus@oregonstate.edu