
Euclid City Schools SLT Rubric
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
o Principal does not attend meetings
o Limited team membership
o Roles/responsibilities are not
defined or used during meetings
o Group norms have not been
o No clear data form/ protocols used
by teams.
o Meets less than monthly and does not have a
meeting schedule
o Team members attend some meetings
o Roles/responsibilities are loosely
o Group norms are not consistently followed
o Inconsistent use of team forms, agendas &
o DLT-SLT feedback is reviewed but not
o Data is not assembled
o TBT protocols are not submitted
o District/school data calendar is
rarely reviewed
o SLT-TBT feedback form is not
o Topics other than student
achievement and TBT functioning
are discussed
o TBT areas of reinforcement and
refinement are not identified
o Areas of reinforcement and
refinement with district/school data
from data calendar are not
o Data is inconsistently assembled and analyzed
for all students
o Not all TBT protocols are submitted to SLT
o District/school data calendar is reviewed
o SLT-TBT feedback form completed
o Most dialogue is about
management concerns or individual
student concerns, not about schoolwide strategies or implementation
of the 5-step process
o Implementation plan is not
o SLT work is not communicated
o Discussion is not connected to data
Step 5
o TBT areas of reinforcement and refinement
of 5-step process implementation are
inconsistently identified
o Patterns and trends of 5-step process across
TBTs are inconsistently identified
o Areas of reinforcement and refinement with
district/school data from data calendar are
inconsistently identified
o Feedback on the 5-step process is general and
not specific to components of the TBT rubric
o School-wide activities are recommended but
may not be connected to TBT or
district/school data from data calendar
o Implementation plan and communication is
discussed without specificity (eg:
communication and monitoring actions are
not fully developed)
o Responsibility for actions lies with one or
two people
o Data is inconsistently revisited
o Successful and unsuccessful strategies are
inconsistently identified
o Meet monthly with subsequent meeting dates set at each
o All members, including principal attend all meetings on time
o Membership on team includes all identified representatives per
contract (including special education teachers)
o Principal facilitates the meeting
o Roles/responsibilities are static at each meeting
o Group norms are followed and randomly checked for
o Team forms, agendas & protocols are used for reporting and
documentation only
o DLT-SLT feedback is reviewed monthly and implemented
o SLT protocols are reported to DLT
o Team members have reviewed data prior to meeting
o TBT protocols are reviewed
o Data is reviewed according to district calendar
o Data is analyzed for students with disabilities
o SLT members agree to what they should see and “look for” in
the TBT protocols based on the TBT rubric
o Meet monthly based on schedule created at beginning of
school year and shared with all building staff and DLT
o All roles are designed to build capacity of SLT members
o Principal facilitates the meeting, and team members lead
o Group norms are followed and monitored for meeting
o Team forms, agenda, & protocols guide the critical
learning during the SLT meeting
o SLT reports to DLT with specific strengths/needs
o TBT areas of reinforcement and refinement of 5-step process
implementation are identified
o Patterns and trends of 5-step process implementation across
TBTs are identified
o Areas of reinforcement and refinement with district/ school
data from data calendar are identified
o Areas of reinforcement and refinement are identified,
along with evidence for causes of these areas
o Feedback is provided to TBTs on implementation of 5-step
process, connected to the TBT rubric
o School-wide strategies (eg: professional development,
coaching, etc.) to address TBT/district/school data from data
calendar’s areas of reinforcement and refinement are identified
o Specific step 3 action is implemented, monitored, and
o Multiple ways to communicate actions are implemented
o Responsibility for actions extends beyond the principal
o Monitoring process is identified
o Feedback is provided to TBTs connected to the 5-step
process, citing specific data or research-based strategies
o Evidence provided that school-wide strategies are
prioritized according to TBT or school data need
o Data is revisited at defined schedule
o Successful/unsuccessful strategies are identified with evidence
o Both TBT protocols and district/school data calendar are
reviewed at each meeting
o Sub-group data is analyzed for all student groups
o Implementation and monitoring is understood by all, as
evidenced by embedded practice
o Causes for success or areas of concern are identified and
degree of implementation is discussed and verified
Adapted from Warrensville City School District - Revised 5/13/14