Unit Map 2012-2013 P.S. 105 The Blythebourne Collaboration / Grade 1 Unit 1 2012-2013* (P.S. 105 The Blythebourne) Wednesday, September 12, 2012 3:00PM Unit: Science (September 6, 2012 – November 30, 2012) Standards NYS: CCLS:ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects PreK–5, NYS: 1st Grade , Reading: Informational Text Craft and Structure 4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. Grade 1 focus: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. Big Ideas Essential Questions Patterns occur in nature. What kinds of patterns can we see in nature? Content What are different kinds of weather conditions and what is the pattern in which they occur according to the seasons? How do we measure and record the weather and temperature? How do the changes in the sun and moon affect the weather? Skills/Strategies Weather conditions change with each season Weather can be observed, measured, recorded, and compared throughout the year. Temperatures can be similar or different in different locations Day and night temperatures can be different The moon changes appearance over time There is a 24 hour day/night cycle(time) The changes in the sun’s and other stars’ position can be observed and recorded. The moon’s appearance changes relative to time of day and month, and there is a pattern of this change to be noted. The sun’s energy warms the air Vocabulary: Five senses, sight, hear, taste, smell, touch, weather, observe, record, measure, compare, contrast, temperature, thermometer, moon phases Skills: Choose simple tools to measure weather conditions Identify the functions of the five senses to collect data about weather Identify and describe the different kinds of weather Observe and describe weather conditions that occur during each season Observe, collect, organize and graph data and interpret results about weather throughout the year Observe, identify, and communicate cause and effect relationships between night and day temperatures Illustrate and describe the sun and moon’s changes over time Organize and sequence the 24 hour day/night cycle Identify variables of how the sun affects the weather Record and use appropriate units for measured or calculated values (i.e. Fahrenheit and Celsius) Strategies: Questions and questioning Summarizing Assessment/ Performance Task Season Book Formative: Performance: Authentic Task Create a season book that illustrates the weather pattern changes that happen in each season, how and why our families dress differently for each season, and what our families can do. Learning Activities Resources/Touchtone Texts/Field Trips -Read about scientists and the tools they use -Neighborhood walks to look for signs of the season -Identify the five senses and discuss how they help us react to the weather and seasons -Read a variety of books about weather -Discuss the weather conditions in each season -Record weather conditions that occur during each season -Observe, measure and record temperatures in different locations (indoor and outdoor) -Observe and record the changes of temperatures during day and night -Observe and record how the moon changes appearance over time (go to http://nyc20k105.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Develop/UnitMap/View/D efault?UnitID=311&TeacherID=98 for an activity sheet for recording observations) Create a model of the moon phases (go to http://1stgradewithmisssnowden.blogspot.com/2011/02/ moon-3.html for more information) Use Oreo cookies to recreate the moon phases (go to http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/usin g-oreo-cookies-to-learn-about-the-phases-of-the-moon for directions) -Create a timeline to illustrate the 24 hours of a day -Discuss the effects of the sun on our weather RUBRIC: Unit: 1 Grade: K 2 3 4 ELA: 1 Reading Social Studies 2 3 4 5 Writing Speaking & Listening Science Mathematics Performance task: Create a seasons book that demonstrates different types of weather for each season, the proper clothing for each season, and activities that can be done in each season. Skills and behaviors 4 Consistently above being taught standard 3 Consistent evidence of meeting standards 2 Inconsistent evidence of meeting standard 1 Little or very limited evidence Types of weather for each season Demonstrates accurate understanding of types of weather for each season Demonstrates some understanding of types of weather for each season Does not demonstrate understanding of types of weather for each season Demonstrates accurate understanding of the proper clothing to wear for each season Demonstrates some understanding of the proper clothing to wear for each season Shows no evidence of understanding of the proper clothing to wear for each season Demonstrates accurate understanding of activities that can be done in each season Demonstrates some understanding of activities that can be done in each season Does not demonstrate understanding of activities that can be done in each season Proper clothing for each season Activities that can be done in each season Demonstrates accurate understanding of types of weather for each season plus additional understandings Demonstrates accurate understanding of the proper clothing to wear for each season plus additional understandings Demonstrates accurate understanding of activities that can be done in each season plus additional understandings Reading Standards Reading Standards Writing Standards K – 5 Speaking & Listening Standards K-5 Language Standards K-5 Literature K – 5 Foundational Skills K – 5 Key Ideas and Details Print Concepts Text Types & Purposes Craft and Structure Phonological Awareness Conventions of Standard English Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Phonics & Word Recognition Production & Distribution of Writing Comprehension & Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Fluency Research to Build & Present Knowledge Range of Writing Text Types & Purposes