ЕКОЛОШКИ ПОКРЕТ НОВОГ САДА ECOLOGICAL MOVEMENT OF NOVI SAD основан 21. априла 1990. године ЧЛАН ЕКОЛОШКОГ ПОКРЕТА СРБИЈЕ - САВЕЗА ЕКОЛОШКИХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЈА СРБИЈЕ ЧЛАН ЕВРОПСКОГ ЕКОЛОШКОГ БИРОА Војвођанских бригада 17/I 21000 Нови Сад Република Србија тел.: ++381 (21) 420-175 тел./факс: ++381 (21) 529-096 e-mail:ekopokretns@gmail.com Web site: www.ekopokret.org.rs Матични број: 08198322 Бр. дел. _ 040/1 Бр. жиро рачуна: 125179014-84 _ Датум: 26.децембар 2014.године ПИБ: 101638099 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ECO-CONFERENCE® Eco-conference® is a unique scientific conference held from in 1995, held in Novi Sad, which from 2003, received international status and since 2007, it received purely scientific character, and sponsorship of the United Nations. First organizer is the Ecological Movement of the city of Novi Sad, a renowned nongovernmental environmental organization and the co-organizers are: Vojvodina Academy of Sciences and Arts, University in Novi Sad, International Independent Ecological–Politicological University, Moscow, Russian State Agricultural University - „K. A. Timirjazev”, Field and Vegetable Crops Institute, Novi Sad, Food Technology Institute, Novi Sad, Institute of lowland forestry and environment of Novi Sad Legambiente, National Ecological Organization, Italy. Traditional Eco-conference® patron is Matica Srpska, to which five times in a row, joined the UNITED NATIONS (2007-2011) in the non-financial sponsorship through line organizations such as UNESCO and UN FAO. Eco-conference® is traditionally held in the last full week of September, from Wednesday to Saturday, with daily supporting cultural events. In odd years (1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013) theme of Eco-Conference® is the environmental protection of the cities and suburban areas, which is divided into the following areas (sessions): I - ENVIRONMENT PARTS - air - water - soil - biosphere II - TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROTECTION ASPECT (Environmental Engineering) III - SOCIAL, HEALTH, CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL AND RECREATIONAL PROTECTION ASPECT IV - ECONOMIC ASPECT OF PROTECTION V - LEGAL ASPECT OF PROTECTION VI - ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM DESIGN (informatics and other applications in the fields of computer processing of integrated protection) VII - ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF CITIES AND SUBURBS In even years (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014) theme of EcoConference® is a healthy safe food, which is divided into the following areas: 1. Climate on the aspect of healthy safe food production. 2. Soil and water as the basis for agricultural production of healthy safe food. 3. Genetics, genetic resources, breeding and genetic engineering in the function of healthy safe food production. 4. Fertilizers and fertilization in production of healthy safe food. 5. Integrated plants protection, pesticides application and effects of residues. 6. Agricultural production from sustainable development aspect. 7. Production of field and vegetable crops from the point of healthy safe food. 8. Fruit and grapes production from the standpoint of healthy safe food. 9. Livestock production from the standpoint of healthy safe food 10. Application of food technology in the production of healthy safe food. 11. Economic standpoint of healthy safe food production and marketing. 12. Keeping, transportation and packaging of healthy safe food. 13. Nutritional value of healthy safe food and good quality nutrition. 14. Legal aspect of healthy safe food products protection. 15. Ecological models and softwares in the production of healthy safe food. Since 2007, the Eco-Conference® excludes professional scientific papers and becomes an international scientific conference. Papers are accepted in English only on a halfway of author's sheet (8 pages B5 size) and published in English in complete form in the Proceedings and during the working part are presented orally in English and Serbian, with simultaneous translation. Meeting the requirements of the Rulebook for conferences, the Parent Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science appointed Eco-conference® to international scientific status. Since 2007, beside Matica Srpska, as an Eco-conference® patron, joins organizations of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture – UNESCO, and since 2008, United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture - UNFAO. Thus, the Eco-conference® 2011, for the fifth time in a row received the patronage of the United Nations through the above mentioned organizations, which certified international scientific importance and reputation of Eco-conference®, classifying it in the world's scientific heritage. Behind the 18 Eko-conferences® held so far, in both themes, organized by the Ecological Movement, concluded with year 2014, and other conferences organized by the Ecological Movement, there are achieved results that include: two-volume monographs and thematic collections of scientific papers with more than 1.900 (one thousand nine hundred) scientific papers published in complete form to more than 14.000 (fourteen thousand) pages of text. Name of Eco-Conference®, the discussions and emblems are protected by law.