November 2015 STAGE 2 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW – History and Geography Semester 1 Semester 2 Aboriginal / Explorers H077, H078 Communities (local) H060, H060, H062 Year 3 Perception of the environment Aboriginal Perpectives Significance of the environment G022, G023, G024 Australian Continent G014, G015, G017 Remembrance local & global H063, H064 Year 4 Australian Neighbours Similarities / differences places Perception /protection 016, 019, 018 First Contacts H079 & H080 Different environments Protection/ sustainability G023, G0024, G025 STAGE 2 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW – Science Even Term1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Physics Earth and Space Chemistry Biology Physical world 2-6PW Built Environments 214BE Physics Odd Physical World 2-7PW Earth and Space 2-8ES Earth and Space Earth and Space 2 -9ES Life cycles 2-10LW Chemistry Material World 2-13MW Information 2-15I Biology 2-10LW Environment 2-11LW Semester 1 Outcomes Key Inquiry Questions 3 HISTORY – Community and Remembrance –(Local) H060, H060, H062 GEOGRAPHY Australian Continent G014, G015, G017 HT2-2 describes and explains how significant individuals, groups and events contributed to changes in the local community over time HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication GE2-1 examines features and characteristics of places and environments GE2-2 describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-3 examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry HISTORY Who lived here first and how do we know? How has our community changed? What features have been lost and what features have been retained? What is the nature of the contribution made by different groups and individuals in the community? HISTORY HK060The importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a local area. (This is intended to be a local area study with a focus on one Language group; however, if information or sources are not readily available, another representative area may be studied. Students: identify the original Aboriginal languages spoken in the local or regional area identify the special relationship that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have to Country and Place respond to Aboriginal stories told about Country presented in texts or by a guest speaker (Perspectives) GEOGRAPHY How and why are places similar and different? What would it be like to live in a neighbouring country? How do people’s perceptions about places influence their views about the protection of places? HK061 ONE important example of change and ONE important example of continuity over time in the local community, region or state/territory. Students: using a range of sources, describe and explain how and why ONE area, eg transport, work, education, entertainment and daily life, has changed or ONE that has remained the same in the local area, region or state/territory since colonial times (Analysis) HK062 The role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community Students: identify the various cultural groups that live and work in the local community focusing on ONE group, investigate their diverse backgrounds and outline their contribution to the local community using a range of sources, eg photographs, newspapers, oral histories, diaries and letters (Research) GEOGRAPHY The Australian continent Students: GK014, GK015 investigate Australia’s major natural and human features for example: description of natural features of Australia eg deserts, rivers, mountains location of Australia’s states, territories and major cities identification of Countries/Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Climate of places Students: GK017 investigate the climates of different places, for example: discussion of how weather contributes to climate comparison of climates in different places Semester 2 HISTORY - Colonies Aboriginal / Explorers H077, H078 HT2-3 describes people, events and actions related to world exploration and its effects HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication GE2-1 examines features and characteristics of places and environment GE2-2 describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-3 examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry HISTORY Why did the great journeys of exploration occur? What was life like for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples before the arrival of the Europeans? Why did Europeans settle in Australia? GEOGRAPHY How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things? How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability? How can people use places and environments more sustainably? HISTORY HK077 The diversity and longevity of Australia's first peoples and the ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) and the implications for their daily lives Students: identify the original inhabitants of Australia and create a timeline indicating their longevity in Australia of more than 50,000 years (Comprehension) investigate, drawing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives (where possible) and other sources, the traditional Aboriginal way of life, focusing on people, their beliefs, food, shelter, tools and weapons, customs and ceremonies, art works, dance, music, and relationship to Country GEOGRAPHY Significance of environments Students: GK021,GK022, GK024 investigate the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to the environment, animals and people, for example: identification of types of natural vegetation eg forests, grasslands, deserts explanation of the importance of natural vegetation to animals and the functioning of the environment eg provision of habitats, production of oxygen discussion of the importance of natural vegetation and natural resources to people eg provision of food, medicine, fuel, timbers, fibres, metals Outcomes Key Inquiry Questions 3 GEOGRAPHY Significance of the environment G021 G022, G023, G024 HK078 The journey(s) of at least ONE world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any impacts Students: discuss the significance of opening of world trade routes by early explorers such as Vasco da Gama, Columbus, Magellan outline the voyages of ONE early explorer, eg Zheng He, Torres, Jansz, Tasman, Captain Cook or La Perouse, and explain the impact of their voyages (Explanation) discuss the question: 'Who discovered Australia?' Perception of environments Students: GK022, GK023, GK024 investigate the ways people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, value environments, for example: discussion of why people value environments differently eg cultural, agricultural, commercial, recreational values description of how custodial responsibility for Country/Place influences Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ views of the environment Semester 1 HISTORY – Community and Remembrance (Local & Global) H063, H064 Outcomes Key Inquiry Questions 4 GEOGRAPHY Australian Neighbours, Similarities/differences places Perception /protection 016, 019, 018 HT2-1 identifies celebrations and commemorations of significance in Australia and the world HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication GE2-1 examines features and characteristics of places and environments GE2-2 describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-3 examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry HISTORY How and why do people choose to remember significant events of the past? GEOGRAPHY How and why are places similar and different? What would it be like to live in a neighbouring country? How do people’s perceptions about places influence their views about the protection of places? HISTORY HK063 Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Australia Day, ANZAC Day, Harmony Week, National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems Students: identify and describe local, state and national symbols and discuss the origins, symbolism and significance, eg the school logo, Australian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, coats of arms from states and Australia (Comprehension) identify important Australian celebrations and commemorations and discuss their origins and significance in society GEOGRAPHY Australia’s neighbours Students: GK016 Australia’s neighbouring countries and their diverse characteristics, for example: location of Australia’s neighbouring countries examination of the natural and human features of neighbouring countries comparison of the natural and human features of a city in Australia with a city in a neighbouring country HK064 Celebrations and commemorations in other places around the world; for example, Bastille Day in France, Independence Day in the USA, including those that are observed in Australia, such as Chinese New Year, Christmas Day, Diwali, Easter, Hanukkah, the Moon Festival and Ramadan Students: identify global celebrations and commemorations, including those of the major world religions describe the origin of these celebrations (Research, Explanation) Similarities and differences between places Students: GK019 investigate the settlement patterns and demographic characteristics of places and the lives of the people who live there, for example: examination of the varying settlement patterns and demographics of places comparison of the daily life of people from different places Perception and protection of places Students: GK018 investigate how the protection of places is influenced by people’s perception of places, for example: description of how and why people perceive places differently discussion of how people’s perceptions influence the protection of places in Australia eg sacred sites, national parks, world heritage sites Semester 2 HISTORY - First Contacts H079 & H080 HT2-4 describes and explains effects of British colonisation in Australia HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication Outcomes Key Inquiry Questions 4 HISTORY Why did Europeans settle in Australia? What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and early traders, explorers and settlers? HK079 Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, and their experiences following arrival Students: identify reasons for the voyage of the First Fleet and explain why various groups were passengers describe the establishment of the British colony at Port Jackson using a range of sources, investigate the everyday life of ONE of the following who sailed on the First Fleet and lived in the early colony: a soldier, convict, ex-convict, official (Analysis) HK080 The nature of contact between Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islanders and others, for example, the Macassans and the Europeans, and the effects of these interactions on, for example, families and the environment Students: describe the nature of contact between Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and others, including Aboriginal resistance explain the term terra nullius and describe how this affected the British attitude to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples use sources to identify different perspectives on the arrival of the British to Australia outline the impact of early British colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' country (Perspectives, Empathetic) GEOGRAPHY Different environments, Protection/ sustainability G020 G023, G0024, G025 GE2-1 examines features and characteristics of places and environment GE2-2 describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-3 examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry GEOGRAPHY How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things? How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability? How can people use places and environments more sustainably? GEOGRAPHY Different environments Students: GK020 investigate the natural characteristics of Australia and a country in Asia, for example: comparison of climate, natural vegetation and native animals Protection of environments Students: GK023, GK024, GK025 investigate sustainable practices that protect environments, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, for example: examination of how environments can be used sustainably eg sustainable agricultural, commercial and recreational practices discussion of ways waste can be managed sustainably examination of how the practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples support the sustainable use of environments eg use of resources