Thursday 14 November 2013, 5.00 pm
Present: Mrs Sarah Squire (Chair), Mr Dara Djavan-Khoshdel (MCR Secretary, to item 3), Dr Mike
Franklin (Academic Secretary), Dr Philip Johnston (Senior Tutor), Mr Tobi Olasunkanmi (MCR
President), Dr Aisling Redmond, Dr Corinne Roughley, Dr Carole Sargent (from item 2.1), Ms Sarah
Melker (minutes).
Apologies: Dr Grainne Long, Dr Megan Crawford (leave)
The Chair welcomed the new members of the committee: Dr Redmond, Dr Roughley, and the
MCR representatives.
Declarations of Interest
The minutes of the Main Business on 9 May 2013 were agreed.
No matters arising.
Sub-Committee minutes and matters arising
Scholarships Committee redacted minutes, 10 June 2013 [Paper AC31]
Revised list of current scholars [Paper AC32]
College policy re scholarships and bursaries
Senior Tutor reported on the two lists of sholars: the minutes showed expected award-giving
(drawn up in June) while the revised list showed actual awards. The scholarships policy is
specifically to encourage current students to stay on (typically from MPhil to PhD). Although
Hughes Hall cannot cover full costs the scholarships can act as ‘seed funding’ which is useful in
applying for funds from other sources.This year’s budget is 43k but projected spend is 35.7kThe
issue of the increasing amount of time and effort required in scholarship administration was
raised. Senior Tutor noted that while he was spending more time on this, is the HK scholarships
are managed by the Development Office.
The change of deadline was noted: this year the deadline is the end of February so as to have
shortlisting and interviewing occur at the end of Lent Term.
One student was named honorary scholar: although he was originally awarded a college bursary
, he was later able to secure full funding elsewhere and will not draw on Hughes funds.
The growth of Hughes scholarships was noted: from one small scholarship only a few years ago
to a total in the Scholarships capital Fund which is now heading in the direction of £1m, which
puts Hughes in a position to make offers to retain its best students. The MCR representatives
reported that students are aware of this now and are looking to stay on.
Learning Resources Committee minutes, 13 May 2013 [Paper AC33],
Minutes, Academic Committee, 14 November 2013
Library Committee notes, 4 Nov 2013 [Paper AC34]
It was noted that the remit of the Library Committee has changed over time, especially re IT,
and now only includes library-related IT. Academic Secretary expressed a need for the archives
to have a budget and requested that the College look into the recruitment a professional archivist
to update the lists. He has contacted archive schools and explored the possibility of having an
intern for a few weeks. The Chair raised the issue of library capacity and whether it would be
feasible to increase seating as student numbers grow. The current capacity is around 80 seats.
The MCR representatives noted that students appreciate that the library is open 24/7 and there
have been no complaints of overcrowding. It was noted that the Atrium, the two Seminar
Rooms and the Garden Lecture Room are used as overflow during busy times.
The Librarian’s report [Paper AC35] was received and noted. It does not need to go to GB. The
MCR President raised a question about one expensive budgetary item, the electronic book
issuing system, although it was noted that the replacement is not urgent. Senior Tutor noted that
the system is old and will need to be replaced; it has been included for future planning.
Action: AS to prepare a paper with draft budget on recruitment of a temporary professional archivist.
Admissions [Paper AC36]
Senior Tutor reported on a chart showing graduate applications prepared by the Academic
Office. In significant areas the applications and admissions are up from last year: there was a
jump in the number of MPhils, while PhD numbers are holding steady. The MCR president
reported that students at other colleges, particularly MBAs and PGCEs, recognise that Hughes is
an attractive place to study and have said that they would have applied to Hughes; some have
said that they are recommending Hughes to potential applicants. These data will be fed into the
policy discussion for Council.
The possibility of imposing a cap on admissions numbers in certain programmes was raised. It
was noted that University policy is to increase the number of 1-year graduates admitted through
the Student Registry at the rate of 2% per year. So numbers will continue to rise and Hughes
absorbs more than many colleges. A large jump occurred in 2009 when our numbers increased
by 20%. Higher numbers risks affecting the students’ quality of life. The difficulty of predicting
how many of those admitted will matriculate must be considered in any proposed caps.
Action: ST and Dr Devereux (Graduate Admissions Tutor) to prepare document on admissions numbers
and possible caps for Council meeting next Term.
Academic Events
The Academic Convenor reported on activities she has been organising [Paper AC37]. Although
fewer students showed up than expected at the first skills presentation held on 2 November,
those who came gave good feedback: they found the presentation very helpful and suggested
that it could be even more rigorous. Feedback from those who could not make it indicated that
students would prefer evening hours.
Next Term an Academic Half Day is being organised. Professor Simon Goldhill has agreed to
be the first speaker. Dr Normann Goodwin has offered to give a series of other presentations for
students on thesis writing. The Academic Convenor will investigate dates and times that would
work best for one-year students, including how to use software for referencing.
The possibility of providing study skills sessions for undergraduates was raised and will be
investigated further. The Academic Convenor suggested connecting PDRAs with PhD students
and Fellows with overlapping research interests for semi-formal exchange of ideas. These could
be held after Tutors’ meetings on Mondays as a social event with two short presentations
between 6 and 7pm. It was agreed that the Academic Convenor and Research Convenor will
look into organising this series.
Minutes, Academic Committee, 14 November 2013
The Chair thanked the Academic Convenor for making such a good start in this newly created
role which is fundamental to a key college objective, the raising of our academic profile.
Action: MCR President and Academic Convenor to coordinate survey to determine best dates for future
sessions. Academic Convenor to look into what is offered at other colleges and whether
coordination between the graduate colleges is feasible. Academic Convenor and Research
Convenor to organise a series of events, possibly on Mondays, to bring together PDRAs, PhD
students, and Fellows.
The Research Convenor’s report was tabled, and its
questions and suggestions were discussed. Researchers are allowed and encouraged to use the
College crest and follow the email signature guidelines. This fits in with the Development
Office’s strategy on consistent presentation and branding. Networking was discussed, and could
possibly take place as a continuation of the Monday event discussed under item 4, possibly postdinner wine and cheese. The Chair noted that there is a budget available for PDRA events. The
PhD Dinner in May could be opened to RFs and PDRAs, space permitting.
Action: Committee secretary (SBM) to pass on these points to Dr Long. Appropriate crest to be sent to
Dr Long for use by RFs and PDRAs. Senior Tutor to check whether PDRA budget can be used
for networking event.
Research Competition update
The Academic Secretary reported that the competition is under way with a view to electing new
Research Fellows at the Lent Term meeting of Governing Body. A reception for this group
could once again be held in early Easter Term.
Expenditure for 2012-13 and Budget for 2013-14 [Papers AC38, AC39, AC40]
Senior Tutor reported on expenditures and budget requests put in for the last term. Learning
Resources budget has been increasing steadily but is modest. The actual Academic budget is
over £400k but he only has control over about £100k of relatively small sum. It was noted that
supervision costs have risen, although higher student numbers cover this. The Newton Trust has
indicated that it will reduce its contribution to Cambridge Bursaries (now a separate budget line
from scholarships), so the College will need to find a way to compensate.
Publications by College members
The Chair noted that increasing the visibility of College members’ publications could be an
instrument for improving the College’s standing. Simple approaches such as a display of
Fellows’ published books, as is seen in some other colleges, can make the point well about the
vigour of academic life in this college. The question was: which member of the fellowship
would undertake to mastermind such action?
It was noted that the Web Fellow is working on encouraging Fellows to keep their public
profiles updated. A simple RSS feed was proposed, which could also include significant grants
received by College members.
Communicating information to potential students was discussed. Ideas for expanding the
website included providing a clear presentation of College members’ research interests and
more information on DoSs and subject area groupings.
Action: Committee to investigate ways of presenting this information; possible recruitment of a Senior
Member or Senior Associate to gather ideas. Suggestions will be passed on to Web Fellow.
Any other business
Minutes, Academic Committee, 14 November 2013
The MCR President reported on the mentoring system which was inaugurated this year, noting
that new BA students said that it was helpful. Although one-year students obviously will not be
able to play a part in this year-on-year process, the MCR is looking into expanding the scheme
for PhD students, and graduate medical students. The Chair commended the MCR
representatives for this excellent initiative.
Dates of next meetings – 6 February and 8 May, 5pm
Minutes, Academic Committee, 14 November 2013