P. Council March 2013 minutes

Our Lady of Charity - Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Date: March 25, 2013 (Met at Holy Family Site)
Attendance: Msgr. David Lee, Anita McManus, Eva Byrne, Amy Jo Lauber, Mary Anne King,
Audrey Kunz, Robert Zuercher, Ann Flaherty (trustee), Mary Blake (trustee), Susan Potaczala, Barbara Brady,
Salvatore Sanfilippo, Susan Ward.
Absent: Jim Coughlin (E) John Murphy, Gene Snusz(E) , Pearl Guerin (E), Paul Hammond.
Eva Byrne, VP called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with a prayer.
Approval of minutes : Will be taken at April meeting.
Liturgy Committee (Mary Anne) We ran out of palms and bulletins at both worship sites. Possible increase order
for next year. Currently preparing churches for Holy week. Next meeting will be April 8 to discuss visits to each
church and develop a list of items that need attention, either by repair or replace.
Spiritual Life (Sue P.) Discussed ways to encourage attendance at Adoration, including bulletin inserts,
announcements, article for newsletter etc. The presentation of Marianne Cope was held on March 18 with Religious
education students present. Quiet Waters Ministry will have a presentation on the Glorious mysteries of the Rosary
on April 22nd.
RCIA: (Barb) Met on 3/24 to go over final details for Easter Vigil Mass. There is a total of 14 Catechumens
receiving the sacraments. Holy family site -5, St. Ambrose-10, Baptism – 6, Confirmation- 13, First Communion –
10. Eileen and Barb will discuss possible changes for next year in order to devote more time into the program. There
has been an interest in others coming forward to help out as well.
 Ambrose Catholic Academy: (Jim) April10th grades 3-8 are attending a rally for Catholic Education, grades
K-2 are going to Dog Ears Bookstore for the day. Later in the month State testing (Math and English )for grades
 Trinity Catholic Academy: (Jim)State testing in Math and English are coming up.
Religious Education (Barb) Holy Family site children have prepared Easter crafts for patients at Veterans Hospital.
First Communion retreat will be held on Sunday, April 21 st at Holy Family site. Total of 53 children making First
Communion on April 27-28. First Reconciliation retreat will be held at Holy Family site on May 5th. First
Reconciliation is May 11th.
 Rosary & Altar Society (Sue P.) Meeting was determined to repeat the popular Roast Pork Dinner to be held on
April 14th with basket raffle and split club in the Holy Family site. Reservation forms are in the bulletin. Next
meeting April 9, 2013.
 Cenacles of Life (Sue W.) At last Cenacle, three people attended to pray two Rosaries for all life.
 Holy Name Society – No Report.
 Publicity – (Eva) Articles on various School and Parish events from news print were brought in.
St. Vincent de Paul Society (Audrey) There were two referrals so far for the month of March. Tops gift cards
totaling $150.00 were distributed. A stove and 2 refrigerators were purchased for $600. To help 2 families. A
weekly food drive to support the South Buffalo/Bishop Kmiec Food Pantry will begin the weekend of April 1314 at both worship sites. A shopping cart will be made available for the items to be placed in. The large blue
totes will remain for the collection of dignity items, paper products and laundry detergent. Applications are
available for children to attend the St. Vincent DePaul Resident Camp in Angola. The cost for a one week stay
is $285. However, if registered by June 14, there will be a saving of $45.
 Senior Citizens:
 St. Agatha’s (Barb)Next meeting is April 3rd at Maguire Hall with a chili lunch. Plans for annual picnic (July3)
will be discussed.
 St. Ambrose (Bob) April 5th meeting will host financial planner Dan Smith.
 Holy Family Evergreens (Audrey)March meeting was held at Mannys with an all you can eat buffet.
Nominations of officers took place. Next meeting April 24th.
Social Action Committee, including Pro Life: (Audrey) Members met on March 7th to prepare packets for Easter
mailing to shut-ins, Nursing Home residents, and the Military. Bottles for Babies drive ended on March 9-10.Totals
will be determined by next month. Next project will Memorial Day Weekend collection of dignity items, socks and
t-shirts for distribution to our Veterans. With the assistance of Fr. Lee, we are currently recruiting new members to
join the Social Action Committee to assist and take charge of specific projects.
Youth Ministry:
LifeLine for Kids no report
Youth Activities (Laura Kazmierczak) March events: Teen nights on Fridays, Saturday Lenten Activities for ages
5-10, Ronald McDonald service project 3/15, baby blanket service project. April thru May activities include OLC
Tots- hands on program for toddlers and mom ,dad, or caregiver. Looking into Youth Ministry Co-Ed softball for
High School aged group. Help at Summerfest and a 2-week program in August are in the works.
Girl Scouts (Jim) April 12th, YWCA for swimming. April 26 making their own Hula Hoops and learning how to
use them from an instructor.
St. Ambrose Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts troop 256
 Boy Scouts (Anita) Candy Bar Fundraiser at the Galleria Mall sold 568 candy bars as well as additional revenue
as tips and donations.Food was collected for South Buffalo Community table at Tops (Harlem and Mineral
Springs)Youth Protection Training will be held in Holy Family Site on April 2 nd. Joseph Adam and John
Callahan received Ad Altare Dei award from Bishop Malone at St. Joseph Cathedral.
 Cub Scout (Anita) Camping trip planned for April 19-21. Cub Scouts are currently having a coupon sale and are
working on their moving up badges. April 28, two cubs will be crossing over to boy scouts. Next meeting will
be in mid April.
Holy Family Youth Ministry
 Cub Scouts Pack 120 (Sue P.)Swimming at Caz. Pool on 19 th was fun. Easter egg hunt for cubs and siblings was
held. On April 20th Cubs will tour Tifft Nature Preserve with Den Leader ‘Nature Mary” Next pack meeting
will be April 26th.
Development (Mary Anne) Summerfest met March 20 to discuss raffle items (electronic prize) Also discussed
ideas for increase in ticket sales. Next meeting April 24.Parish Directory will be delivered around April 16 th.
Building and Grounds (Mary Anne)Holy Family: Expenditure for the masonry waterproofing ($14,000) was
discussed and approved. Repairs to exterior were already approved and work has begun in the most critical areas
which is above the doors. The balance will be completed in the Spring. Sealing the work will preserve it for 15-20
yrs. (Ajax Smith inc.)
St. Ambrose: Diocesan approval for the installation of dual air conditioning/heating system In the church.
Installation will begin in April. Equipment has been ordered.
Signs: the zoning board has approved the variance needed to install the sign at St. Ambrose site. Next step is
Common Council approval which takes place on Tuesday, April 2.
Next meeting May 15th.
Finances (Sal) Met on March 19th and approved quarterly report through Feb. 2013. Parish noted a budget surplus
of $43,000 for the halfway point of the fiscal year. Last year showed a surplus of $197,000. At the halfway point.
Spending out of this surplus has accomplished several goals. Maguire Hall has been painted and is in the process of
installing a new interior ceiling. A new sound system will be installed with speakers in the ceiling. St. Ambrose will
have heating and cooling upgrades that have been approved by the bishop. Holy Family has had 95 shingles replaced
in the roof, the flaking stone of the exterior will be addressed and a silicone spray applied. Discussion will continue
about the roof at Holy Family with some new suggestions as metal or elastic coating material possibly being applied
to the existing roof. Our Lady Of Charity has donated $70,000 to Catholic Charities Appeal to date. Next meeting
will be June 11th.
Pastor’s Report ( Fr. Lee) Mass attendance has grown. Talked about training of Music ministry, recruiting Ministers
of the Eucharist and ministers of the Word. Sue Jackson of Noah’s Arc will run a summer program for children ages
3-7. There will be a 2 week Summer Music Camp beginning July8th and July15th. 3-9th graders are welcome to
Old Business-Board of Elections would like a portable aluminum ramp in place for the elections on May 7th at St.
Ambrose. Flag donated by Krug family will be blessed on Flag Day as part of the school celebration. It will then
travel from time to time to the other parish sites for display. It is not recommended to display flag outside as
deterioration happens quickly, and due to circumstances we would like preserve it.
New Business Nomination process discussed. June 23rd installation of members with the 8:30 mass at Holy Family
Closing Prayer –Eva Byrne, VP closed the meeting with a prayer.
Next Parish Council meeting date: Monday, April 22, 2013 at Holy Family Site.
Respectfully submitted by Sue Ward