Highlands at Gunston Homeowners Association c/o: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ASSOCIATION COMPLAINT FORM Pursuant to Chapter 29 of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of The Highlands at Gunston Homeowners Association (the “Association”) has established this complaint form for use by persons who wish to file written complaints with the Association regarding the action, inaction or decision by the governing board, managing agent or association inconsistent with applicable laws and regulations. Legibly describe the complaint in the space on the following page, and provide the following: 1. The requested action or resolution of the issues described in the complaint. Your complaint must contain the remedy, relief, action or resolution you desire in response to your complaint. The Association is not required to grant any remedy, relief, action or resolution not requested in the complaint. However, the Association, at its discretion, may grant any legally permissible remedy, relief, action or resolution, even if not requested in the complaint. 2. References to the specific facts and circumstances at issue and the provisions of Virginia laws, regulations and Association governing documents that support or relate to the complaint. 3. Any supporting materials, correspondence and other documentation (“Documentation”) related to the complaint. The term “Documentation” includes but is not necessarily limited to drafts, contracts, diaries, correspondence, communications, telegrams, teletypes, memoranda, notes, e-mails, studies, reports, minutes of meetings, transcripts, drawings, graphs, charts, viewgraphs, photographs, films, microfilms, slides, magnetic and electronic recordings, sound recordings, lists, minutes, checks, receipts, bills and entries in books of account. The Association, at its discretion, may consider Documentation not provided initially with the complaint, but is not required to consider Documentation not provided initially with the complaint. If there is insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet of paper to this complaint form. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ **NOTE: THE FAILURE TO INCLUDE THE INFORMATION INDICATED IN ITEMS 1, 2 OR 3 ABOVE COULD RESULT IN THE DISMISSAL OR DENIAL OF YOUR COMPLAINT. IN ADDITION, THE FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASSOCIATION’S “RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR RESOLVING WRITTEN COMPLAINTS BY MEMBERS AND OTHER CITIZENS” (THE “COMPLAINT RESOLUTION”) ALSO COULD RESULT IN THE DISMISSAL OR DENIAL OF YOUR COMPLAINT. A COPY OF THAT RESOULTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TO THE ASSOCIATION’S REPRESENTATIVE LISTED ABOVE. Sign, date and print your name and address below and submit this completed form, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the Association at the address listed above. The Association need not consider, or follow the requirements of the Complaint Resolution for, any complaints not delivered to the Association at the listed address by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Printed Name: Signature: Date: Mailing Address: Lot/Unit Address Contact Preference: _______ Phone ________E-mail E-mail Address: Phone Number: You are entitled to receive notices concerning your complaint via hand delivery or via registered or certified mail. These notices include but are not necessarily limited to acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint, requests for additional information to you from the Association concerning your complaint, notices of hearings on your complaint, and results of hearings on your complaint (collectively “Notices”). However, if you wish to receive Notices concerning your complaint by electronic mail, please mark the space below and write the e-mail address to which you would like the Association to send you Notices. Please note that if you choose to receive Notices via e-mail, the Association will not be required to send you notices and decisions via hand delivery or via registered or certified mail. _____ I WISH TO RECEIVE NOTICES CONCERNING MY COMPLAINT VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL, AT THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________ If, after the Board’s consideration and review of the complaint, the Board issues a final decision adverse to the complaint, you have the right to file a notice of final adverse decision with the Common Interest Community Board (“CICB”) in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the CICB. This notice shall be filed within 30 days of the date of the final adverse decision, shall be in writing on forms provided by the Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman (“Ombudsman”), shall include copies of any supporting documents, correspondence and other materials related to the decision, and shall be accompanied by a $25 filing fee. The Ombudsman may be contacted at: Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23233 804/367-2941 CICOmbudsman@dpor.virginia.gov