Spelling Choice Board
You must do 4 of these activities over the week. On Thursday , staple your 4 activities together, and turn them in. Make sure to put the title of the activity on each page, and your NAME . You may NOT repeat the same activity twice in one week. If you choose not to do the activities on the board, you may write the words, and definitions 10 times each nightly, and receive the same credit.
Pyramid Practice
Word Work Wizard
Make a set of flashcards using your spelling words.
Have a family member or friend quiz you on the spelling.
Lyrical Linguist
Make up a song or rap using your spelling words.
Highlight the words as you use them. Make sure to consult a dictionary to see that you are using the word correctly.
Write your words in the shape of a pyramid.
Ex: can c ca can
Colorful Capitals
Write each of your spelling words in ALL capital letters, using a different color for each letter .
Computing Communicators
Type your words on a computer. Then print them out. Choose your favorite font!
Whimsical Wording
Write your spelling words in fun writing. Be creative
(bubbly, squiggles, block, graffiti, etc.)
Ex: can can can
Write your words in ABC order!
Then, write your words in backwards ABC order!
Cut-Out Capers
Write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue them on a paper.
Word Search Wackiness
Use graph paper , and your word list to create a word search. See if your friend or family member can find your words!
Made Up Madness
Create your OWN spelling review activity. Please explain the activity on your paper, and demonstrate how it is done.
Draw and color a picture.
Hide your spelling words inside your picture. See if someone in your family can locate your words!
Story Telling Spelling
Write a story using all of your spelling words.
Highlight the words in your story. Use a dictionary to make sure that you are using the words correctly.
Dictionary Detective
Look up your spelling words.
Paraphrase the definitions to each word.
5 Times the Fun!
Write your spelling words 5 times each. Use your best print handwriting.
Test Your Skills
Make up a multiple choice spelling test using this weeks’ words. Have one choice be correct, and 2 incorrect answers. Make sure to include an answer key! Quiz a friend, classmate, or family member.
Ex: 1. Which word is spelled correctly? a.
cna b.
anc c.