Doctoral Overseas Conference Grant Form

Doctoral Overseas Conference (DOC) Grant
The Doctoral Overseas Conference (DOC) travel grant supports overseas conference attendance for doctoral
students at Sussex. Funding will be limited to £1,000 for any one student during the period of their
registration. The Doctoral School may use its discretion to award less than the maximum amount.
The DOC grants are administered by the Doctoral School on behalf of the University. The call for applications
is now open, with a deadline for applications of 29 January 2016. Applicants are asked to complete the
attached form and return it to Anna Izykowska in the Doctoral School, Research & Enterprise Services, Falmer
House, clearly marked as an Doctoral Overseas Conference Grant application.
The following criteria will apply:
Priority will be given to students who are self-funded.
Applicants must be registered for a doctoral degree at the University of Sussex and the application made
prior to submission.
Funding applications will be considered by members of the Doctoral Studies Committee. In allocating the
awards the following criteria will be used:
 Quality of application (including provision of evidence)
 Conference profile and suitability
 Supervisor’s statement
The proposed budget must be evidenced, reasonable and detailed, applications must have detailed
budgets, with evidence of proposed costs i.e. a print out of the flights, accommodation and conference
attendance costs, please note that applications will not be considered unless they . Please note payment
will be in the form of reimbursement. Documentary evidence, in the form of receipts or equivalent,
covering all expenses included in the budget, must be provided to the Doctoral School Office in order for
payment to be released.
Payment includes a contribution towards travel costs, accommodation and conference fees only. Expenses
for visas or subsistence are not included.
The University requires that students requesting funding for overseas conferences are active participants
in the conference with either a paper or presentation accepted, evidence is required that students have
been accepted to give a presentation.
Decisions will be communicated by email normally within 2 weeks of the call closing.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a 400 word report of their experiences to the Doctoral
Students travelling abroad must obtain University of Sussex travel insurance for the trip. Further details
regarding insurance cover and the relevant application form can be found at this link
Any queries on the competition or on completing the application form below should be directed to Anna
Izykowska, Doctoral School, Falmer House, University of Sussex BN1 9QF:
Personal details
Full Name:
School of Study:
Sussex Student Registration Number:
Are your studies funded?
If funded please give the name of your funder and
brief details of your award:
Details of conference attendance
Please give the exact dates of your proposed
Please tick the box to confirm that you will be
presenting at the conference and attach
confirmation from the conference organisers that
you have been accepted to present
City/region and country to be visited
Have you previously applied to the Doctoral School
for travel assistance? If so, when and how much
were you awarded?
Please explain any practical (not academic) requirements or problems you foresee in making arrangements
for your conference attendance in the box below, including any relevant restrictions on obtaining visas.
Funding bid
Please enter below the total sum of funding you wish to bid for. The Doctoral School reserves the right to offer
awards of less than this sum.
Budget – Costs
Please complete a detailed budget plan for funding your proposed conference attendance. Bear in mind that
you should take the cheapest option wherever possible. Please include a cost for each of the specified items
below or write ‘n/a’ (not applicable.) you must give full breakdowns, for example including all elements of
travel. If you need more space, please attach a complete separate copy of your budget to this application form.
Applications will not be considered without a detailed and evidenced budget.
(Please express as x nights at y price)
Conference fees
Have you applied for funding to finance this trip from elsewhere? If so please provide more information.
For example, where have you applied? Has a decision been made?
If you are subsequently notified that funding has been awarded for this trip from another source, you must
contact the Doctoral School so that this can be taken into account.
Purpose of conference attendance
Please explain how your conference attendance will make an essential contribution to your research or to
your development as a researcher. (Maximum: 350 words.)
Student’s declaration
I confirm that I have read the guidance on eligibility and, based on these, believe that my proposed conference
attendance is suitable for support. I will inform the Doctoral School if the conference attendance is cancelled
or if the length, location or nature of the visit is changed. I will inform the Doctoral School if I receive funding
from another source in connection to this conference. I understand I will be required to provide documentary
evidence for any payment(s) to be released.
Supervisor’s statement of support (Maximum: 350 words.)
Supervisor’s endorsement
I confirm that the Conference identified is suitable to enhance the individual’s development as a researcher.
Print name: