PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h PROVINCE WIDE WEATHER Today: Mostly cloudy conditions to the entire province except the eastern portion north of the Churchill River. Rain showers possible on the western side, central areas and southern of the province. There is a risk of thunder shower for most of the province. Tonight: Much the same as today. Outlook for Tuesday: Mostly cloudy conditions with showers. There will be some clearing in the Agricultural Zone with a risk of thundershowers. There is also a risk of thundershowers along the western and southern side of the forested area. Smoke: Smoke is not expected to be a problem today. Highways New Road Closures (Fluid) Hwy 102 Hwy 916 Hwy 969 Hwy 2 North at the Hwy 264 Jct Hwy 2 North at Weyakwin Jct. Hwy165 West of the 910 Jct to Beuaval Hwy 165 East Of Beauval Hwy165 East of Hwy2 to Hwy 106 Hwy 912 (Wapewekka Rd) North of the East Trout Lake Jnt. Hwy 914 Hwy 955 from La Loche Hwy 965 (Cluff Lake Road) Ramsey Bay Road Elaine Lake Road Hwy 937 Fire information: For provincial fire reports, fires activity maps and fire danger maps go to: 1 PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h PAGC WILDFIRES OF INTEREST: INCIDENT 15WY – MLIR13 (Montreal Lake) 15WY – PHILION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 4,100 ha Not Contained Montreal Lake Reserve, Timber Bay at risk. Montreal Lake Reserve, Timber Bay evacuated No change from previous report of 7 values confirmed burned at Montreal Lake since Jul 3, including one 4-plex. Buckland and Smeaton Fire Departments in Montreal Lake, handling spot fires. Helicopters, crews working with dozers, values protection in place. Continue patrol hot spots off of Waskesiu Road and around the subdivision 30 military personnel deployed Better conditions helping progress in extinguishing hot spots. Fire line around community holding, no significant fire growth INCIDENT LOCATION North of Montreal Lake, east of Hwy 2. LOCATION East and North of Weyakwin SIZE (Ha) STATUS 105,000 Not Contained Weyakwin, Ramsey subdivision, and the Provincial Rec Site at Weyakwin, Highway 2, Sasktel Tower at risk. Weyakwin, Ramsey subdivision evacuated. Six Type 2 crews and two Type 1 crews working at Weyakwin town site including Carlyle Fire Department. Crews working with dozers and heavy equipment north of Weyakwin, tying into unburnt fuels to cut block. Water hauling equipment is supporting the crews. Martensville Fire Department is working at Ramsey Bay on hot spots. 65 military personnel assist on new hot spots. Fire has burned up to the outer limits of the Northern Hamlet of Weyakwin and the Ramsey Bay Subdivision which continue to be protected by catlines and/or sprinklers. Crews are working along the major road corridors to reduce smoke and fire issues 2 PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h Other Fires of Interest as of July 10 INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS Surrounding the north 96,271 ha end of the airport, and Not Yet Contained 1.5 km west of La Ronge Areas Impacted: La Ronge, Wadin Bay, Nemeiben Lake, Sucker River, English Bay and Highway #102. All fires in the region - All previously announced evacuations remain in effect. 60 man army unit and Ontario crew assisting atthe La Ronge Airport and to the east of La Ronge 30 man army unit assisting at Wadin Bay and Sucker River 30 man army unit assisting at English Bay Wadin Bay and Nemeiben Lake campgrounds have burned and will be closed for the remainder of the year. Fire line east of airport stable, fire line west of airport moved further to the west. 15LA-EGG INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 5 km east of Laloche 15BN-MACK 15 km SW of Turnor Lk 27,911 ha Not Contained 6km north of Bear Crk La Loche, Bear Creek, Turnor Lake, Clearwater River Dene Nation, Bear Creek, Hwy 155 and Hwy 909 at risk. La Loche, Clearwater River, and Turnor Lake on full evacuation. The fire grew north and has become a threat to HWY 955. Aircraft were grounded due to smoke and rain The Brady fire and the Mack fire are approx. 3.5 km apart on the north east corner of the fire INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15LX-SENYK 2 km west of Pinehouse 85,000 ha Community of Pinehouse, Cabins on Seymore Lake at risk. Fire crews continue to work on the cat line protecting the community Not Contained INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15BN-BRADY North of La Loche approx. 14 km north of Clearwater Dene Nation. 92,000 ha On going assessment Clearwater Dene Nation, La Loche, Hwy 955 (Cluff Lake Road) at risk. No resources on the fire as all aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain. A finger of the Mack fire is within 3.5 km from the SW corner of the Brady Fire. INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15BN-MALLORY 24 km south of Turnor Lake 6100 ha Not Contained 3 PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h Turnor Lake at risk. No firefighting activity as all aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain. 24 km from Turnor, 15 km from Bear Creek INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15LA-BOB 40 km northeast of La 27,198 ha Not contained Ronge Miles Lake, McKay lake at risk. VP crews continue to maintain water systems and sprinklers systems active. Crews on SE part of fire, supported by 2 helicopters INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15LX-BOB West side of Hwy 903 north of Canoe Lake 800 ha Not Contained SIZE (Ha) STATUS Hwy 903, McKay Lake at risk. Aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain. Fire received some rain and hail July 11 INCIDENT LOCATION 4.5 km North of 173,941 ha Protecting Values Patuanak Patuanak, English River First Nation, cabins on Primeau Lake at risk. Patuanak, English River evacuated. The fire is now 4.5 km north of the community of Patuanak, the fire has reached the Churchhill River and is on the east shore of the Shaganaw Lake. South end of the fire it is approx. 8 km east of HWY 918 15LX-FORCIER INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS West of Vermette Lake Ongoing 62,000 ha and South of Dillon Lake Assessment Vermette, Dillon and Little Dillon Lakes at risk. It is confirmed that 3 cabins burned on Dillon Lake (all belonging to the school) and 1 cabin burned on Dillon River No firefighting activity as all aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain 15BN-BRAY INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 18,902 ha 16 km north of Not contained Grandmothers Bay Dickens Lake, Grandmothers Bay, Hailstone Lake at risk. Dickens Lake, Grandmothers Bay, Hailstone Lake evacuated. Fire is ~11.7 km northwest of Grandmother’s Bay The fire crossed highway 102, approximately 1 km north of Dickens Lake Rec Area Also monitoring the Marcus Fire ~ 4 km to the south of Grandmother’s Bay 15LA-BRIAN FIRE INCIDENT SIZE (Ha) West of La Loche, on 3,940 ha west side of Lac La Loche. Clearwater Dene Nation and La Loche at risk. No firefighting activity as all aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain 15BN-CLAY LOCATION STATUS Not Contained 4 PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15LX-SUDDEN 2 km west of Hwy 155 north of Green Lake at km 60 7,035 ha Ongoing Assessment Derocher Lake and Highway 155 at risk. Active was relatively quiet July 11 Ground crews working the east and west side of the fire INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 49.8 km northeast of La 7,036 ha Ronge VP units are deployed on values and running. 15LA-BEAR INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) Not Contained STATUS West of Upper Cummins Ongoing 12,250 ha Lake Assessment Niska Channel (at south end of Little Peter Pond Lake) at risk. Dillon, Michel Point, St. George’s Hill smoke issues The fire is still approx. 1 km from HWY 925 and 30 km away from Dillon and St. George’s Hill. July 11 No firefighting activity as all aircraft grounded due to smoke and rain. 15BN-JAYLEEN INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) 15LA-STOWERS 37 km southwest of 904 ha La Ronge Hall Lake, Clam Lake, and Sikatchu. Hall Lake, Clam Lake, Sikatchu under general evacuation. Two crews working the west and eastern edges of the fire line INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS Not Contained STATUS 15LA-LYNX 22 km Southwest of 329 Not Contained Stanley Mission 2 km north of Hwy 915 Highway 915, south of Stanley Mission at risk. Fire at north side of road and risk of spreading to south side or road at km 6 into Stanley Mission Ground support and retardant truck continue to be in place for Stanley Mission access INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 16.5 km Northwest of La Ronge 5 to 7 values on Williams Peninsula Comments/Actions Ongoing assessment. 2,689 ha Not Contained INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15LA-CAREY 41 km Southwest of La Ronge 200 ha Not Contained 15LA-FRANCIS Values @ Risk 5 PAGC Briefing Monday July 13, 2015 @ 1100h Values at Mitchell Bay, Hunter’s Bay, Pickerel Bay MOE cabin at Hunter’s Bay Comments/Actions Fire has grown considerably in size Assessment of fire underway Water bombers on the fire July 11 INCIDENT LOCATION SIZE (Ha) STATUS 15DB-VANCE 8.5km west of Deschambault Lake 12,979 ha Not Contained Values @ Risk Deschambault Lake Comments/Actions Two crews with helicopter support being deployed to northeast corner to begin securing line towards the community. 6