08- August 2015 Session Minutes

Lakeside Presbyterian Church - Henrico, Virginia
Session Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2015
Elders present:
Carol Cummens
Kenny Spicer
Wanda Dreelin
Ann Amrhein
John Edelin
Linda Volovick
Elders Excused:
Kathryn Sowers
Bill Shepherd
Elders Absent:
Kelly Cage
Pastor Dick Mahlmann, Session Moderator, opened the meeting with prayer at 6:05 p.m.
A motion was made by Ken Spicer and seconded by Linda Volovick to approve the agenda.
The motion passed.
Personnel Sub-Committee: During this report, Wanda Dreelin and Ann Amrhein were
excused from the meeting as both of these elders are employees of the Weekday Preschool.
 The session was given the names and salary scales of the preschool employees for
the school year 2-15-16. A motion was made by Teddy Martin on behalf of the
committee to approve the salaries. The motion passed.
Pastor Dick and Teddy discussed the newly revised personnel manual for both the
church and the preschool. Due to its length, eighty-six pages, copies were not
provided. Session was advised that the committee had approved the document and
the session was being notified for information only.
Pastor's Report:
 Pastor Dick reported on the death of Mildred Berry
Pastor Dick reported that Lisa Martin is progressing well after her surgery.
Pastor Dick gave a report on the oak tree removal next to the church. The work was
completed in one day, including chipping out the stump, and that side of the church is
beginning to dry out now that it can get sun.
Pastor Dick gave an updated report on the Bike Race that will take place September
20. We should not be impacted by road closures.
Pastor Dick gave a report on the Ecumenical Prayer Service to be held September 29
at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in which he will participate.
Pastor Dick reviewed the 2015-16 preschool budgets. After a review and questions, a
motion was made by Carol Cummens and seconded by Wanda Dreelin to approve the
budget. The motion passed.
Pastor Dick requested a vacation during the Thanksgiving Holiday beginning
November 24 - 29, 2015. November 29 is a Sunday and Linda Volovick’s committee
will be responsible for finding a pulpit supply. A motion was made by Ken Spicer and
seconded by Wanda Dreelin to approve the request. The motion passed.
 A motion was made by Carol Cummens and seconded Linda Volovick to approve the
minutes of the June 19st stated meeting as presented. The motion passed.
Clerk’s Report: No Report
Committee Reports:
Christian Nurture: No report.
Commitment Committee: No written report.
 A motion was made by Ann Amrhein on behalf of the committee to accept the July
2015 Financial Statement from the pre-school. The motion passed.
Property Committee: No written report.
 Kenny Spicer gave an update on the sewer line repairs and possible additional repairs
that may be necessary.
The session gave the authority to Pastor Dick to proceed with exploring whatever
additional repairs might be required.
Witness Committee: The committee’s report is filed in the church office in the committee
reports notebook and available for review.
Worship Committee: No written report.
 Linda Volovick thanked John Edelin for handling the sermon during Dick’s absence.
A motion was made by Linda Volovick and seconded by Wanda Dreelin to hold Sunday
services in the parlor through November 15 and then move services to the sanctuary
for the remainder of the year.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
A motion was made by Ann Amrhein and seconded by everyone to adjourn the meeting. The
motion passed.
Pastor Dick closed the meeting with a prayer at 7:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Teddy Martin, Clerk of the Session