Essay Assignment - Business Biography

Principles of Business: Unit Two
What Makes a Business Special?
Your job is to summarize the lessons you’ve learned while completing the Business Biography in two separate
essays. In the first essay, you should address the following topics: (name this essay
 Strategies for successfully working in a group
 Challenges/pitfalls your group faced and how you resolved them
 Your thoughts on whether working in a group helped or hindered the amount you learned about
In the second essay, you should address the following topics: (name this essay
 A description of your Business
o Form of Business Ownership
o Struggles and Risks
o Successes
o Products and/or Services
o Targeted Customer
 What you believe makes your business successful (or unsuccessful)
 The big lessons/ideas you got from analyzing this business (maybe this is something you learned about
that particular business or about businesses in general or about the economy)
Save both essays in your google drive in the folder for this class that you’ve share with me.
Some notes for success:
 Business Writing is BRIEF, neither essay should be longer than a page
 Address the essay to ANYONE
 Each essay should stand on its own: I should be able to hand your essay to a perfect stranger and they
should be able to understand it
 These essays are both PERFORMANCE
The essay is engaging and
interesting, capturing the audience’s
attention. The essay provides a very
complete picture of the strategies
used as a group, and the pitfalls and
how you overcame them. Your
thoughts on group work are
CRYSTAL clear and professionally
expressed. The essay is professional
in quality, easy to understand and
could be used as a model example.
The essay is well written.
The essay provides a clear
picture of the strategies
used as a group and the
pitfalls and how you
overcame them.. Your
thoughts on group work
are clear. The essay is
excellent quality and easy
to understand.
The essay is adequately
written. The essay partially
addresses the strategies and
the pitfalls and how you
overcame them. The reader
gets an adequate picture of
your group work and your
thoughts on group work.
The essay is not particularly
The essay is poorly written with
numerous structural issues. The
essay does not address the
strategies and the pitfalls and
how you overcame them. The
reader gets an unclear or
confusing picture of your group
work and your thoughts on
group work. The essay is not
Written Material: Attractiveness, Mechanics, Organization
Material is 100% professional and
flawless. No misspellings or
grammatical errors. Content is
extremely well organized with a
logical flow
Material is professional.
Less than 3 misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Content is well organized
with a logical flow.
Less than 5 misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Content is mostly
Written material detracts from
content due to errors or
The essay is engaging and
interesting, capturing the audience’s
attention. The essay provides a very
clear picture of the business.
Analysis of business success is
perceptive. Lessons are insightful
and demonstrate the value of the
project. The essay is professional in
quality, easy to understand and
could be used as a model example.
The essay is well written.
The essay provides a clear
picture of the business.
Analysis of business
success is good. Lessons
are complete and accurate.
The essay is excellent
quality and easy to
The essay is adequately
written. The essay provides
an adequate summary of the
business. Analysis of
business success is
rudimentary and obvious.
Lessons are adequate but
obvious. The essay is not
particularly engaging.
The essay is poorly written with
numerous structural issues. The
essay does not provide a clear
summary of the business.
Analysis of business success is
missing or incomplete. Lessons
are missing, incomplete or
inaccurate. The essay is not
Written Material: Attractiveness, Mechanics, Organization
Material is 100% professional and
flawless. No misspellings or
grammatical errors. Content is
extremely well organized with a
logical flow
Material is professional.
Less than 3 misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Content is well organized
with a logical flow.
Less than 5 misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Content is mostly
Written material detracts from
content due to errors or