“Objects of Early Modern Literature” Provisional Programme THURSDAY Queen Mary, London 10.30-10.45: SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION Joad Raymond, Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise, Line Cottegniess 10.45- 12:30: SESSION 2: CARD AND NEWSLETTERS Joad Raymond (Queen Mary), “Newsletters in early-modern Europe” Ruth Ahnert (Queen Mary), “Newsbooks and images” Louise Fang (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): “The King was slyly fingered from the deck”: card games, playing cards and the imagery of kingship in Shakespeare’s Henry VI Claire Labarbe (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): French Suits and the Fashioning of Standard English-pattern Packs : Understanding the Playing-Card Device in Samuel Rowlands's Series of Knaves Discussion 13:15-14:15: SESSION 3: ORNAMENTS Nancy Oddo (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Objects of coquetry in French devotional narratives of the Baroque age Anne-Valérie Dulac (Université Paris Nord), Miniatures and diplomacy in the early modern period DISCUSSION 14:15-14:45: Break 14:45 -16.15 pm Session 4: MUSIC Chantal Schütz (Ecole Polytechnique), Music scores, news and drama in early modern period Simon Smith (The Queen's College, Oxford), Lutes on the stage" Jo Norman (Victoria and Albert Museum), Politics, Baroque Music and Material Culture Discussion 16.15 -18.00 Session 5: MAPS Laïla Ghermani (Université Paris Ouest) “Paradise’s only map”: Maps and the Writing of Edenic Space in Early Modern Literature Nydia Pineda (QMUL) Maps of the Moon Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Diderot), The map as metonymic prop in Shakespeare’s King Lear Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary), Mapping a map: the Hereford mappa-mundi from two to three dimensions Discussion FRIDAY Morning session: Blythe House 10.30-12.30 SESSION 6: Materiality Angela McShane (V&A), Introduction Susan North (Furniture, Textiles and Fashion, V&A), Putting the ‘fabric’ into Material Culture Rebecca Unsworth (AHRC CDP Queen Mary/V&A), male/female gloves - as a source for fashion news Guillaume Coatalen (Université de Cergy),‘Not so good as she would desire’: the quest for the perfect pair of gloves in early modern England Denis Lagae-Devoldère (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Gloves in the theatre of the Restoration. Discussion 12.30-13.45 LUNCH Afternoon session: V&A, SEMINAR ROOM 13.45-15.15 SESSION 7: Consumption Angela McShane (V&A/RCA), History of Design Subjects and Objects: Political Drinking Rituals in 17th Cent England Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Black and White Veils – Mourning, Sanctity and Fashion Barbara Lasic (V&A), to be announced. Bill Sherman (V&A), Consumption in the early modern period 15:15-17:00: Tour the galleries 17:00 - 19.00: Reception