November 6th 2013
Community Center
The meeting of the Sharon Board of Health was called to order at 7:35 PM by Stan Rosen, Chair.
In attendance were: Suzi Peck Vice Chair and Jay Schwab
Also in attendance were Bridget Sweet, Health Administrator, Jim Andrews Health Agent for
Engineering, Frank Gallagher Engineer, David Welch Builder
The minutes of the October 16th meeting were deferred until the next meeting. B. Sweet watched
the video of the meeting from October 16th and reported that nothing was observed that differed
from the minutes.
Flu Clinic Update
Data was collected by Linda Callan, and presented by the Health Administrator. To date almost
1700 vaccines had been given. Small amounts of vaccine remain, so during blood pressure clinic
hours individuals can come to the Health Department to receive vaccine. Tuesday 3-5,
Wednesday –Friday 9-10:30. Also, pending availability on Tuesday November 19th an evening
clinic will be held until 7:30. The Public Health Nurse has been very accommodating and
proactive to ensure that all who want a flu shot are receiving them. There are about 160 doses
left at this time. The Health Department purchases private vaccine, this is how we are able to
provide this service. There was a small amount of quadrivalent vaccine available, but was
earmarked to the under 19. S. Rosen stated that only 15% of all vaccine that was available was
quadrivalent. Discussion about the recalled flu zone; and that the Health Department did not
have any issues with the state supplied vaccine to date. Discussion about the challenge of
scheduling flu clinics and how they are contingent upon when the vaccine is actually received by
the Health Department. J. Schwab commended the staff on the flu clinics. S. Rosen thanked the
citizens for attending these clinics.
Health Administrator Update
Discussion surrounding 3-5 Post Office Square and the interested parties in renting this space.
The Health Administrator stated that applicants have met with her, J. Andrews Agent for
Engineering, J. Kent Building Inspector and Deputy Chief R. Murphy on potential uses for this
space. Discussion continued onto the potential applicant and the business model that is being
proposed. Routine office tasks, and overall housing inspections are increasing as people are
renting their homes. Discussion surrounding a possible vendor rent program and instituting such
a program in town. The NACCHO Survive and Thrive program is coming to a close, and the
Health Administrator will be in Washington DC from December 9-13th. This is part of the
Fellows program and is fully funded by NACCHO.
The Mass Health Officer Association Conference took place last week, and there is a large push
for Health Restaurant Initiative. The Health Administrator would like to conduct research and
implement this type of program. The Health Administrator discussed additional healthy
initiatives such as a candy buyback program following Halloween as well as delineating walking
trails in Town.
The Board asked the Health Administrator to come up with a prioritization of these programs,
and to set up a possible time frame of these goals.
S. Rosen inquired about the electronic death registry and the new vaccine management program.
The electronic death permitting/registry occurs through the Town Clerks office and Sheila Miller
the Public Health Nurse is fully apprised of the MIIS system and attended trainings related to
this, and has begun to utilize this.
S. Peck relayed to the Board about a cold call she received regarding a septic additive she
received. She would like to relay to the Community that no additives are allowed. She would
like a reminder to go in the paper stating that no additives are allowed.
The Health Administrator stated that there is a limited amount of Shingles Vaccine to be given to
uninsured or under insured. There are state guidelines controlling this vaccine, but for those who
qualify it is free.
A question regarding the protocol of a vacant Board Member seat and how this is conducted.
This is held through the Board of Selectmen’s office, not through the Board of Health. S. Rosen
received a courtesy notification that members terms were up, and that one individual was not
seeking re appointment. The BOH is not the appointing authority, this is the BOS purview.
J. Andrews stated that he would like to have an opportunity to have residents call in to the
meetings to ask questions.
66 Morse Street
S. Rosen stated that this variance request has come in before, but that the previous notification
was incorrect. S. Rosen asked the applicant if he wanted the hearing to continue. This was not a
properly noticed hearing, so this would not be a continuance, but a new hearing. The Board just
received plans dated November 5th. This is not a timely deliverance of documents. The BOH
needs adequate time to review the documents, as well as J. Andrews time to review these
documents. Administratively these documents received November 5th is late, and because the
BOH has not been able to review these. This poses an inconvenience to the abutters, however
this submission is too late for the Board to review and no variance hearing can occur. The Chair
apologized to the abutters, but no variance hearing will occur. Mr. Gallagher was directed to re
notify the abutters, and submit paperwork in a timely manner. Also the applicant was reminded
to submit all paperwork from other Boards that they have attended.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:37
Respectfully Submitted,
Bridget Sweet