PROGRAM STUDI BAHASA DAN SASTRA INGGRIS JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAN SENI UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA Course Code Chs Semester Prerequisite Lecturers : Discourse Analysis : IG525 :2 :7 :: Iwa Lukmana & Sri Harto 1. Objectives Upon the completion of this course, the students are expected (a) to have a solid understanding of the basic concepts of discourse and discourse analysis (b) to be able to explicate the basic tenets of different approaches to discourse analysis (DA) (c) to be able to employ the different approaches to analyse discourse 2. Course Description This course introduces students to the basic notions of discourse and discourse analysis from a variety of perspectives, i.e. pragmatics, genre, conversation, corpus, and critique. This course will involve students in theoretical discussions and practical, hands-on experience in analyzing discourse, which is expected to help them understand how discourse is structured to realise communication. 3. Learning Activities Learning activities include lectures, discussions, presentations, assignments, and a test. Students are required to do presentations on the topics covered in the course. This is to enforce students’ responsibility and to enhance their understanding of the materials. 4. Media This course will be delivered through a variety of media, including power-point materials for presentation and a variety of authentic texts for analysis. 5. Evaluation Evaluation will be based on the following criteria Chapter report 20% Presentation (group) 20% Text Analysis (group) 25% Test 35% It should be noted that to be able to sit in the test and to allow for the final result to be published, students are required to meet a minimum of 80% of attendance of the total lectures. Plagiarism is NOT TOLERATED and will result in severe penalties. 1 Chapter Report The chapter report is to be submitted on the day of the lecture. It has to be succinct but comprehensive. The format is enclosed. Presentation Students work in groups. Each group will perform in two weeks/sessions: one on the theoretical aspects of the assigned chapter (not to exceed 20 minutes), and the other on an analysis of a sample text (not to exceed 30 minutes). Presenters will be assessed both individually and as a group. Text analysis Students (in groups assigned according to the presentation) analyse an approximately half-a-page-long intact text (after being retyped in times new roman, 12 points, single spaced). Students will be assessed on accuracy of analysis, interpretation of the results, and presentation of the report. Test This test will cover all the course materials, probing both theoretical knowledge and analytical skills. 6. Course Outline Sessions Topics 1 Welcoming remarks; syllabus overview 2 Introduction to discourse analysis; Discourse and society 3 Discourse and pragmatics (1): theory 4 Discourse and pragmatics (2): analysis 5 Discourse and genre (1): theory 6 Discourse and genre (2): analysis 7 Discourse and conversation (1): theory 8 Discourse and conversation (2): analysis 9 Discourse grammar (1): theory 10 Discourse grammar (2): analysis 11 Corpus approaches to discourse analysis (1): theory 12 Corpus approaches to discourse analysis (2): analysis 13 Critical discourse analysis (1): theory 14 Critical discourse analysis (2): analysis 15 Review 16 End-of-semester evaluation Sources Syllabus Paltridge (2006), Chp. 1&2 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 3 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 3 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 4 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 4 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 5 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 5 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 6 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 6 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 7 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 7 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 8 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 8 Paltridge (2006) 7. References a. Main source: Paltridge, Brian. 2006. Discourse Analysis: an introduction. London: Continuum 2 b. Recommended readings: Wodak, Ruth dan Michael Meyer. 2009. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage Caldas-Coulthard, Carmen Rosa and MalcoulmCoulthard (eds.). 1996. Text and Practices: readings in critical discourse analysis. London: Routledge. Titscher, Stefan; Michael Meyer; Ruth Wodak; Eva Vetter. 2000. Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis. London: Sage Publications. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER REPORT *) Name (full): …………….. Std number: …………….. Class : …………….. Course : Discourse Analysis Chapter :2 Chapter Title : Discourse and Society No Key points Choosing… * Linguistic repertoire Description Linguistic repertoire adalah … xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx * To be handwritten in Bahasa Indonesia (Be legible!) * Key points in English * Ikuti struktur bab/buku * Ditulis pada kertas folio bergaris (ukuran standar) 3 COURSE UNITS Sessions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topics Welcoming remarks; syllabus overview Specific objectives Students understand course requirements and class procedures Introduction to discourse Students are able to explicate analysis (DA); Discourse different approaches to DA and and society how discourse is related to social life Discourse and pragmatics Students are able to explicate (1): theory how pragmatics is discussed within the theory of discourse Discourse and pragmatics Students are able to analyse (2): analysis texts from pragmatic erspectives as part of discourse study Discourse and genre (1): Students are able to explicate theory how genre is discussed within the theory of discourse Discourse and genre (2): Students are able to analyse analysis genres as part of discourse study Discourse and Students are able to explicate conversation (1): theory how conversation is discussed within the theory of discourse Discourse and Students are able to analyse conversation (2): analysis conversations as part of discourse study Learning activities Evaluation Sources Discussion on course requirements and procedures Lecture and class discussion Question and answers Syllabus Group presentation, lecture, and discussion Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Paltridge (2006), Chp. 3 Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Paltridge (2006), Chp. 4 Assignment, group presentation, and discussion Group presentation, lecture, and discussion Assignment, group presentation, and discussion Group presentation, lecture, and discussion Assignment, group presentation, and discussion 4 Question and answers Paltridge (2006), Chp. 1&2 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 3 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 4 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 5 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 5 9 Discourse grammar (1): theory Students are able to explicate how discourse is structured Group presentation, lecture, and discussion 10 Discourse grammar (2): analysis 11 Corpus approaches to discourse analysis (1): theory Corpus approaches to discourse analysis (2): analysis Critical discourse analysis (1): theory Students are able to analyse how discourse is structured for communication Students are able to explicate how corpus linguistics is used to enhance discourse study Students are able to use corpus linguistics to enhance discourse analysis Students are able to explicate how discourse is viewed from critical perspectives Students are able to analyse texts from critical perspectives Assignment, group presentation, and discussion Group presentation, lecture, and discussion 12 13 14 Critical discourse analysis (1): analysis 15 Review 16 End-of-semester evaluation Students can strengthen their overall understanding on the topics discussed throughout the sessions Assignment, group presentation, and discussion Group presentation, lecture, and discussion Assignment, group presentation, and discussion Lecture and class discussion 5 Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Students’ presentation and question and answers Question and answers Paltridge (2006), Chp. 6 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 6 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 7 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 7 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 8 Paltridge (2006), Chp. 8 Paltridge (2006)