Post-Graduate course The Art of Crop Modelling Quantifying crop

Post-Graduate course
The Art of Crop Modelling
Quantifying crop growth in face of global food security and climate effects through modelling tools
(4-8 March 2013)
This course teaches the principles of crop growth modelling for early career researchers. Crop models allow to
simulate the growth and development of annual and perennials crops, often in interaction with the environment
(i.e. soil, nitrogen, water, air). Many different models are available, a recent inventory lead to a total of 250. This
course focuses on the core aspects of these models, in the representation of processes of growth and development
through dynamic modelling techniques. Different approaches for growth and development will be presented.
Next to these theoretical aspects, applications of crop growth models will be illustrated with a focus on use of
these models in yield forecasting systems. Participants will be challenged in groups and individually through
exercises, with a closing session of presentations of the main findings and a lecture on how crop growth models
are used in different types of research on global food security and integrated assessment.
Targeted participants and prerequisites
PhD candidates and early career researchers with an interest in developing and/or using crop simulation methods
in their research and who wish to strengthen their skills in modelling techniques and analysing model behaviour.
The course is also open to staff members or other scientists. To participate, basic knowledge is required of
differential equations.
PhD’s of PE&RC with TSP
Other PhD’s and staff of MACSUR partners
External participants
Reading material:
A reader will be made available
Study load:
1 week plus preparation. 1.5 ECTS
€ 250,€ 600,€ 1,000,-
The course is developed under the auspices of C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource
Conservation (PE&RC, Wageningen University) within the EC funded Network of Excellence LIAISE) and the
MACSUR (Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security) knowledge hub within
FACCE-JPI (Joint Programming Initiative for Agriculture, Climate Change, and Food Security):
Course leader:
Prof. Martin van Ittersum, Wageningen University (Plant Production Systems group)
Monday, Dr. Peter Leffelaar (Wageningen University)
a. Topic: Introduction to dynamic modelling, integration
b. Set up: lecture, individual exercise, lecture, individual exercise
Tuesday, Dr. Peter Leffelaar (Wageningen University)
a. Topic: Processes of growth and development and model development
b. Set up: lecture, individual exercise, lecture, individual exercise
Wednesday, Prof. Dr. John Porter (University of Copenhagen)
a. Topic: Processes of growth and development: alternative approaches and options
b. Set up: lecture, group work, lecture, group work
Thursday, Raymond van der Wijngaart, Hendrik Boogaard and Kees van Diepen (Alterra).
a. Topic: Applications of crop models based on examples from yield forecasting, based on Agricab:
course from EU project, Kees van Diepen talked about crop modelling, covering aspects of
photosynthesis, development
b. Set up: lecture, group work, lecture, group work
Friday morning, Raymond van der Wijngaart, Hendrik Boogaard and Kees van Diepen (Alterra)
a. Topic: Applications of crop models, further examples
b. Set up: lecture, group work
Friday afternoon, wrap up: all lecturers
a. Presentations by students of their work during past 2.5 days
b. Closing presentation of Prof. dr. Martin van Ittersum: using crop models in different applications
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