0.3 - Rothesay Primary School

Early Level: 0.3 Literacy
Capital letters:
No lid on I or J
Capitals start at the top of the line.
Capitals never join.
Full stops, sentences, word spacing
and letter space.
Punctuation and
- cvc words
- Phonic attempts at words
- Using full stop and question
- Finger spaces between works
- Letters sit next to each other
in the same word
- Write first name correctly
Phonics and
Argyll and Bute Phonics
Block 7
- sh, ch, th, wh, oo, ee
Block 8
- ss, ll, ff, gg
Block 9
- bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl
Block 10
- br, cr, dr, gr, pr
Block 11
- st, sn, sm, sp, sc, sk
Block 12
- squ, sw, tw
Find words that rhyme.
Find syllables.
Tongue twisters.
Alliteration games.
Early Level: 0.3 Literacy
Phonics and
Creating Texts
Change rhymes – new endings.
Start a word book.
Understand the alphabet and
alphabetical order.
Note taking.
Try to spell words on their own.
Letter names.
Match objects to initial sounds.
Identify capitals and lower case
Put capitals and lower case letters in
Logographic features of words.
Use phonics to read new words.
Sight vocabulary – Oxford Reading
Tree and contexts for learning.
Sound hunts.
Use of Nessy programme.
Phonics 5 Wall.
Can differentiate between different
Can copy over/under a model.
Can show some control over size,
shape, and orientation in writing.
Can produce a range of recognisable
Begins to make phonics attempts at
Can form most letters correctly.
Writes simple regular words.
Can say what writing says and
Is aware of different purposes of
writing using real life contexts:
a. imaginary
b. functional
c. personal
d. poetry
Can use a simple word book.
Can use the openers – The I My
Can use the connectives – and, but,
Can use ‘wow’ words in their writing.
Can use a capital letter and a full
Understands that a sentence may not
stop at the end of the line.
Early Level: 0.3 Literacy
Can check their work against the
success criteria set.
Can take notes.
Can create and use planning sheets.
Can create texts such as posters
using colour, graphics and ICT.
Reading and
Listening and
Can recognise own first and second
Can use knowledge of words to read
a simple sentence.
Skim and scan.
Cloze procedure.
Paired reading.
Can recognise capital letter and full
stop within the text.
Can use blending and segmentation
for decoding unfamiliar words.
Can read some non-phonetic words
using sight vocabulary.
Can express an opinion on a book,
Can identify and use some Scots
word and text.
Can identify some sources of
information using a variety of nonfiction- Greetings card, letters, lists,
time tables, recipes, newspapers.
Takes note of punctuation when
Knows the difference between letter,
word, sentence, chapter.
Can read charts and significant words
in context.
Can use word lists, story starters,
clues from the wall.
Read for a range of purposes.
Role play, small world play, drama,
creating characters.
Types of voice – partner, class, group,
News telling.
Circle Time
Cooperative learning activities.
Research tasks.
Turn-taking, 1-1, groups.
Early Level: 0.3 Literacy
Can link own experiences in
Group work, games, discussions.
Visitors, visits in/out.
Photographs, pictures, plays,
Nativities and assemblies.
Topic word banks – wow words.
Using a dictionary.
Learning using new vocabulary in
new contexts.
Asking questions (Bloom’s
Taxonomy) – audience awareness.
Opinions and feelings
Can use information to make choices
– eg charts
Share books and charts.
Can discuss routine - Golden Time,
Print in the environment.
Following instructions.
Homework Challenges.
Interdisciplinary learning and new
contexts for learning.
Parent/carer visits in – sharing
information with them.
Active learning activities.
Children as experts – peer teaching.
Recounting experiences.
Listening programmes:
a. Sounds
b. ICT
c. Recorded stories
Reading groups, listening,
understanding text, characters and
Talking Assessments.