Chabot College Academic Program Review Report Year Two of Program Review Cycle Humanities, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Submitted on February 28, 2013 Patricia D. Shannon Final Forms, 1/18/13 Table of Contents Section A: What Progress Have We Made? .............................. 1 Section B: What Changes Do We Suggest? ................................ 2 Required Appendices: A: Budget History .........................................................................................3 B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule .................................4 B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections ..........................................5 C: Program Learning Outcomes....................................................................9 D: A Few Questions ...................................................................................11 E: New Initiatives ......................................................................................12 F1: New Faculty Requests ..........................................................................13 F2: Classified Staffing Requests ..................................................................14 F3: FTEF Requests ......................................................................................15 F4: Academic Learning Support Requests .................................................16 F5: Supplies and Services Requests ............................................................17 F6: Conference/Travel Requests ................................................................18 F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ........................................19 F8: Facilities Requests ................................................................................20 A. What Progress Have We Made? Complete Appendices A (Budget History), B1 and B2 (CLO's), C (PLO's), and D (A few questions) prior to writing your narrative. You should also review your most recent success, equity, course sequence, and enrollment data at In year one, you established goals and action plans for program improvement. This section asks you to reflect on the progress you have made toward those goals. This analysis will be used by the PRBC and Budget Committee to assess progress toward achievement of our Strategic Plan and to inform future budget decisions. It will also be used by the SLOAC and Basic Skills committees as input to their priority-setting process. In your narrative of two or less pages, address the following questions: What were your year one Program Review goals? Did you achieve those goals? Specifically describe your progress on the goals you set for student learning, program learning, and Strategic Plan achievement. What are you most proud of? What challenges did you face that may have prevented achieving your goals? Cite relevant data in your narrative (e.g., efficiency, persistence, success, FT/PT faculty ratios, CLO/PLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.). I didn’t set or achieve any goals—in fact, due to constraints on my time, I didn’t turn in Program Review last year. The majority of my effort during the past year has gone to being a player supporting the transition to being a college that is increasingly data-driven and studentfocused, helping the college achieve its goals in student learning assessment, ensuring that my courses had CLOs and were assessed, and that my courses were updated in compliance with Title V. These goals and requirements were met. I am proud of my contributions to the college as a whole, but this work has been possible because of the strength of our adjuncts and the generally strong courses (G.E. and major demand) we offer. I am proud of the adjuncts in my disciplines, who have shouldered the bulk of the teaching and student contact, as they teach 66% of the classes in these disciplines. We took a deep blow to our depth and breadth of teaching this year, with the passing of John Parente. I am grateful for the work of adjuncts in completing assessment, and their “stepping” up to take on additional load when it was offered to the division to support the college in achieving its FTES goal. Students are generally successful in our classes, and tend to persist and succeed in greater numbers in other courses after taking courses in our disciplines. Our enrollments of underrepresented populations continue to grow, although we haven’t done anything in particular to attract these students. 1 B. What Changes Do We Suggest? Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your narrative. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F1-8 (Resources Requested) to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative to two pages, and be very specific about what you hope to achieve, why, and how. Based on data acquired during the Spring Flex Days, I intend to begin work on a pathway/outreach program intended to support the over 300 students who have declared humanities, philosophy, or liberal arts/studies (humanities) as majors. This has been described in the new initiatives appendix. This effort will necessitate research about those students and where they are in their program as well as research with those students about their needs. I will need to work collaboratively with other disciplines whose courses comprise significant requirements for the major. The point is to determine whether these students are making timely progress through their majors/education goals, where they are stymied, and what support they need. All of this will help shape a pathway/outreach effort intended to improve the number of students who complete their education goal in these majors in a timely way. I need to adjust our course offerings to ensure that our majors have the breadth and depth they need. I have already made several shifts for next fall, some to accommodate majors (PHIL65) and some to help with the bottlenecks around American Cultures (more sections of HUMN65 rather than other offerings). However, I would like to not lessen our capacity for nonmajors, so I have requested additional FTEF, which I note was included in the Spring 2013 Flex days additions discussion. We would like more FTEF to respond to the demand for our courses to satisfy G.E. requirements and address specific needs for breadth and depth—some of these changes are reflected in the planned Fall 2013 schedule. There is substantial data to document the need for additional sections to satisfy G. E. requirements, specifically fill, and wait-list fill rates. The continued loss of a second faculty member in these THREE disciplines is felt deeply, as all of the course, discipline, program, and college-wide work falls on one person. While faculty hiring is unlikely, this is a very important need. We, both as a discipline and a college, need to evaluate the role of the “American Cultures” requirement. It appears to be creating bottlenecks for students, or at least the appearance of a bottleneck. I was on the curriculum committee when this was first implemented, and I helped develop the methodology for applying for a course to meet the requirement. I am not longer sure that the requirement is helpful or supports transfer or degree oriented students. Finally, we could consider additional categories for our courses. For example, several of our courses could be revised to meet the requirements for critical or analytical thinking. This would need to be very seriously considered as there are workload ramifications. 2 Appendix A: Budget History and Impact Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget Committee recommendations. Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget decisions. Category Classified Staffing (# of positions) Supplies & Services Technology/Equipment Other TOTAL 2011-12 Budget Requested 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 Budget Received 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 Budget Requested 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 Budget Received 0 0 0 0 0 1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved student learning? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized. 2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has student learning been impacted, or safety compromised, or enrollment or retention negatively impacted? This form does not allow for history with regard to faculty prioritization. When John Parente resigned as a full-time instructor, we requested a replacement, both that year and the following year. During the year in which 17 faculty were hired, despite the recommendation of the Faculty Prioritization Committee, shifts were made in the priority list, and THIS position “fell’ off the list. As a consequence, one faculty member continues to serve as the anchor for three disciplines. In addition to serving in college-wide activities, discipline work, including curriculum, assessment, and program review all fall to this faculty member. The majority of courses offered in the disciplines are taught by extremely qualified adjuncts; however, providing additional support or working with students, except through their good will, is not possible. Assessment in particular is a problem. While some compensation is available, some adjuncts do not wish to participate despite being requested to do so. Since a number of courses are only taught by adjuncts, this is a problem. 3 Appendix B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule All courses must be assessed at least once every three years. Please complete this chart that defines your assessment schedule. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE: Spring Fall 2013 2013 Courses: All courses on schedule* All courses not scheduled in Spring ‘14** Spring 2014 Full Assmt Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Discuss results Report results Fall Assmt Discuss results Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Report results *HUMN50, HUMN60, HUMN65, HUMN68, PHIL 50, PHIL60, RELS50, RELS 70 **PHIL65 4 Spring 2017 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections These forms for all currently active (on schedule) courses were submitted during Fall 2013. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion Form Instructions: Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) Actual Scores** (eLumen data) (CLO) 1: (CLO) 2: (CLO) 3: (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 5 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? 6 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 7 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 8 Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes. Forms were submitted during Fall 2013. In the light of additional information that has emerged in the past few months, I am using this form to indicate where new directions are emerging. Program: ____Humanities, Philosophy, Religious Studies________________________ I believe the PLOs need work. They were developed and assessed in a strictly compliance mode, and were generally course-level oriented. Students are learning and being successful at that level. One of the learning moments of this year was the discovery that over 300 students have declared the liberal arts or a subdiscipline as a major. However, what the program learning outcomes ought to be for these students and the progress of students in the program to their education goals have not been measured. PLO #1: PLO #2: PLO #3: PLO #4: What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Explain: I need to work with related disciplines to revise the PLOs and to gather data about students in majors that require substantial work in our disciplines. How do they progress and what would contribute to greater success/completion in appropriate timeframes? I don’t know what specific problems or issues students currently have in completing their programs. We have to restore the breadth of our offerings to provide more depth and breadth to our majors. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Strengths revealed: Our majors can get the required number of courses they need. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Actions planned: 1) Gather the data on students in these programs. 9 2) Based on the data and consultation with students and peer faculty, develop “outreach” (pathway support) to students declaring majors in the humanities, liberal arts, and related disciplines. Program: ________________________________________________ PLO #1: PLO #2: PLO #3: PLO #4: What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Explain: What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Strengths revealed: What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? Actions planned: 10 Appendix D: A Few Questions Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no". For any questions answered "no", please provide an explanation. No explanation is required for "yes" answers :-) 1. Have all of your course outlines been updated within the past five years? If no, identify the course outlines you will update in the next curriculum cycle. Ed Code requires all course outlines to be updated every six years. Yes, all courses moving through the curriculum cycle this year. 2. Have all of your courses been offered within the past five years? If no, why should those courses remain in our college catalog? No. In response to FTEF cuts, we have reduced our offerings. We have to restore HUMN72, PHIL65, and RELS72. 3. Do all of your courses have the required number of CLOs completed, with corresponding rubrics? If no, identify the CLO work you still need to complete, and your timeline for completing that work this semester. Yes, but I need to make revisions to the CLOS prior to the next assessment (Fall 2013). 4. Have you assessed all of your courses and completed "closing the loop" forms for all of your courses within the past three years? If no, identify which courses still require this work, and your timeline for completing that work this semester. All current courses were assessed in the last cycle. Everything on the schedule for Spring 2014 will be assessed then, with any courses only offered in Fall 2014 assessed then. 5. Have you developed and assessed PLOs for all of your programs? If no, identify programs which still require this work, and your timeline to complete that work this semester. Based on learning of the number of “majors” requiring substantial work in the humanities (humanities, general humanities, liberal arts, philosophy, liberal arts, and liberal studies. I need to rethink our PLOs. Given the interdisciplinary work, I will need to work with others, but I now have an incentive to do so—over 300 students have declared these as majors. 6. If you have course sequences, is success in the first course a good predictor of success in the subsequent course(s)? We do not have sequences. 7. Does successful completion of College-level Math and/or English correlate positively with success in your courses? If not, explain why you think this may be. The majority of our faculty has adjusted to teaching to a broad spectrum of student preparedness. They often teach “basic” college reading, writing, and thinking skills. However, students who are college-ready, are more likely to be successful as they have fewer barriers to completing classes successfully, e.g., they know how to read a text or write a paper. 11 Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative) Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and external funding. How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student learning? Increase the number of students completing education goal/major, What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? Identify and redress barriers to completion, specifically among students declaring general humanities, humanities, liberal AA/AS, philosophy, liberal arts (humanities), and liberal studies (humanities) as their major. I will need help from Institutional Research in defining how many students met their goals in the past two years (to set a benchmark), but the measurable outcome will be to increase that number by 10% by the end of the second year (spring 2015). What is your action plan to achieve your goal? Activity (brief description) Complete research about and with existing student population; develop outreach/pathway program Implement outreach/pathway program Support students and track progress Target Completion Date Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Required Budget (Split out personnel, supplies, other categories) Need support from Institutional Research Potentially, additional direct student support Potentially, additional direct student support How will you manage the personnel needs? New Hires: Faculty # of positions Classified staff # of positions Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be: Covered by overload or part-time employee(s) Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s) x Other, explain As grant reassign ends, and I am back full-time in my division, I want to undertake this project as part of my “college” work. At the end of the project period, the proposed project will: X Be completed (onetime only effort): If successful, the pathway will become part of faculty “work” on behalf/in support of students in the program. Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project (obtained by/from): Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation? x No Yes, explain: Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements? 12 No Y Yes, explain: Other discipline faculty and students need to be involved in developing the outreach/pathway effort. Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project? X No Yes, list potential funding sources: 13 Appendix F1: Full-Time Faculty/Adjunct Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000] Audience: Faculty Prioritization Committee and Administrators Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time faculty and adjuncts Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Cite evidence and data to support your request, including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years, student success and retention data , and any other pertinent information. Data is available at . 1. Number of new faculty requested in this discipline: _1___ 2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions. Position Description 1. Humanities/Religious Studies Faculty 2. 3. Rationale for your proposal. Please use the enrollment management data. Additional data that will strengthen your rationale include FTES trends over the last 5 years, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, CLO and PLO assessment results and external accreditation demands. Each academic year, we have 30 sections across three disciplines. There is one full-timer to anchor the discipline, which means that 66% of the courses are taught by adjuncts. Sections are generally full to over-enrolled, and success and persistence numbers are high, overall and through CLO assessment. As restoration occurs, the FT/PT ratio will worsen. During the last “real” cycle of faculty prioritization, at the end of the second round of prioritization, this position was “mid” level. Decision was made at the Presidential level to prioritize other single or no anchor discipline positions or new ventures above this position. 4. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and your student learning goals are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal. Keeping with college goal to improve students completing education goals within a timely way, and the emerging vision of using pathway/major outreach as the mechanism for doing so, it will be increasingly difficult for the existing anchor to fulfill the discipline requirements, participate in college infrastructure, and support students in the program. There is more work here than one person can do. 14 Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct. Category 2000] Audience: Administrators, PRBC Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff. Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding. 1. Number of positions requested: ___0___ 2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions. Position Description 1. 2. 3. Rationale for your proposal. 4. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal. 15 Appendix F3: FTEF Requests Audience: Administrators, CEMC, PRBC Purpose: To recommend changes in FTEF allocations for subsequent academic year and guide Deans and CEMC in the allocation of FTEF to disciplines. For more information, see Article 29 (CEMC) of the Faculty Contract. Instructions: In the area below, please list your requested changes in course offerings (and corresponding request in FTEF) and provide your rationale for these changes. Be sure to analyze enrollment trends and other relevant data at . Recognizing that we have significantly more “majors” than were previously realized as well as serving “core” G.E. students, we will continue to offer courses that meet the Arts/Humanities G.E., and more sections of the course that meets both the American Cultures and Arts/Humanities G.E. requirement. However, based on the majors and the continued pent-up demand, we request additional FTEF. With that FTEF, we will restore HUMN72, PHIL65, and RELS72 (all serving majors) to the schedule without impacting our ability to serve students who need to complete their G.E. requirement. There is substantial data to document the need for additional sections to satisfy G. E. requirements specifically demand versus capacity, fill, and wait-list fill rates. 9 CAH or .6 FTEF for HUMN72, PHIL65, RELS72 16 Appendix F4: Academic Learning Support Requests [Acct. Category 2000] Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Learning Connection Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement student assistants (tutors, learning assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.). Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal . Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding. At this time, I do not have a request. However, after the research on students and pathway/outreach program is developed, support needs are likely. These will have to made in next year’s request. 1. Number of positions requested: ______ 2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions. Position Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Rationale for your proposal based on your program review conclusions. Include anticipated impact on student learning outcomes and alignment with the strategic plan goal. Indicate if this request is for the same, more, or fewer academic learning support positions. 17 Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000] Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of funds. Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000 and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year. Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited. None, known at this time. Project or Items Requested 2012-13 Budget Requested Received $ 2013-14 Request $ 18 Rationale Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000] Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development Committees in allocation of funds. Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal. None at this time. Conference/Training Program 2013-14 Request Rationale $ 19 Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom technology, see for the brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment, please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request. Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as supplies. None at this time Project or Items Requested 2012-13 Budget Requested Received $ 2013-14 Request Rationale* $ * Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe the Budget Committee should consider. 20 Appendix F8: Facilities Requests Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee. Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities." Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If requesting more than one facilities project, please rank order your requests. None at this time. However, I believe that our existing library and student center need immediate attention. Our student lack the kind of integrated academic/learning and social environments that are critical to student learning and community. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Building/Location: Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to enhancing student learning? 21