section 714 culverts, storm drains, edgedrains, and underdrains

This work consists of installing culverts, storm drains, edgedrains, and underdrains.
A. Culverts and Storm Drains.
Concrete Culvert and Storm Drain Pipe
830.01 A
Reinforced Concrete Culvert and Storm Drain Pipe
830.01 B
Metallic (Zinc or Aluminum Coated Corrugated Steel Culverts,
Underdrains, and Storm Drains
830.02 B
Smooth Wall Steel Pipe Culverts
830.02 D
Polymer Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe
830.02 G
Corrugated Polyethylene Culverts
830.03 F
Geotextile Fabric – Type S2
Provide mortar consisting of a mixture of one part Portland Cement to two parts mortar
sand, and sufficient water to furnish proper consistency.Where placing new end sections on
existing pipe, identify whether the type of end section needed is male or female.
B. Underdrains.
Granular Fill
Perforated, Corrugated Polyethylene
816.02 A.1
830.03 A.4
C. Bridge Approach Drains.
Coarse Aggregate – Size 4
Plastic Pipe (perforated and non-perforated)
Geotextile Fabric – Type D1
816.02 A
830.03 A.4
D. Edgedrains.
Class 43 Aggregate
Perforated, Corrugated, P.E. Pipe
PVC Discharge Pipe
Geotextile Fabric
830.03 A.4
830.03 A.3
The shale and L.A. abrasion requirements will not be required for Class 43 Aggregate
E. Structural Plate Pipe.
Material shall meet Section 830.02, “Metal Pipe”.
If the existing drainage facilities become inoperable before the new drainage system is
functioning, provide sufficient temporary pumping and drainage facilities to keep the roadway
drained. Include the cost of providing sufficient temporary pumping and drainage in the price bid
for other items.
A. General.
1. Bedding.
Construct bedding
Tamp bedding material in place under both haunches of the pipe up 15 percent of the
total height by hand-held air-operated, mechanical tampers
2. Laying Pipe.
Begin laying pipe at the downstream end. Place the pipe in contact with the shaped
bedding throughout its full length. Place bell or groove ends of rigid pipe and outside
circumferential laps of flexible pipe facing upstream.
3. Joining Pipe.
Provide rigid pipe with bell and spigot or tongue and groove joints. Join pipe sections so
the ends are fully entered and the inner surfaces are flush and even. Wrap joints in
geotextile fabric.
4. Relaid Pipe.
Clean all salvaged pipe of foreign material before reinstallation.
Furnish connecting devices or seals needed to join pipe or end sections.
5. Deflection Testing.
Test all metal and thermoplastic pipe used for mainline and paved intersecting roadways
for deflection a minimum of 30 days after the pipe is installed. Pass a nine point mandrel
or other approved object through the pipe to check for deflection. Use a mandrel with a
diameter not less than 95 percent of the inside diameter of the pipe. If the mandrel
cannot be passed through the pipe, replace the pipe.
The Engineer will visually inspect thermoplastic pipe under unpaved approaches for
deflection. If the Engineer sees any deflection, the Engineer will require the Contractor to
pass a nine point mandrel or other approved object through the pipe to check for
deflection. Use a mandrel with a diameter not less than 95 percent of the inside
diameter of the pipe. If the mandrel cannot be passed through the pipe, replace the pipe.
Perform the deflection test under the observation of the Engineer.
6. Connection to Manholes, Inlets, and Pipes.
If connections required to a manhole, inlet barrel, or pipe entrance, connect pipe by
cutting the opening and grouting in the connecting pipe.
7. Compaction Control for Aggregate.
Compact aggregate according to 203.04 E.2, “Compaction Control, Type A.” The
moisture content of the aggregate at the time of compaction shall be not less than 2
percentage points below, nor more than 3 percentage points above the optimum
moisture content.
Use a maximum lift thickness of 6 inches.
8. Construction Cover.
Meet the pipe manufacturer’s recommendation cover requirements during construction
Repair or remove and replace any pipe damaged by construction traffic.
9. Compaction Control-Non-aggregate Fill.
If Common Excavation Type A is specified, follow the compaction requirements in
Section 203.04 E.2, “Compaction Control, Type A”. If Common Excavation Type B is
specified, follow the compaction requirements in 203.04 E.3, “Compaction Control, Type
B. Polymer Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe.
Use a wide canvas slings or wide padded skids when handling polymer coated corrugated
steel pipe.
Replace or repair pipe that has damaged polymer coating. If the Engineer determines that
repairs can be made to the polymer coating, perform repairs in accordance with AASHTO M
C. Smooth Wall Steel Pipe.
Perform boring concurrently with the installation of the steel pipe. Install smooth wall steel
pipe culverts using equipment that encases the bore hole as the earth is removed. Extend
steel pipe through the undisturbed fill and install it without disrupting traffic or damaging the
roadway grade and surface. Perform the boring or jacking without use of water.
Bore pipe in straight lines. Place the flow line elevation at the starting point for jacking within
0.1 foot of the staked grade. Install the pipe so the flow line is not reversed at any point and
the line and grade at any point within the pipe does not vary by more than 1/2 foot from the
designated line and grade.
Smooth wall steel pipe must be spliced by welders qualified for groove welded pipe position
5G. The Department will require welders be qualified according to AWS D1.1 with the
exception that qualification for the full penetration portion of the test is not required.
Construct the splice so the root pass and the remaining part of the weld, including the
reinforcement, meets the requirements of AWS D1.1. Use reinforcement that is less than 1/8
inch in height.
When transitioning between smooth wall steel pipe culverts and other pipe material, provide
a connection constructed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s guidelines. Submit a
detail drawing showing the construction of the connection before fabrication.
D. Underdrains.
Encase the perforated underdrain in a granular fill trench section with the trench section
enclosed with filter fabric. Use filter fabric that meets the requirements of Section 709.02,
“Filter Fabric Underdrain.” Dig the trench section 1.5 feet wide and 2.0 feet deep. Place the
underdrain to rest on the filter fabric at the bottom of the trench, at the desired grade. Use a
maximum of 1 inch of granular material to adjust the pipe to grade. Overlap the filter fabric a
minimum of 12 inches.
Apply solvent and cement to the PVC joints in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Use ordinary backfill above the granular fill material as specified in Section 210 “Structural
Excavation, Structural Fill, And Foundation Preparation.”
E. Bridge Approach Drains.
Place and compact backfill using the same density requirements as the adjacent
F. Edgedrains.
Install edgedrain outlets at intervals of 250 feet. Install double outlets at intervals of 500 feet
and at low points in the edgedrain flow line.
Place the edgedrain with a machine trencher capable of cutting the trench, lining the trench
with a geotextile fabric, and laying the pipe in a continuous operation. Use machine trencher
designed and operated so the excavated material does not fall back into the trench. Place
the edgedrain at a minimum grade of 0.2 percent. Use laser grade control on the trenching
machine whenever the pipe grades do not follow the pavement grades at a constant depth.
Compact the trench backfill with a hand-held air-operated, mechanical tampers.
If edgedrain is installed adjacent to non-permeable base material, enclose the edgedrain in
a geotextile fabric sock. Use Type D3 or Type D4 geotextile drain fabric as specified in
Section 858, “Geotextile Fabrics.”
Install edgedrain outlets concurrently with the longitudinal edgedrain. Place the discharge
pipe at a minimum grade of 2 percent. Install headwalls a minimum of 6 inches above the
ditch grade. Use grout to secure the discharge pipe to the headwall. Shape the inslope to
conform to the sides and toe of the headwall.
Install the headwall and rodent screen at the same time as installing the outlet pipe. Install
the rodent screens to be removable. Do not grout the rodent screens into place.
Connect edgedrain outlets to a storm sewer system using grout, rubber or plastic gaskets, or
a gasket joint inserted into a thermoplastic coupling cast into the inlet, manholes, or pipe.
Make the connections to the storm sewer concurrently with the installation of the drain.
Cap the ends of the drainage line with a manufactured pipe cap where outlets are not
Connect all joints securely according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
G. Structural Plate Pipe.
Place the backfill in lifts not to exceed 6 inches of loose material. During placement and
compaction, ensure that each side is brought up within 6 inches of the other at all times.
Compact the backfill and bedding as specified in Section 203.04 E.2.a “AASHTO T 180”
The Engineer will measure, completed and in place, as specified in Section 109.01,
“Measurement of Quantities” and as follows:
A. Culverts and Storm Drains.
The Engineer will measure pipe along the top of the pipe and round the measurement to the
nearest foot.
The Engineer will include branch connections and elbows in the length measured for pipe.
B. Edgedrains.
The Engineer will measure edgedrains parallel to the roadway and make no deduction for
outlet structures installed along the drain.
Pay Item
Pipe Conduit__inch
Pipe Conduit__inch Storm Drain
Pipe Conduit__inch Approach
__ IN Grates for Reinf Conc End Section
Relaying Pipe (Type and Size)
Relaying End Section (Type and Size)
Bridge Approach Drains
Edge Drain Non-Permeable Base
Headwalls, Precast Concrete, __ In.
Pay Unit
Linear Foot
Linear Foot
Linear Foot
Linear Foot
Linear Foot
Include the cost of flared end sections in the price bid for pipe conduit.
Such payment is full compensation for furnishing all materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals
to complete the work as specified.