Final - Utah Valley University

Institution Submitting Proposal:
Utah Valley University
Institutional Contact Person Available to Answer Question:
Dr. Ian Wilson, Academic Vice President
College, School or Division in Which the Program/Administrative Unit Will Be
Academic Affairs
Department(s) or Area(s) in Which Program/Administrative Unit Will Be Located:
College of Technology and Computing
Program/Administrative Unit Title:
College of Aviation and Public Services
Recommended Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code: __ __ . __ __
__ __
Certificate, and/or Degree(s) to Be Awarded:
Proposed Beginning Date:
July 1, 2012
Institutional Signatures
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: November 2, 2011
Section I: Request
Utah Valley University requests approval to divide the College of Technology and Computing and establish
a new College of Aviation and Public Services effective July 1, 2010. The College of Technology and
Computing has grown to a level of complexity which would justify the existence of two colleges to handle
the variety of programs and the enrollment currently found in one college.
Section II: Need
The College of Technology and Computing (CTC) contains 11 academic departments, the Utah Fire and
Rescue Academy, a Police Academy and all of the support services associated with the aviation science
program. CTC contains a large variety of programs and has more majors than any of the other
Schools or Colleges at UVU. In its current configuration, it is extremely difficult for the dean of CTC to
represent all of the varied constituencies in matters of development, professional organizations or
resources. Creating a College of Aviation and Public Services will make it possible to provide more focus
for the programs in both colleges.
Section III: Institutional Impact
The College of Technology and Computing would retain the School of Applied Technology and
Construction, the School of Computing and the Culinary Arts Institute. The newly formed College of
Aviation and Public Services would contain the School of Public Services and the proposed School of
Aviation. The proposed School of Aviation Sciences has a vacant line for an Assistant Dean. The School of
Public Services has a line for an Associate Dean that will be vacant when the individual in that position
moves back to the Emergency Services faculty. The vacant Assistant Dean position will be re-purposed to
hire a dean and the vacant Associate Dean position will become the Associate Dean for the new college. It
will be possible to re-purpose existing staff positions to staff the new office of the dean of the College of
Aviation and Public Services. Office space used by the current administration will be used by the new dean
and associate dean. No additional equipment of facilities will be required.
SECTION IV: Finances
The dean and associate dean positions for the new college will be funded from the vacancies of the current
assistant dean over the aviation programs and the associate dean over the School of Public Services. Nonappropriated funds from the aviation and emergency services programs are available to pay for any
increases in salaries associated with the re-purposed positions. The current operating budget of the
College of Technology and Computing will be divided with the new college.