Supplementary materials 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Plant materials The mutant gra(k) was obtained from the tissue-cultured rice Kitaake. The gra phenotype was genetically stable for more than ten generations in both greenhouse and field. The F1 hybrids and F2 populations derived from the crosses, gra(k) × Jodan and gra(k) × 02428, were used for genetic analysis and molecular mapping of Gra(k). Temperature treatment was performed in an illuminated plant growth chamber (12 light/12 dark) with 75% humility at different temperatures, 24°C, 28°C and 30 °C, respectively. Examinations of the phenotypic traits, including tillering number, plant height, seed setting rate and thousand-grain weight, were performed on ten Kitaake plants and ten gra(k) plants randomly selected, respectively. 1.2 Measurement of chlorophyll content The samples for chlorophyll content measurement were collected from the leaves at the twoleaf (albino), the four-leaf (green-reversible) and the six-leaf (complete green) stages, respectively. Leaf samples with 200 mg each from the mutant gra(k) and the wild type Kitaake were respectively soaked in 30 ml acetone (80%) for 48 h in the dark until samples became colorless. Chlorophyll concentration was measured following the method as described previously [1]. 1.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy The samples were collected from the leaves before and after green-revertible albino presented and prefixed with a mixed solution of 3% glutaraldehyde. The samples were then fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in series acetone, infiltrated in Epox812 for four hours, and embedded followed by cut section [2]. The sections were then stained using methylene blue and cut using a diamond knife to get ultrathin sections. The ultrathin sections were stained using uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The stained ultrathin sections were then examined under a transmission electron microscope (TEM; HITACHI, H-600IV, Japan). 1.4 Genetic analysis and Gene mapping F1 hybrids from the reciprocal crosses between gra(k) and Jodan and F2 populations derived from the crosses of gra(k) × Jodan and gra(k) × 02428 were planted in Wenjiang, Sichuan province. Segregation ratio of the leaf color in F2 populations was examined at the greenrevertible stage. The F2 individuals with gra phenotypes from the cross gra(k) × Jodan were used for gene mapping. The SSR primers were synthesized according to the information available from Gramene database ( (Table S4). Indel markers were obtained by aligning the reference sequences between the genomes, japonica (Nipponbare) ( and indica (93-11) ( Primers were synthesized by Shanghai Invitrogen Company. PCR reaction was performed following the method described previously [3] and amplified products were visualized in 3% agarose gels. Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was used to rapidly determine the chromosomal localization of the target locus. For this purpose, equal amounts of leaf blades from each of eight wild type F2 individuals and eight mutant F2 individuals were respectively collected for DNA extraction to form the wild-type DNA pool and the mutant DNA pool. Fine mapping was then performed by analyzing the 5168 F2 individuals with albino phenotypes using additional markers surrounding the locus of Gra(k). 1.5 Gene cloning and sequencing Primers for cloning were shown in Table S5. PCR was performed following the method described previously [4]. Images were photographed and captured by Gel Doc 2000TM (BioRad, USA). Sequencing was carried out by a commercial company (BGI Life Tech Co., Ltd, China). 1.6 RNA isolation and quantitative RT-PCR The mRNA samples were extracted using TRIzol_reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Shanghai, China) following the manufacturer’s protocols. cDNA was synthesized using cDNA reverse transcription Kit (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Shanghai, China). The quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed on C1000TM Thermal Cycler machine. The primer pairs used were listed in Table S6. All qRT-PCR results were normalized with the expression data of the reference gene Ubq5 [5]. The 2-∆∆CT method was used to calculate relative expression level with three experimental duplicates [6]. 1.7 Complementation test of Gra(k) For complementary test, the CDSs of the candidate genes were amplified using the primer pair listed in Table S7 and cloned into Getway-Ubic1300 carrying the promoter of Ubiquitin, respectively. The resulting construct Ubic1300-Gra(k) was introduced into the mutant gra(k) through agrobacterium-mediated transformation following the method as described previously [7]. Hygromycin was used for screening the regenerated transformants. The positive transgenic plants were verified by using PCR-based genotyping. References 1. Yangimi CM, Chang KW, Yin MH, et al (1998) Taiwania 43: I16-122 2. Matin MN, Saief SA, Rahman MM, et al (2010). Mol Cells 30: 533-543 3. Li WT, Peng YY, Wei YM, et al (2009). Genet Resour Crop Evol 56: 465-480 4. Li WT, Wei YM, Wang JR, et al (2010). Theor Appl Genet 121: 907-917 5. Jain M, Nijhawan A, Tyagi AK, et al (2006). Biochem Bioph Res Co 345: 646-651 6. Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD (2001). Methods 25: 402-408 7. Chern M, Fitzgerald HA, Canlas PE, et al (2005). Mol Plant Microbe In 18: 511-520 Supplementary Tables Supplementary Table 1 Genetic analysis of the gra(k) locus Cross F1 F2 Total Number Number of Number of plants of χ2(3:1) normal green-revertible plant albino gra(k)×Jodan Normal 1523 1109 439 1.592 Jodan×gra(k) Normal 920 703 217 0.979 gra(k)×02428 Normal 1041 805 236 2.989 Note: P value of χ2 is 0.001. Supplementary Table 2 Genes predicted in the mapped Gra(k) region (200 kb) Gene No. Gene ID Annotation 1 LOC_Os05g23620 cytochrome c1-1, heme protein, mitochondrial precursor, putative 2 LOC_Os05g23640 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified 3 LOC_Os05g23650 expressed protein 4 LOC_Os05g23670 transcription factor jumonji, putative, expressed 5 LOC_Os05g23680 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed 6 LOC_Os05g23690 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed 7 LOC_Os05g23700 DNA-binding storekeeper protein-related, putative, expressed 8 LOC_Os05g23720 mitochondrial carrier protein, putative, expressed 9 LOC_Os05g23740 DnaK family protein, putative, expressed 10 LOC_Os05g23750 transposon protein, putative, CACTA, En/Spm sub-class, expressed 11 LOC_Os05g23760 latency associated nuclear antigen, putative, expressed 12 LOC_Os05g23770 transposon protein, putative, CACTA, En/Spm sub-class, expressed 13 LOC_Os05g23780 OsMADS70 - MADS-box family gene with M-alpha type-box, expresse 14 LOC_Os05g23790 retrotransposon, putative, centromere-specific, expressed 15 LOC_Os05g23800 RNA recognition motif containing protein, putative, expressed Note: Genes with functional annotation in the deleted region are in dark bold. 1 Supplementary Table 3 Co-segregation analyses between the transgene and the phenotypes 2 using T1 plants derived from some independent transgenic plants carrying the transgene 3 Os05g23740CDS in gra(k) genetic background Plants No. Line1(hygromycin) Line2(hygromycin) Line3(hygromycin) 4 1 Albino(-) Albino(-) Green(+) 2 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 3 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 4 Green(+) Albino(-) Green(+) 5 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 6 Green(+) Albino(-) Albino(-) 7 Green(+) Albino(-) Green(+) 8 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 9 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 10 Green(+) Green(+) Albino(-) 11 Green(+) Albino(-) Green(+) 12 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 13 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 14 Green(+) Albino(-) Albino(-) 15 Green(+) Green(+) Albino(-) 16 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 17 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 18 Green(+) Green(+) Albino(-) 19 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 20 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 21 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 22 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) 23 Albino(-) Green(+) Green(+) 24 Green(+) Green(+) Green(+) Note: +: transgene-positive, -: transgene-negative 5 6 6 Supplementary Table 4 Molecular markers used for mapping of the gene Gra(k) Marker Forward Primer Reverse Primer Distance(Mb RM163 CGCCTTTATGAGGAGGAGATGG AAACTCTTCGACACGCCTTGC 19.11 RM440 GGTAGGCACCAAAGAGTTTGACG GGCATCACCTTATCCAATCACC 19.83 BI-12 GCTTCAAAACAATCATCA CAACCACCCACTTATGTA 9.60 BI-19 CCCAGTGGAAAGGAAGCA TGAATTTTGGTGGACTAG 15.40 BI-31 TGGCACTCGTATTTCTCAA GACGAGGTTGTTTATTAGTGC 13.48 P9-1 TTTTATGCCCCTACCGCTAC GAGGAGCATTCCTACAAACATAG 13.64 P11 ACATAGGAAGCACTCGCACA CAACTATCTGCTTGCCTCCA 13.68 P12 ACCAACAAAGAAGGGAGAGG CTCCATGATGACGCCACT 13.70 P14 TATTCCTCATTTGCGTGACG AGATCACCATCGTGTAGTTGC 13.71 ACACACAACAGCTGCTCACTGG 13.78 RM18349 CGTAAACACGAGCACACAAAGG RM18353 AGATCTCACTATTGAGTAGCCCATGC CACCTTGCCCTTAAATACCAACC 13.84 RM18360 TCGAGACTGATCGGAGTTTAGGC 14.10 7 8 7 CGCTCCTCCCTAACACCTCTACG 9 Supplementary Table 5 Primers used for qRT-PCR. Genes Forward primer (5’-3’) LOC_05g23700 GGTGCGCATTTCTTGGATCG TGCTCTGCTTCCGTTCTCTG LOC_05g23720 CTGGCCTTGCTTCATACCCA LOC_05g23740 GTCTCCTACCGCGTCATCAG AGCTTTCTAAGCACCTGGGC LOC_Os06g46770(Ubq5) AACCAGCTGAGGCCCAAGA 10 11 8 Reverse primer (5’-3’) TGAAGAGTGACTTCGCACCC ACGATTGATTTAACCAGTCCATGA 12 Supplementary Table 6 Primers used for cloning of the CDSs of LOC_Os05g23700, LOC_Os05g23720 and LOC_Os05g23740 Gene Forward Primer Reverse Primer Amplified fragment length LOC_Os05g23700 CACCATGGCGGTGGTGGGGGTGCT CTACGTGCTTTTCTTCGTCATGCTCT 771bp LOC_Os05g23720 CACCATGGCTGACGATTTGGGCCCTC TTAGCCACCACCAGAACCGTACTTCTTAC 1143bp LOC_Os05g23740 CACCGCACCAGCGGTCTCTCTCGGTGG ACTACTCTCCTGCTCATTGGCTGT 13 14 9 2117bp 15 Supplementary Table 7 Primers used for genomic amplifying of LOC_Os05g23700, LOC_Os05g23720 and LOC_Os05g23740 Gene Forward Primer Reverse Primer Amplified fragment length LOC_Os05g23700-1 CAAACCCTCTATAATCCTCTACCT AAGTAGGCGACGCTGTAGT 677 LOC_Os05g23700-2 CACGTCCTCGACTACAGCGT AGAACTCGCCATCAAGGAGTG 772 LOC_Os05g23720-1 GCATGTCATTATCGTATCCAGTT TCACTAACCTGAAGGTTGCC 1007 LOC_Os05g23720-2 GTTGGTATCATTGTCTATCGTGG TCCCGAAGATGCTACAATGG 890 LOC_Os05g23740-1 TCTCGCCATTTCTCCCCCA GAAGGGAACCCACAGGATTTG 1163 LOC_Os05g23740-2 TGAACAGCCCTTGCTCTTTG CCTCAAAAACACCATCACCAACT 1284 LOC_Os05g23740-3 CTTGAAGTTGGTGATGGTGTTT CAATATCTCCAGAACCTGACAAA 1170 LOC_Os05g23740-4 TGGTTTGAAATGGATGCGAT ACAATGCTACCAATTTGCCAG 16 17 18 19 10 1537 20 21 Supplementary Figure 1 Determination whether the green-revertible albino phenotype co-segregates with the hygromycin gene in F2 segregating population. 22 WT: wild type. +: Positive control of hygromycin, -: Negative control of hygromycin; Number “1” through “22” represent 22 F2 green-revertible albino 23 individuals from the cross of Jodan × gra(k). 24 11 25 26 27 Supplementary Figure 2 Comparison of the main agronomic traits between gra(k) and Kitaake plants. The main agronomic traits, including tillering 28 number, plant height, setting rate and thousand-grain weight, were respectively determined. WT: wild type. 29 30 12 31 32 Supplementary Figure 3 PCR amplification of genomic sequences of LOC_Os05g23700, LOC_Os05g23720 and LOC_Os05g23740 from the wild type 33 Kitaake and the mutant gra(k), respectively. Genomic sequences of LOC_Os05g23700 and LOC_Os05g23720 were amplified using two primer pairs 34 whereas genomic sequence of LOC_Os05g23740 was amplified using four primer pairs. 35 13 36 14