German 110

German 110: Introduction to German Language and Culture
Fall 2014
Instructor: Amy Trowbridge
Daily 1st hour
Room 915
Office hours: After school by appointment
Phone: 224-1315 e-mail:
Credits: 1 unit or 3 hours per semester of dual credit through UMKC
Course Objectives
In this course we will develop all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) in German.
We will learn the basic structures of German grammar presented in the textbook and practice using these
structures communicatively by talking in class and through short writing assignments. We will
emphasize listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition through storytelling and follow-up
reading assignments. We will also learn about German culture and history through readings and class
discussions. Students will be introduced to German literature and will watch at least two films per
semester. An honor point may be earned for each semester passed of this course if G.P.A. requirement is
The best way to learn a language proficiently is to combine exposure to the language with opportunities to
speak it, and the more German you hear, read, and speak, the quicker and more thoroughly it will sink in.
Plan on speaking only German in our classroom! Except for some grammar explanations and cultural
discussions, I will speak only German. This is a proven successful teaching method that you should view
as a challenge rather than allowing it to become a frustration. You can always clarify anything with me in
English after class or during office hours.
Required: Terrell et al. Kontakte. 6th ed. A German-English Dictionary.
Recommended: Zorach, Cecile and Charlotte Melin. English Grammar for Students of German. 3rd ed.
1 small spiral notebook for daily homework assignments, new vocabulary, and notes plus a sturdy folder
to keep all hand-outs, textbook. You may leave textbook in class, unless there is homework assigned.
Description of Assignments
Homework Completion and Participation:
Besides completing daily homework assignments in the textbook and in the workbook pages you will
earn the complete points if you consistently speak only German during our class sessions, especially
when doing partner and group work, choral responses during storytelling, and if you demonstrate
preparation of the material by responding appropriately when called upon.
Homework Quizzes: The exercises on the quizzes are taken directly from the assigned homework, so
you should have no problem with the quizzes if you have done the assignments. There are 2-3 quizzes
per chapter starting with chapter 1.
Essays: Beginning with chapter 1, I will assign an essay topic that will be due on the final day of the
chapter. All the essays should be written from the same perspective: it can be you yourself or you can
invent a character. First semester, essays need only be 50 words long, but you may write more. The
essay will be worth 25 points, based on your use of broad vocabulary and complex sentences. I will
return it with correction symbols for you to rewrite; all essays must be double-spaced! You may
handwrite them, but saving them in a computer will make your corrections less tedious. This second draft
is worth 25 points, and I will deduct points for each uncorrected or incorrectly fixed error, based on what
we’ve covered. No translation web-sites allowed!
Presentations: On the last day of the chapter you will present the “highlights” of your essay/character in
front of the class. You may use an index card with key words during your presentation, but you may not
read a text. The best presentations usually include visual materials that help the speaker remember his or
her ideas and help the class better understand the presentation. These assignments are worth 40 points,
based on complexity, clarity of speech and memorization.
Language Lab: As we are not on the UMKC campus, we will complete all language labs in class.
We will still continue to use Thursdays as lab days to complete on-line exercises as well as partner work.
Exams: Each exam covers one chapter; the final will be comprehensive. The first test will cover
introductory chapters A and B. Each test will have sections on listening, grammar, reading, and a short
essay, and some will explicitly include vocabulary and culture. As always we have an in class review
before each quiz or exam.
Course schedule Grading Period 1:
Woche 1:
Placement Test/UMKC registration and placement test
Introduction/Einführung 1
Woche 2:
Einführung 2
Woche 3:
Kapitel 1/Vocab List 1
Woche 4:
Kapitel 1
Woche 5:
Kapitel 2/ Vocab List 2
Woche 6:
Kapitel 2
Woche 7:
Kapitel 3/Vocab List 3
Woche 8:
Kapitel 3
Woche 9:
Kapitel 4/Vocab List 4
Woche 10:
Kapitel 4
Woche 11:
Kapitel 5/Vocab List 5
Woche 12:
Kapitel 5
Woche 13:
Kapitel 6/Vocab List 6
Woche 14:
Kapitel 6
Woche 15:
Woche 16:
Woche 17:
Final Exams
Course Grading Scale: