Molecular dynamics of the transport of ions in a synthetic channel D.A. Morton-Blake1a and Conan Kumari-Doyle1b 1 School of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland a, Keywords: Molecular dynamics, Ion migration, Synthetic membrane, Electric fields, Oscillating trajectories, Infra red radiation. Abstract. Molecular dynamics investigations of ions in certain non-bulk media predict that they are capable of significantly greater mobilities than in the liquid state. The entries of Li+, Na+, and K+ ions into a proposed synthetic channel are simulated across a bilayer membrane between two bulk aqueous salt solutions. The behaviours of the ions are investigated in the presence, and in the absence of an electric field applied along the channel axis. The ion channel described consists of twelve 15-crown-ether-5 rings bonded in a stacked conformation. The dynamics of ions as they encounter this channel is investigated in cases when several channels are embedded as a lattice into a bilayer membrane and also when a single channel floats freely in an aqueous electrolyte solution. The frictional forces opposing the ion trajectories are calculated (~10 nN) and found to be independent of velocity. Introduction An understanding is sought of the fundamental principles that underlie the mechanisms occurring in the motion of ions through matter, including the natural processes that transport them across a cell membrane. This would supplement the design and synthesis of nanochemical devices [1], particularly those that can transport small molecules and ions between sites within an entirely artificial structure. Some of the approaches taken include the emulation of natural processes by applying molecular dynamics (MD) to a system in which ions in an aqueous medium move inside a synthetic molecular channel. In some of these studies the cell membrane of the natural system has been modelled by a simple amphiphilic bilayer, while in others efforts are made to understand the entry of the ions into the mouth of a single channel, and their subsequent dynamics in the channel. Molecular systems The synthetic molecular channel in Fig. 1 consists of fourteen 15-crown-ether-5 (CE) molecules covalently bonded in a stacked configuration [2], resulting in a channel length of 35.0 Å, which is close to the thickness of a phospholipid bilayer membrane. At its narrowest point the diameter of each CE ring is just over 4Å. When the channels were placed in an aqueous ionic solution our earlier MD investigations [2] showed that while the cavities were too small to admit water molecules, cations such as Li+, Na+ and K+ could enter; anions however were denied entry even in the presence of strong electric fields along the axial direction. Fig. 1 A crown ether ring in (a) is connected to its neighbour by a CH2 link at the positions ‘*’ in (a) and (b) to form a 14-ring channel (c). In (d) 25 such channels are embedded in a bilayer membrane to connect two bulk salt solutions on either side of the membrane. The coulombic potential along the channel axis The Mulliken partial atomic charges on the channel atoms, derived [2] from Hartree-Fock calculations (using a 311 basis set supplemented by polarization functions) [3] show that the electrostatic potential on the channel’s cylindrical axis, which has a significant contribution from the O atoms of the CE rings, has a rather steady value of ca. −13v. Fig. 2 The coulombic potential along the axis of the channel in Fig. 1. The potential rises steeply at the channel ends, but solvent molecules would present substantial coulomb energy wells in the two bulk liquid regions outside the channel. The walls of the potential well thus constitute an energy barrier to a M+ ion migrating either into or out of the channel. The electrostatic potential in the axial region of the channel is more negative than at cation sites near water molecules in the solvent bulk. Consequently, while solvent molecules cannot enter the channel, a cation may do so by paying an energy penalty when it divests itself of its solvent atmosphere. As a result, in its trajectory from the solvent bulk into the channel interior the migrating ion encounters an energy barrier. Despite the negative potential along the channel’s axis, the entry of a cation is therefore not necessarily a spontaneous process as, in order to surmount the barrier, the ion may have to await the advent of favourable factors concerned with the ions’ positions and momenta near the mouth of the channel over the time interval considered. Lattice of channels In the 25-channel unit-cell microlattice shown in Fig. 1(d) in which the electrolyte solute was LiF, NaF or KF, we used MD to monitor the motions of the ions and solvent molecules. The particle trajectories are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 The trajectories of cations that have entered the channel from aqueous electrolyte solutions of LiF, NaF and KF. The traces are for the 25 channels in the bilayer. Only cations (Li+, Na+, K+) can enter the channel. The internal diameter of ~4 Å is too small to admit water molecules, and F− (whose anion radius is actually smaller than that of K+) is also denied entry. We conclude that the strongly negative coulombic axial potential (CE rings’ O atoms) makes the channel a cation trap. After their initial oscillations the M+ migrants come to rest in specific ‘halting sites’ in the channels. Inspection of their coordinates shows that the sites are within 1Å of the axis and up to about 1Å from the planes of the ether O atom. In order to determine the possibility of ion mobility between the sites, a modest electric field of 0.1 v Å−1 was applied to an aqueous LiF solution. The field displaces some of the Li+ ions to downfield sites. The behaviour of ions in a single channel In order to examine details of the entry of the ions in the channel, we now confine our attention to a single channel which, removed from the membrane, floats freely as a solute in the aqueous bulk [2]. The energy barrier at the channel end delays the entry of the cation and its trajectory may not be investigated in a period that is appropriate to the MD timescale. In order to obtain results in a tractable time we had either to ensure that there were ions near a channel end or to apply a static electric field along the axis. Fig. 4 The axial trajectories of three Na+ ions from a 3M solution and their interactions in the channel. Their mutual interactions are observable in the Figure and are discussed in the text. To obtain the trajectories in Fig. 4 several Na+ ions were in the vicinities of the channel ends. While the Figure shows that a small number of them enter the channel almost immediately, after 100,000 timesteps the remainder still remained outside. Of the three entrants the Figure shows that ion #1 enter from the ‘top’ of the channel (z = 35 Å) and #2 from the ‘bottom’ (z = 0 Å). These two ions initially repel each other at time 400 fs before reversing their directions; ion #2 then repels ion #3 which has just entered the channel. We find that No more than three Na+ ions would enter the channel (even after a million-timestep MD run). As they enjoy a large negative electrical potential along the axis the cations do not spontaneously exit the channel. When the first migrant enters the channel the linear momentum conferred by its ‘drop’ into the axial low-energy region allows the ion to partially climb the opposite wall of the energy trough. It then comes to rest in one of the several ‘halting sites’ provided by the crown ether ring units. Electric fields and temperature An electric field along the channel axis will affect the migrating cation’s linear momentum. Fig. 5 shows the ion’s trajectory when such a field of constant magnitude E = 0.3 v Å−1 is applied. The Na+ initially falls the channel’s 36 Å length until it is reflected by the energy barrier at the opposite end. The opposing effects of the channel’s internal -13v potential and the applied E = 0.3 v Å−1 field produces a series of trajectory oscillations whose amplitudes are rapidly damped from an initial 15 Å, and decay as the Na+ ion is trapped at one of the cavity sites. The system constitutes an oscillator with frequency ~1012 Hz and a power output of 10-18 Js−1. A 10 cm3 millimolar sample of such a channel system could generate a power output of 16 W. Fig. 5 The oscillatory behaviour of a single Na+ ion after entering the channel with the aid of an electric field. It is simultaneously subject to this field and to the axial one generated by the atomic coulomb charges. The channel behaves as a pulsed infra-red oscillator. The cusp-like maxima of the oscillations in the Figure are due to the steep walls of the coulombic potential at the channel ends. Lower intensities of electric field would bring the Na+ ion to rest at other sites of the channel (the flat portion of the coulomb basin). The damping of the oscillations is due to the friction between ion and the channel atoms. Damping factors have been evaluated for the oscillations and related to the sliding frictional forces discussed below. Can the Na+ ion exit the channel? Fig. 6 Channel trajectory of a Na+ ion at various (accessible) temperatures in an electric field E = 0.3 v Å-1. At the two highest temperatures the ion exits the channel. If the molecular channel is to mimic a membrane channel in a living cell, an ion would need to exit the channel into the extracellular fluid. To do this it must overcome the energy barrier at the end of the channel. Simply raising the temperature (except to an unrealistic range) does not facilitate the exit of the Na+. But Fig. 6 shows that a moderate electric field brings the ion to a position on the channel axis from which the thermal excitation at temperatures above 360 K can effect its escape from the into the surrounding solution. At this point it becomes strongly solvated and is unlikely to re-enter the channel unless the direction of the electric field is reversed. Owing to the degree of dynamic randomness in the mechanism of the Na+ ion’s desolvation before it enters the channel, the effect of temperature is not completely regular, but its overall trends are clear. Fig. 6 shows the coincidence of the initial portions of the trajectory curves (7 < z < 37 Å) for the different temperatures; the ion channel migration is thus virtually non-activated. Attempts to monitor velocities on an Arrhenius plots led to an activation energy of less than 1 J mol-1. Sliding friction of the Na+ channel migration On atomic scales it is believed that the frictional force f may not obey Amonton’s Law and may indeed depend on sliding velocity v. But among molecular tribologists there is little consensus on the dependence of the friction. Forms f v and f v2 are commonly assumed; friction force microscopy (where the velocities are much greater than those here) finds a logarithmic dependence [6] while work on sliding polymer surfaces concludes that there is no dependence on v [7]. As the forces and velocities are calculated at each timestep of the ion migration the friction can be tested for a wide range of velocities. These are generated by subjecting the Na+ ion to electric fields applied in either direction along the channel [-0.3 < E < +0.3 v Å−1]. This imposes a range of velocities on the ion as may be inferred from Fig. 7(a). The frictional force at any instant is obtained by subtracting the coulombic force of the channel atoms on the Na+ ion at that position from the total force calculated, together with the migration velocity, in the MD. [Noise spikes resulting from velocity corrections from the coupled Fig. 7 (a) Different values (positive and negative) of electric field E impart different trajectories and velocities to the migrating Na+. (b) The frictional forces between the ion and the channel seem to be independent of velocity. thermostat at high ion velocities (0 to 1000 ts) were minimized by shortening the timestep unit from 1 fs to 0.1 fs (10-16 s).] The forces (nanonewtons) in part (b) of the Figure show that the f vn relation is obeyed only for n = 0. Despite the scattered nature of the plots (inadequate statistics) the friction seems appreciably constant at 8 - 9 nanonewton over the velocity range of 0 to 1103 nm s−1 and we conclude that ionic friction in this molecular system is independent of sliding velocity. Computational facilities: An Institúd um Theicneolaíocht Eolais agus Riomhfhorbairt na hÉireann (IITAC). References [1] J.-C. Olsen, K. E. Griffiths and J. F. Stoddart , ‘A Short History of the Mechanical Bond’, in From Non-Covalent Assemblies to Molecular Machines, J.-P. Sauvage, P. Gaspard (Eds.), Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, Germany (2011), pp 67—139. [2] W. Smith and T.R. Forester, ‘A general purpose molecular dynamics simulation package’, J. Molec. Graphics 14 (1996) 136. [3] D.A. Morton-Blake, ‘An intermembrane ion trap’, Journal of Molecular Liquids 167, 57 (2012). [4] Gaussian 03, Revision E.01, M. J. Frisch et al. Gaussian Inc., Wallingford CT (2004). [5] D.A. 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