Integrated energy design process for the Solar Decathlon competition Magnus Hustad Kleven Eskild Rognes Pablo Alarco Gonzales Kristof Lijnen Michael Gruner When facing the task of evaluating the performance of the existing Solar Decathlon proposal, we decided to divide it in different phases. DEFINITION AND INPUT Defining the possible scenarios In the first place we needed to find the input data that the simulation software needs. To do so we used developed several possible scenarios using the Norwegian standards and the Solar Decathlon criteria. The questions we needed to answer in the first place for the different scenarios would be: Where the building would be? When would the building be self sufficient? How much energy should it produce? We developed the following table to guide us in that process: how much? when? where? plus energy two weeks in june (s.d.e.) madrid zero energy per year trondheim net-connected per month(s) oslo … feed in … winter half year lillehammer, røros net-independent … per season (3 months) jotunheimen, hardangervidda … autarchic, self-sufficient per week lofoten, hammerfest, svalbard … plus energy ,,, The two main scenarios that we decided to be the most useful for us would be: “plus energy house in Madrid over one year with grid feed in” which is required from the solar decathlon rules and “plus-energy house in Trondheim on annual basis”, both fulfilling passive house criteria according to NS 3700. A third scenario would be based on a cabin placed in the Trondheim climate. To define the appliances we used the demand per m2 that is in the standards. But for precise calculations it may be better if we calculate the actual demand of the appliances we need. We realized that the internal loads due to the occupancy in the standards were too low. That is why we decided to simulate in Ecotect the presence of two occupants in the residence during all year. The scenario of the cabin has some problems. The operational schedule could not be defined yet, because the existing regulation does not include this possibility. Another point of discussion is the occupancy of the cabin. We could assume a higher number of occupants in a cabin than in a normal residence, reducing the heating loads needed. There could also be a reduction in the demand of the equipment. As another starting point we used the criteria of the passive house standard ns3700, and the ns3031 when something was not defined in the previous one. The goal would be to achieve or improve those requirements. For those scenarios we had to define the boundary conditions for the design, the calculation methods and the input data needed to use simulation software. To completely define our scenarios we included the needed data in the following table: Defining the energy budget We calculated annual energy budgets for Madrid and Trondheim according to NS 37002010 and prNS 3700 with lower values for the internal gains and energy demands for domestic hot water, equipment and lighting. However, for the simulations in “ecotect” the values from NS 3700-2010 were used. In a next step we divided the annual loads of the budget for prNS 3700 according to the energy sources. From here we defined the total energy demand for the building on monthly basis and for the whole year, using the input of prNS3700 for equipment, lighting and domestic hot water. Then we included the values of heating and cooling demand from Ecotect for the original design for every month. According to this we have a total deficit of 1573 kWh per year. 1000 500 0 t ot a l ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec p h ot ovolt a ic s lig h t in g -5 0 0 e q u ip m e n t d om e s t ic h ot w a t e r fa n s & p u m p s -1 0 0 0 ve n t ila t ion h e a t in g -1 5 0 0 To-2 calculate the PV production we used a Photovoltaic GIS webtool from the webpage of 000 the European Union. The input data we introduced in this webtool was: Crystalline silicon panels with an optimized slope of 43º, with a installed peak PV power of 6 Kwp, since we have 70m2 of roof surface for the panels but they are sloped, reducing the total area that can be used. The estimated system losses were 14% by default and we did not modify this value. EVOLUTION When we had defined input data we used Ecotect firstly to simulate changes in the basic characteristics which lead to a range of proposals. The point was not to have accurate data but to test and compare them, studying the impact of different modifications. The evolution of the base design should be according to Kyoto Protocol. Mainly we focused on the reducing the heat loss and a reduced energy consumption which are the base levels of the pyramid. 1 Reducing heat loss Orientation Without any additional facilities the actual design does not respond to the cardinal directions at all. Every façade has equally 50 per cent wall and 50 per cent glazing resulting in a bad thermal performance both in Madrid and Trondheim. Further improvement is mainly related to an optimizing of the windows orientation. From the simulations we obtained the south orientation gives best results in Trondheim, while north orientation (turning the building 180 degrees) is desirable in Madrid. Building form Changes in the ratio of the building's floor plan have been simulating while the floor plan area and the window distribution has be maintained. As a result we can say that it has not a big influence on the thermal performance. Thus the actual ratio and consequently the actual floor can be maintained in the following investigations. Low transmission heat loss The way to achieve this is using very low U-values of envelope. The passive house standards are used to define the U values of every component. Wall, floor, roof: U-value = 0.1 W/m²K, later changed to 0.08 W/m²K to fulfill the passive house standard in Norway Operable windows: U-value = 0.7 Wm²/K in the beginning, then changed to 0.55 W/m²K after modeling a triple-layered glazing with Argon fill in ecotect Low ventilation heat loss (infiltration) In a highly insulated building complying with the passive house standard the ventilation heat loss is likely to be greater than the transmission heat loss. Besides the known air change rate of n50 = 0.6 ach, T. H. Dokka gives a values for necessary air tightness for n0, which is 0.05 ach. Consequently the infiltration settings in “ecotect” where reduced to 0.25 air change rate and no wind sensivity. A higher and a lower infiltration rate were simulated to see the impact on the thermal performance. Since the impact in ecotect is tremendous, further investigations have to be made to define the settings in “ecotect” more precisely. Sun-shading To simulate a shading device used during summer half year a shading device was generated on the east-, west-, and south- facing widows to prevent direct solar radiation 1st May to 30th September from 8:00 until 18:00. The generated protruding device is to replace a vertical shading device like sliding doors or venetian blinds. As the results show, in Madrid shading is an absolute must to reduce the cooling loads. On the other hand, a shading device in Trondheim resulted in a higher heating demand throughout the year since it allows less solar gains. We run our simulations using shading devices in every window from 8 to 18 in Madrid, while we do not use shading devices when simulating the performance in Trondheim. Windows Window area, size, orientation, and distribution in the wall are the critical adjustment factors in the design. According to our simulations the window area has to be limited to just the amount which is necessary to achieve proper daylighting, otherwise the heat losses exceed the solar gains. If we consider static solutions the results can be summed as followed: in Trondheim We found out that we needed a large window area facing south and almost no area or no windows at all facing east, west and north. in Madrid East and west are also problematic. As we have to deal with the cooling loads during two weeks in june, the north orientation is not problematic and we have considered to turn around the building as it is, getting fairly good results. a special investigation was undertaken to examine the impact of windows on opposite facades in order to find an explanation of the phenomena that a window on another façade than the north increases the energy demand for heating by approximately 10 kWh/m²a. Therefore a model was build with windows on north and south side. For the investigations the south window was reduced and the north window was increased while the total window area was maintained. The results can be interpreted that an additional window leads to an increased heat loss by ventilation. 100 / 0 80 / 20 60 / 40 40 / 60 20 / 80 0 / 100 100 / 100 ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec Madrid 100 / 0 80 / 20 60 / 40 40 / 60 20 / 80 0 / 100 100 / 100 ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec Trondheim 2 Reducing the energy consumption Low energy appliances When taking a look to the present passive house standard NS3700 we figured out that the values indicated for energy demand per m2 was too high. Finally we used the values indicated in the prNS3700 for lighting, domestic hot water and equipment. Passive heating respectively The window design was our main tool to reduce the heating demand over the whole year. Daylighting As explained before, when reducing the window area to improve the energy performance the immediate problem we had to face was the lack of daylight inside. Since we needed most of the window area facing south, we had light only coming from that façade. The zig zag shape of the interior space was difficult to light correctly, due mainly to the front box. Some of our proposals try to find the compromise between energy performance and good daylight levels inside, optimizing the position and size of windows. When reducing the window area in the east, west and north façades to improve the energy performance we had problems with daylight levels inside. That is what lead us to consider the possibility to use translucent wall materials. In the low energy school Maela school in Skien, Norway, a certain kind of translucent wall allows good daylight inside. The material is ISOFLEX transparent insulation that with a thickness of 200mm achieves a U value of 0.28. Natural ventilation In the first place we run the simulations using only full air conditioning during all year. But later on we figured out that we could use a mixed-mode configuration in a way that we use the natural ventilation when is enough to achieve the needed comfort levels, switching off the mechanical systems and having the consequent savings in energy demand. After applying the different modifications we evaluated them comparing the energy used for heating and cooling and during June, for the different options. Solar collectors and Solar panels By using the sun data from page 69 in NS3031 we calculated what values we could obtain from solar collectors and solar panels. Regarding the solar collectors, we assumed that the overproduction could not be stored or exported. So in the months we produce more then we need we simply deleted the extra production from our calculations. By optimizing the results were we put the efficiency of solar collectors to 25 % and for the solar panels 15 %. We find that the optimal area for solar collectors would be 5m 2 and the remaining 67m2 is covered by solar panels. The result we get is 63 % of the heating demand for water would be covered by solar collectors and the rest by electricity from solar panels. The production of electricity would be more than enough to cover the needs of the cottage. Our theoretical production of electricity ends up on approx. 15000 kWh and heat for water on approx. 1600kWh. Look at Appendix A for calculations. Parameters for ecotect These are the Ecotect parameters we used in the zone management settings: Occupancy: 2 occupants (70W sedentary) 24 / 7 / 52 Internal gains: 3.75 W/m², schedule NS 3031 = 16 / 7 / 52 Infiltration: air change rate – 0.25, no wind sensitivity HVAC: thermostat range: in Madrid 23 – 25 °C, in Trondheim 21 – 26 °C 1. Mixed mode (air conditioning + natural ventilation when comfort zone reached), no specified operation time or schedule. 2. Full air conditioning, no specified operation time or schedule. We decided to run the simulation with two occupants because of the small size of the house. The number of occupants has a huge impact on the final results. Our first approach was using full air conditioning, but later we figured out that there were big potential savings in using a mixed mode approach in which the mechanical system is automatically switched off when the natural ventilation is enough to achieve the desired comfort levels. The temperature range we used in Madrid is defined by the Solar Decathlon competition. The range used in Trondheim is specified in the ns3700. Parameters for SIMIEN It was decided to make two simulations in SIMIEN. One of the original design with no improvements. And one optimized design with roots from the original design to reach the passive house standard for Norway. Both simulations used the passive house standard NS 3700 for the different variables. For the simulation the dynamic simulation program SIMIEN, which is approved due to the regulations in NS-EN 15265, was used as it was familiar to the group. It is also used for energy classification of buildings in Norway. The simulation was only done for Oslo since there were no obtainable data for Madrid for the program, and the residence was classified as “småhus” in SIMIEN. The design of the house and the size of it are fairly plain and it was therefore only simulated as one zone, this simplified the simulation. For heating and it was chosen a heat pump with a system factor (COP) of 2.5. This factor might be a bit high for an air to water heat pump. When we did a small research, we found that it would be closer to two. For the tap water we had a system consisting of solar heating and electrical heating. The solar heating system is planned to go on the flat roof and share this space with solar panels. A rough estimation gave an optimal area of 5-6m2 for the tap water system, but was chosen to 8m2 to have a small buffer. The rest of the 72m2 roof were to be covered in solar panels for electricity production. For the tap water system an efficiency of 25% was used for the calculations and 15% for the solar panels. To achieve an optimal efficiency the solar panels were placed with an elevation of 30 degrees. This system was chosen in order to achieve a more environmental house. In order to simplify the simulation it was assumed that an eventual overproduction of electricity in the solar panels could be exported on to the grid at any given time. Since there were some complications implementing the energy produced by the solar panels, these calculations were kept outside SIMIEN, and were manually withdrawn from the energy budget. The systems for room heating and cooling were optimized so that the room temperature stayed within desired limits. Since the cooling implemented in the ventilation system didn’t give an efficient contribution, there were installed an external cooling device. Solar collectors and Solar panels By using the sun data from page 69 in NS3031 we calculated what values we could obtain from solar collectors and solar panels. Regarding the solar collectors, we assumed that the overproduction could not be stored or exported. So in the months we produce more then we need we simply deleted the extra production from our calculations. By optimizing the results were we put the efficiency of solar collectors to 25 % and for the solar panels 15 %. We find that the optimal area for solar collectors would be 5m 2 and the remaining 67m2 is covered by solar panels. The result we get is 63 % of the heating demand for water would be covered by solar collectors and the rest by electricity from solar panels. The production of electricity would be more than enough to cover the needs of the cottage. Our theoretical production of electricity ends up on approx. 15000 kWh and heat for water on approx. 1600kWh. Look at Appendix A for calculations. “FLEXBOX” – THE ACTUAL DESIGN Once we had defined the possible scenarios we used the simulation software programmes of “ecotect” and “Simien” to study the existing proposal “flexbox” without any modification. We assumed the building to be a permanent residence in Trondheim. The daylight analysis shows an average daylight factor of 15 % which is an abundant amount compared to desired 5 % or even to the minimum of 2 %. ecotect simulation For several design options concerning the settings for the HVAC in “ecotect” (full conditioning vs. mixed mode) and applied shading we achieved the following results: 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 fu ll c on d . ja n fe b mar apr m ixe d m od e may ju n ju l aug fu ll c on d . + s h a d in g sep oc t n ov dec m ixe d + s h a d in g fu ll c on d . ja n fe b mar a pr may ju n ju l a ug m ixe d se p o ct nov de c Both for the best cases in Madrid (heating demand 27.7 kWh/(m²a), cooling demand 29.5 kWh/(m²a) and Trondheim (heating demand 57.4 kWh/(m²a), cooling demand 0.1 kWh/(m²a)) we do not achieve the passive house criteria in “ecotect”. Simien simulation The results from the simulation with the original design did not fulfill the passive house requirements. Varmetapsbudsjett Beskrivelse Verdi Varmetapstall yttervegger 0,09 Varmetapstall tak 0,13 Varmetapstall gulv på grunn/mot det fri 0,13 Varmetapstall glass/vinduer/dører 0,36 Varmetapstall kuldebroer 0,03 Varmetapstall infiltrasjon 0,04 Varmetapstall ventilasjon 0,18 Totalt varmetapstall 0,95 Krav varmetapstall 0,60 From these data we could see that the main problem with our original building would be the windows and our ventilation system. So by reducing the window area and changing the ventilation system we could gain a better result that would fulfill the requirement of 0.6. So we need to reduce the total heat loss from 0.95 to 0.6. Energiytelse Beskrivelse Verdi Krav Netto oppvarmingsbehov 45,2 kWh/m² 25,6 kWh/m² Netto kjølebehov 16,2 kWh/m² 0,0 kWh/m² Energibruk el./fossile energibærere 85,3 kWh/m² 118,8 kWh/m² We also see the energy demand is above accepted level as a consequence due to the high value of the heat loss, and it is not legal with cooling equipment except from the ventilation itself. Varmetapsbudsjett (varmetapstall) Varmetap gulv 13,6 % Varmetap tak 13,6 % Varmetap yttervegger 9,8 % Varmetap vinduer/dører 37,8 % Varmetap ventilasjon 18,1 % Varmetap infiltrasjon 3,9 % Varmetap kuldebroer 3,2 % Varmetapstall yttervegger Varmetapstall tak Varmetapstall gulv på grunn/mot det fri Varmetapstall glass/vinduer/dører Varmetapstall kuldebroer Varmetapstall infiltrasjon Varmetapstall ventilasjon Totalt varmetapstall 0,09 W/m²K 0,13 W/m²K 0,13 W/m²K 0,36 W/m²K 0,03 W/m²K 0,04 W/m²K 0,17 W/m²K 0,95 W/m²K Energibudsjett Energipost Energibehov Spesifikt energibehov 2360 kWh 42,1 kWh/m² 161 kWh 2,9 kWh/m² 2502 kWh 44,7 kWh/m² 3a Vifter 594 kWh 10,6 kWh/m² 3b Pumper 159 kWh 2,8 kWh/m² 4 Belysning 654 kWh 11,7 kWh/m² 5 Teknisk utstyr 981 kWh 17,5 kWh/m² 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 1a Romoppvarming 1b Ventilasjonsvarme (varmebatterier) 2 Varmtvann (tappevann) 6a Romkjøling 6b Ventilasjonskjøling (kjølebatterier) Totalt netto energibehov, sum 1-6 898 kWh 16,0 kWh/m² 8310 kWh 148,4 kWh/m² “FLEX03” The original was optimised by reducing the window area to give the building a definite orientation. The window area was reduced just to keep the daylight factor above 5 % and also to keep windows on all four façade to allow cross ventilation. However, passive house criteria were not achieved heating (Madrid: heating demand 16.9 kWh/(m²a), cooling demand 19.7 kWh/(m²a)), Trondheim: heating demand 38.7 kWh/(m²a), cooling demand 0.03 kWh/(m²a)) ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec ja n fe b mar a pr may ju n ju l a ug se p o ct nov de c “FLEXXX1” Persuading to reach a heating demand according to the passive house criteria we arrived at a design without any windows on north, east, or west façade. Despite the depth of the space of over 8 metres the daylight factors are good due to the fully glazed south façade. The thermal performance in Norway is according to passive house standard with an annual heating demand 29.4 kWh/(m²a). However a cooling demand of 1.0 kWh/(m²a) remains even though the “mixed mode” is used. In Madrid the cooling demand of 21.2 kWh/(m²a) would not fit the passive house criteria, the heating demand of 13.0 kWh/(m²a) does. ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec ja n fe b mar a pr may ju n ju l a ug se p o ct nov de c “FLEXXX2” Continuous window We decided to eliminate the Windows facing east, west and north, keeping the window facing south. We achieved to have a good energy performance but we had a problem with the daylight levels. The window surface in east, west and roof aims to illuminate the space behind the front box and the kitchen zone in front of the second box. The effect of the window surface in east, west and roof makes the performance worse, reaching 38.7 Kwh/m2a for heating in Trondheim, in full conditioning mode. In Madrid the total consumption is 50.2 Kwh/m2a. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 m ix ed m fle x0 od e 3 . or x fle no ed ix m + m ix ed ig h rt g in ad sh 3 x0 fle fle x no or rt ig h . 0 Clerestory In the same line as the previous proposal we placed a clerestory, instead of a high window. The main problem we had to achieve good daylight levels is the zig zag shape of the building, as the front box is blocking most of the incoming light from the south facing façade. In order to solve this specific problem of daylighting we placed the clerestory behind the box, facing south, and we have similar results for heating and cooling as before placing the clerestory. In Madrid we obtained 40,5Kwh/m2a total energy for heating and cooling. In Trondheim the heating demand is 45,6Kwh/m2a. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 e od x2 m xx m ix ed fle fle x0 1 3 . ig or x fle + ed ix m ed m ix rt no ad sh + x2 xx fle h g in h rt no 1 3 x0 fle fle x no or rt ig h . 0 Before modeling the clerestory the heating consumption in Trondheim was below 29Kwh/m2a. Comparing the results with the proposal with a high window on top of the technical room we came to the conclusion that Ecotect is automatically increasing the infiltration rate due to the higher position of the clerestory. This leads to really high energy consumption for heating and cooling which does not necessarily match the reality. It would be necessary to use another kind of calculations or software to find the real performance of this proposal. Upper window This proposal tries to solve the problem of daylight levels inside without compromising the energy performance. The solution comes in the form of more south facing window surface. We decided to make the technical room lower in order to design a high window. In Madrid we obtained 34,2Kwh/m2a total energy for heating and cooling. In Trondheim the heating demand is only 25,4Kwh/m2a. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 od e 2 x2 m xx m ix ed fle fle xx x2 x0 1 3 . ig fle x or rt + ed ix m fle h g ad sh + ed ix no in h rt h no rt x2 xx m fle fle xx x2 2 no 1 3 x0 fle fle x no or rt ig h . 0 “FLEXXX3” – The Quarter Circle We have been modeling a lot with the original model to achieve the requirements according to the NS3700 and NS3031 standards. It was quiet difficult to achieve those aims and that is the reason why we start thinking about an optimum design due to the most important renewable energy source The Sun. This is the reason why we start thinking about circles but after some energy performance we came to the solution of a quart circle because this design gave directly good results according to the energy requirements. The reason for that is that we make more effort from the solar gains. As a common result for our 3 designs we can say that windows facing south is a must because windows too the east and west have a bad influence on the energy performance. In Madrid we need to shade those windows and in Trondheim we making an effort out of these solar gains for reducing the heat demand and we have to find a way to store this heat in a thermal mass. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ed ix m m ix ed + fle sh xx ad in x2 g 3 x1 xx fle fle x0 3 . ig or + fle sh 3 x2 xx fle x ad no in rt g h h rt no x1 fle xx 3 x0 fle fle x no or rt ig h . 0 A comparison of different orientations of the “quarter circle” was undertaken for Madrid. s ou t h + s h a d in g s ou t h n or t h east / west ja n fe b mar apr may ju n ju l aug sep oc t n ov dec “FLEX03+” The design was recalculated in Simien with changed parameters. By reducing the window area from 62% of BRA to 23% of BRA, as well as changing the ventilation system. We could obtain the results we needed. Varmetapsbudsjett Beskrivelse Verdi Varmetapstall yttervegger 0,10 Varmetapstall tak 0,10 Varmetapstall gulv på grunn/mot det fri 0,12 Varmetapstall glass/vinduer/dører 0,13 Varmetapstall kuldebroer 0,03 Varmetapstall infiltrasjon 0,04 Varmetapstall ventilasjon 0,07 Totalt varmetapstall 0,58 Krav varmetapstall 0,60 By comparing the two results we could see that the values for the ventilation, and windows were reduced drastically. We also needed to reduce the U-values of the windows, walls and roof. The new values for roof and walls are 0.08 W/m2K, and 0.55 W/m2K for windows. These values requires an insulation of 500mm. For the windows we are not sure if this is obtainable for the big windows and needs a bit more research. Energiytelse Beskrivelse Netto oppvarmingsbehov Netto kjølebehov Energibruk el./fossile energibærere Verdi Krav 27,9 kWh/m² 29,0 kWh/m² 0,0 kWh/m² 0,0 kWh/m² 13,0 kWh/m² 76,7 kWh/m² By making these adjustments to the building we automatically achieve the goal for heating as well. The max ventilation air flow 12m3/m2h needed to keep the temperature below 26°C. The main change in ventilation was that we don’t have a constant airflow, but it varies with the temperature. Varmetapsbudsjett (varmetapstall) Varmetap tak 16,7 % Varmetap yttervegger 17,4 % Varmetap gulv 20,9 % Varmetap ventilasjon 11,6 % Varmetap infiltrasjon 6,4 % Varmetap vinduer/dører 21,8 % Varmetap kuldebroer 5,1 % Varmetapstall yttervegger Varmetapstall tak Varmetapstall gulv på grunn/mot det fri Varmetapstall glass/vinduer/dører Varmetapstall kuldebroer Varmetapstall infiltrasjon Varmetapstall ventilasjon Totalt varmetapstall 0,10 W/m²K 0,10 W/m²K 0,12 W/m²K 0,13 W/m²K 0,03 W/m²K 0,04 W/m²K 0,07 W/m²K 0,58 W/m²K Energibudsjett Energipost 1a Romoppvarming 1b Ventilasjonsvarme (varmebatterier) 2 Varmtvann (tappevann) 3a Vifter 3b Pumper Energibehov Spesifikt energibehov 1582 kWh 26,8 kWh/m² 64 kWh 1,1 kWh/m² 2637 kWh 44,7 kWh/m² 236 kWh 4,0 kWh/m² 50 kWh 0,9 kWh/m² 689 kWh 11,7 kWh/m² 1034 kWh 17,5 kWh/m² 6a Romkjøling 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 6b Ventilasjonskjøling (kjølebatterier) 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 6291 kWh 106,6 kWh/m² 4 Belysning 5 Teknisk utstyr Totalt netto energibehov, sum 1-6 Levert energi til bygningen (beregnet) Energivare 1a Direkte el. Levert energi Spesifikk levert energi 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 1b El. Varmepumpe 658 kWh 11,2 kWh/m² 1c El. solenergi 166 kWh 2,8 kWh/m² 2 Olje 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 3 Gass 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 4 Fjernvarme 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 5 Biobrensel 0 kWh 0,0 kWh/m² 30 kWh 0,5 kWh/m² 854 kWh 14,5 kWh/m² 6. Annen () Totalt levert energi, sum 1-6 CONCLUSION AND WAY FORWARD Our general conclusion is that the present project did not allow us to achieve the required level of energy efficiency. Even the big modifications in the windows area were not enough to fulfill the requirements of the NS3700. We arrived to a range of proposals that present a sensible improvement in the energy performance. The energy budget shows that with the chosen proposal it is possible to build a project that not only fulfills the passive house standard but that is a plus-energy house over the year in Trondheim. Most of our proposals have the characteristics of a typical passive house in Nordic climates; a large window area facing south and the rest of the building extremely insulated, one way or another. But we also came to some solutions that are out of that family. Those proposals so that perhaps the present design is not optimal in terms of the energy performance. After a discussion about our models we noticed that they were static, they were fixed all year around. We thought that the design of the proposal could have some potential if we could focus it in a different way. Instead of the static approach we took before it could adapt to the different seasons of the year by means of movable insulation or other system that could allow us to open and close the windows depending on the needs and locations. We analyzed one model modifying the size of the windows to see the performance of the different configuration during the year. For us there are two possible ways forward. We either make a complete redesign of the proposed project according to the passive house tradition or think in a new way integrating systems that allow us to adapt the building to different conditions.