Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. Cover Sheet for Projects TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Core or Unit Code Unit Title TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs C TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs C TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning C TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace C TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction E BSBCMM401A Make a presentation E TAEASS401A Plan assessment activities and processes C TAEASS402A Assess competence C TAEASS403A Participate in assessment validation C TAETAS401A Maintain training and assessment information E Elective Student’s name: Telephone: (BH) (AH) Mobile Email: “I understand the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.” Signed: Due date: Project Number Submit by either: Posting to: Emailing to: Teacher Name Victoria University Whitehall Campus PO Box 14428 MELBOURNE VIC 8001 Please Note: · Always keep a copy of the work you submit – including all attachments. Do not send your only copy · Name, number and date all pages Document1 Page 1 of 6 Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. Documents to hand in Project 4: LEARNING PROGRAMS A. Work in a small group to prepare a learning program based on an identified training need and referenced to a standard. A. Instructional design B. Learning program template C. Provide an Information Guide for this program brainstorm topics in class B. Develop a second learning program based on an identified training need and referenced to a standard. Note: In Project 5A, you will develop the session plans and other required resources for this learning program. Learning program template Instructional design Provide an Information Guide for this program Brainstorm in class Result C / NYC # Project 4: LEARNING PROGRAMS Develop two learning programs; one in a group, the other independently. Develop sequential session plans for the first program. A Project 4A Group Program based on a unit of competence 1. You produced an Instructional Design One (1) as a group in class based on a unit of competence or training standard C / NYC 2. You produced a Learning Program as a group in class based on a unit of competence or training standard C / NYC 3. Completed course guides for your group program C / NYC B Project 4B Individual program devised by yourself based on your own expertise area 4. You produced an Instructional Design your own learning plan C / NYC 5. 6. You produced a Learning Program your own learning plan C / NYC Completed a course guide for your individual program C / NYC 7. Completed all requirements for Project 4: LEARNING PROGRAMS C / NYC Comment You have demonstrated (partly demonstrated) the ability to develop an instructional design and learning plan with a group or partner based upon a entire unit of competence from training package or accredited course. Project 4A You have further demonstrated (partly demonstrated) the ability to develop an instructional design and learning plan Project 4B. This program will be developed further in project 5 Facilitate a Group for your two class lessons Document1 Page 2 of 6 Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. Fill in TEMPLATE below with as much detail as you can to describe the lesson www WHO? WHAT? WHY? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? A. Instructional design delete notes below and fill in your own notes WHO is my target audience? How many are there? Is it a small or large group or a one on one session? What is the age range? What are the educational backgrounds? What are the learners past educational experiences? Do any participants have learning difficulties that are likely to affect their ability to participate or achieve the outcomes in the time allocated such as written literacy, dyslexia, reading literacy, comprehension or mathematical literacy? WHAT are the learning outcomes for the session(s)? What standards do they need to achieve? What do they already know about the topic? What skills do they already have in relation to the course/learning program? WHY are they doing the training? Is it to gain all or part of a recognised qualification? Upskilling? Skills maintenance? New technology in the workplace? New procedures? New job role and/or responsibilities? Compliance? Work requirement/Compulsory? Career change? What is their motivation (carrot or stick)? WHEN is the best time to offer the training to fit in with their current commitments, the organisation needs and resource availability? First thing in the morning? Last thing on Friday? At the end of the financial year? What is the frequency of the training? Over what period of time? How many sessions? How long will each session go for? When is the training scheduled? What breaks are scheduled? How long will the breaks be? WHERE will the training take place? On/off the job? In a training room? A meeting room? A warehouse? In the yard? What resources are needed and available? Whiteboard? Data projector? Sufficient seating and tables? Computers? Other equipment? Other people? How can I arrange the set up best for the training? Moving tables? Do I have access to large spaces if needed? What distractions are possible? External noises? What are the hazards and risks associated with the environment? What are the emergency evacuation procedures? HOW will I facilitate the session(s) to best meet the needs of the target audience and the organisation, in the environment, within the time frames? What training techniques/methods/approaches will I use? What learning activities will I include? How will practice of new skills and/or knowledge be included? When will I include practice of new skills and/or knowledge? The answers to the HOW questions will be specified in your session plan(s), but can be summarised here in bullet point: eg: support such as tutoring, coaching and accessibility arrangements; small group discussion; DVD/video footage; readings; role play; lecture; PowerPoint; case studies; games; quizzes; large group discussion; debate; handouts; templates; samples; etc Document1 Page 3 of 6 Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. NAMES: ................................................................................. A. Learning program template Summary of your course Program Title: Eg. Powerpoint presentation software for people presenting to groups (beginners) Program Goal/s (SMART): Session One Title: Session Two Title: Session Three Title: Outcome/s: Outcome/s: Outcome/s: By the end of the session the By the end of the session the By the end of the session the learners will be able to… learners will be able to… learners will be able to… Knowledge, skills and attitudes Knowledge, skills and attitudes Knowledge, skills and attitudes . . . . . . And An Information Guide for your learner includes eg. Time, date, program content, assessments, topics etc Document1 Page 4 of 6 Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. Session One Title Outcome/s: MAKE EXTRA COPIES OF THIS PAGE and ADD to This DOCUMENT 1. . 2. By the end of the session the learners will be able to… Know Do Be confident about Session duration: Key topic/s LLN considerations explain what you will do to cover LLN Say (speak)? (Language) Read? Signs, websites, (Language /Literacy /Numeracy) Write? Written communication (Language /Literacy /Numeracy) What symbols, pictures diagrams do they need to understand? (Language /Literacy /Numeracy) What calculations do they need to do? (Numeracy) Employability Skills focus - explain which employability skills will be utilised and how Communication Teamwork Problem solving Initiative & Enterprise Planning/Organising Self management Learning Technology Learning activities - choose one or two and explain Eg group work, Q& A, discussion, practical task etc Lecture/Talk Brainstorm, Discussion Groups, Problem-Centred Groups, Demonstration, Simulation Games, Case Study, Role Plays, Field Trips, Practical/Laboratory Session, Individual Contracts, One on One Coaching between participants OH&S considerations Resources/materials needed Assessment methods - choose one or two and explain Product sampling Research project Interview On-the-job observation Discuss a case study Group assignment Practical demonstration Written test PowerPoint presentation Role play Oral report Written exam Document1 Page 5 of 6 Project 4A Program Plan Template with a group and not requiring lessons to be developed This provides an overview of the program. Detailed session/lesson plans need to be developed from this. C. Provide an Information Guide for this program Information guide (example only of an information guide) Manage Disruptive and/ or Unlawful Behaviour (from the unit TLIO3012A – Manage Disruptive and/ or Unlawful Behaviour in the Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Rail Operations) Introduction This course involves the skills and knowledge required to manage disruptive and/or unlawful behaviour on transport systems, including monitoring passenger behaviour, identifying and attending to the disruptive / unlawful activity, taking appropriate action to control the behaviour. Finally ensuring that correct reporting is undertaken to follow up the behavioural incident. Time and Date 15th of April 2011 from 8;30 AM to 4:30 PM This unit will take approximately 8 hours to complete. Location Unit will be undertaken at: Level 11 628 Bourke Street, Melbourne Course Content 1. Monitor passenger behaviour 2. Identify and Resolve disruptive/ unlawful activity. 3. Take action to control unlawful behaviour 4. Reporting and documenting incidents Prerequisites Year 12 (VCE) or Equivalent High School Education Required Items You will need to bring pens, writing paper and a copy of either your birth certificate, passport or residency papers. Resources Class rooms, tea and coffee facilities and parking available. We also provide overhead projection facilities and access to computers. Outcomes At the completion of this unit you will have acquired one of the units towards the Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Rail Operations) Cost Course Contact Document1 Page 6 of 6