The Ancient Civilization of Rome - 16lnm

Layal Al-Meslemani
Humanities 7C
Mrs. Korbatits
Monday 7th of March 2011
The Ancient Civilization of Rome
The Ancient Roman civilization had art and architecture, skills and jobs and
education. Art and architecture were a big part of the Roman Empire. They were
used in many ways like clothing, makeup, and jewelry, which were important to
women and men. Buildings, carvings and pottery also showed that the Romans used
to have knowledge. They had a quantity of skills and jobs, which depended on their
social class or their knowledge and education. Furthermore the clothing, makeup, and
jewelry were valuable to women more than men.
Clothing, makeup, and jewelry in Ancient Rome were more important to women.
However men also had an interest in these things. All Romans wore tunics and cloaks,
but important Romans wore togas that were very uncomfortable. Though they were
only worn during special occasions. Women wore long sleeveless dresses called
stolas, and over it they wore a palla, which was like a shawl. Sometimes they even
wore a head cover that resembled a hood. Fashionable ladies put on bright colored
shawls made from either Indian cotton or Chinese silk. Women also wore white or
yellow shoes that covered their toes. Slaves and plebeian Romans usually wore tunics
and shirts that were long. In the summer they used cool linen tunics. However, in the
winter they changed to warmer wool. Men that were from the lower class wore a
cloak of rough wool over the tunic and women wore a simple dress that was called a
tunica. A palla was also used sometimes to cover the women’s heads and shoulders.
Slaves were also not allowed to wear togas. Workers wore cloaks that were short and
made from leather. The Romans from the lower class wore leather sandals to protect
their feet. After one hundred B.C many rich Romans wore bright colored robes called
synthesis which was worn for dinner parties and evenings. Also, nobles wore red
sandals and an elected governor wore white sandals. Children in Ancient Rome wore
small versions of what their parents wore. Yet girls usually wore white until they got
married. Although boys from leading families wore togas with a purple lining.
Women cared a lot about their clothes, make up and jewelry. Most wealthy women
used many different types of cosmetics and makeup. They whitened their face and
arms with chalk, darkened their eye brows with soot, colored their lips with plant dye,
and lined their eyes with black charcoal, yellow saffron and dried berries. Women
also wore jewelry to stand out and look better. Wealthy women pierced their ears to
wear their earrings. Women wore gold and pearl necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and
both men and women had rings. Poor Romans wore bronze rings. But even poorer
Romans used strings, beads and colored glass as jewelry. Not only was their
appearance important but they also put a lot of effort into their buildings.
The buildings were different depending on what they were made for. The colosseum
was huge and had many layers, as well as being very high. This is because it was
made for people to be entertained, for example it was used for gladiator fights.
Houses were not all the same. Poor people usually lived in insulae’s, which were like
apartments. These insulae’s were small, stacked and squished together as well as built
badly and poorly. Poorer Romans had public fountains. Then again Rich and
wealthy people lived in houses that were big and had one floor. Their houses were
built properly and where water resistant. Romans had pharmacies for medicines, and
markets to buy things as well as shops and schools. Buildings were a big part of
Rome as well as carvings and pottery, which were also significant.
Artists were very talented and knew how to carve and make pottery. Various people
in Ancient Rome had skills and, many of them were artists, who knew how to carve.
The artists who carved usually carved on stone to make sculptures. Sometimes they
used temples and buildings to carve on for designs. Many of the artists carved writing
instead of designs. Pottery in Rome was also essential and needed skills. It was also
used for many things and made in many shapes. The pots were used for storing food,
liquid, products, and eating. They made plates, bowls, dishes and jars. Many of their
pottery resembles objects we have today. Their pottery also included designs, yet the
designed pottery was mostly used for occasions. Many things made an impact on the
Romans like pottery and carvings and their skills and jobs helped.
Various jobs in Ancient Rome depended on their skills or social class. Romans were
skilled in different ways. If they were skilled they used their skill as a job. But if
they were not and were poor it would be bad and they would probably become slaves.
There was also a wide range of jobs and skills that were important. Several skills
were artistic like artists, weavers, craftsmen, painters, scribes, potters, and tailors.
Other artistic jobs that were famous are the people who created and made luxury and
jewelry like ornaments. They also had many jobs that required education for example
writer, laborers, surgeons, doctors, dentists, politicians, pharmacists, bankers and
lawyers. The people who were poor and had no skills usually had to become slaves.
Slaves also ended up cleaning, washing, and cooking. Rich people usually didn’t
have a problem with jobs. This is because they were wealthy and rich. They usually
became senators, rulers, governors, dictators, emperors or empresses, and noblemen
and noblewomen. Other people generally became shopkeepers, clients, gladiators,
butchers, musicians, singers, knights, teachers, priests, or bakers. Also some slaves
were so trusted that they transferred and secured the house as securities and guards.
Because the Romans skills and jobs were very essential, mostly everyone needed
Most Romans were skilled and had jobs. Pharmacies were a big part in Ancient
Rome this is because they helped the people who needed medicine. As well as selling
the herbs, minerals, ointments and medicines they grinded and made it themselves.
Another job, which was taken seriously, was a doctor. They saved people and made
operations and surgery. A professional fighter worked in an arena like swordsmen.
Although farmers that lived on the countryside worked in fields. Priests were also a
big part of the community and were crucial. They did a good thing by reminding
people about their religion. Another good thing is that in Rome they had schools and
Schools were important but mostly to boys. It was more important to boys because
girls didn’t need that much education. The man used to lead the family and gather
most of the money. Also most girls worked as house wives and raised their children.
The first school was built when the Greeks flooded into Rome in the second century
B.C. Schools started early around seven, and they taught both girls and boys together.
In primary school all students stayed till they became eleven. After that girls went
home to prepare for marriage. On the other hand boys went to secondary school.
They studied Greek, Roman literature, mathematics, history, geography, music,
astronomy, art of public speaking, and they were trained in athletics. This shows that
schools used to be similar as schools today. After boys finished school, they had a
choice to go to university, although there were not many universities. Usually rich
children attended school, and rarely any poor children went. Most of their teachers
were Greek slaves. Children in school learnt to be knowledgeable and to have skills
and that helped for the future for when they grew up.
Knowledge and skills was needed for many people to maintain their jobs. People
needed knowledge and skills because they would not understand or know what to do
without them. If people did not have these characteristics and were slaves, it would
be hard to work properly because they would be confused. Knowledge and skills
were necessary because without it they would not know what to do. Their knowledge
was highly developed as they had doctors, surgeons, toys, rattles, balls, solders, dolls,
and carts. Having knowledge was crucial as well as skills. From the many skills that
Romans had, inventing was one of them. There were people who invented toys, tools,
and instruments. Having a language and a reading and writing system shows
knowledge. A big part of knowledge and skills is the study of medicine.
People had the knowledge and skills to be able to become doctors and learn about
medicine. Medicine played a big role in Ancient Rome as it saved many people’s
lives. Doctors and surgeons had instruments and tools to use. Bone levers, bone
forceps and tubes were there tools. A bone lever was used for fixing fractured bones
to put them into position. Bone forceps were used to fix the skull and open a person’s
head with the sharp part. Tubes were also inserted to prevent contraction.
Pharmacies sold many kinds of ointments, minerals, and herbs. Herbs were usually
used for upset stomachs and most creams were for rough skin. Besides, the
pharmacist’s did not only sell them but also made them. Medicine was developed just
like language, reading, writing and math.
Language, reading, writing and systems were used and were imperative. There focus
was on literacy and arithmetic, which was the theory of numbers and means the
number system. Literacy was the ability to read and write their language. Romans
took their study of their language, reading, writing and numbers seriously. They had
special people that were called scribes. The scribes had to be well educated and they
wrote in an artistic way. They also wrote on many things and used different tools.
Scrolls, animal skin, thin wood and even soft wax were some of the things they wrote
on. But they used many things to write with like pointed metals, ink, and pens. These
systems made Romans more successful, and Julius Caesar also made a big change in
the community.
Julius Caesar made a vast change for the community, the Roman republic and the
senates. Senates ruled roman republic times. Senates were a group of powerful men
who governed the Romans. The Roman senates had two leaders, and each of them
ruled for two years. Julius Caesar was a skillful politician and a great army general.
He tried to ignore the senates and rule in his own way. Caesar also wanted a change
and did not like how Rome was ruled. In forty four B.C he declared himself as
dictator for life. From then he ruled the Roman senate and gradually became popular.
Julius Caesar made a difference and Ancient Rome developed a lot over time and
made many additional changes.
Ancient Romans were known for their art and architecture, skills and jobs, and their
education. Some of the most remarkable information in Ancient Rome was their
different jobs, carvings, pottery and their educational skills. They also had many jobs
that resemble today’s occupations. As well as having very creative pottery and
carvings. One of their educational skills was the study of medicine. Overall Ancient
Rome had a very fascinating life.
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