Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 8th November 2015 Time: 5.30PM Venue: Toot Hill Village Hall, Toot Hill PRESENT: Councillors (4) John Glover (Chairman), J Gatward, T Saridja, R Jackson Also in Attendance (1) - Adriana Jones – Clerk Members of the Public (2) Members of the Press (1) QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were two members of the public present. A question was asked regarding an update on progress with the modelling from the Environment agency regarding flooding in the Parish. The Clerk explained that John Thurlow who attended the September meeting had approached the Parish Council for reasons other than the modelling, and that there was no further update at this time. It was understood that the modelling was a long term project, and that an update was not expected any time soon. However, John Thurlow does record the flooding incidents in and around Abridge, and as such has some knowledge of the area. It was hoped that there would be an update soon. P14.150 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (3) NOTED that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Tallon, Saridja and Buckley. P14.151 OTHER ABSENCES (0) None. P14.152 MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st October 2015 were APPROVED and duly signed by the Chairman. P14.153 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. P14.154 POLICING CHANGES On 7th October 2015, the Chief Constable of Essex Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner made public announcements about the future of the police estate and on a new model of local policing in the county. A brief summary of the changes is listed below: Epping police station is proposed for closure and sale (already closed to members of the public) Ongar police station is being proposed for closure and sale. The front counter of the police station closed to the public in November 2011. The front counter of Waltham Abbey police station closed to the public in November 2011. The decision to formally close the station was taken in September 2014, and it is now being proposed for sale. Loughton police station will remain open however the front counter is proposed for closure to the public from April 2016. Loughton will continue to provide an operational base for local officers to work from, and will house local policing teams, CID, domestic abuse investigation teams, and public protection. It is also proposed that a new Community Policing Team for Epping Forest and Brentwood should be introduced. The Team would be made up of one local policing and partnership inspector, two Sergeants, 10 constables, one dedicated youth officer and seven PCSOs. The team will be locally based and will prioritise protecting people from harm, preventing and reducing crime, bringing criminals to justice, engaging with the public, and ensuring the public are satisfied with the service they receive. -1- Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 The team will work closely with partners to deal with all aspects of neighbourhood policing, from tackling night-time economy related violence to responding to emerging crime trends. They will not deal with low level non-policing matters such as long-term neighbourhood disputes, low level anti-social behaviour and parking issues, but will work alongside partners, for example the local authority and Community Safety Partnership, who will address these matters. Under proposals, currently under consultation with affected staff, 19 of the 26 PCSOS jobs in Epping Forest & Brentwood may be removed and the affected staff would be retained as PCSOs, redeployed elsewhere in the force or made redundant. It is proposed that the new Community Policing Team for Epping Forest & Brentwood would retain seven PCSO jobs. The Community Policing Teams will hold monthly Local Community Meetings where residents can raise their crime-related concerns. Street meets will be discontinued. A period of consultation with affect staff members is currently underway, together with public engagement. For 2015/2016 financial year, Nick Alston, Essex Police and Crime Commissioner, recommended a precept increase of 1.996%, equivalent to an increase of £2.88 a year from £144.27 to £147.15 for a Band D property for 2015/2016, thus raising £1.7m of additional council tax receipts. This was subsequently agreed. Members NOTED the statement made by Councillor Gary Waller, Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder at Epping Forest District Councils Cabinet meeting on 8 October 2015, full details of which were included within the agenda. The Clerk advised that Nick Alston would be present at the Local Councils' Liaison Committee meeting on Monday 16th November to address Local Councils regarding this issue. The Chairman stated that everybody was probably already aware of these changes, which would effectively mean Harlow would be the nearest police station at which you could attend in person, however parking is an issue in Harlow. The Chairman confirmed he had written directly to Essex Police twice to express his concerns, however he had not received an acknowledgement to either. The Chairman suggested a more purpose made police building around the M11 Junction 7 roundabout , with adequate parking, would be a better solution. In addition, a LoCall number would be beneficial. Cllr Jackson stated that he had attended the recent meeting at which Nick Alston was present, during which Mr Alston stated that he had been fighting for a removal of the cap in the maximum 1.99% increase allowed in the Police precept before any referendum was needed. Cllr McEwen stated that some Parish Councils were employing PCSOs or private security firms, to which Cllr Jackson stated that even if a Parish Council did do this, the police could still use these personnel elsewhere in the district, and they would not be specific to the Parish. Councillors discussed whether or not there was a need to look into funding a PCSO or a private security firm, however concern was raised that these individuals would still need to call the police service in case of a crime occurring. One of the members of the public stated that the fly tipping in the lay-by continued to be a problem, and that a container being left there into which people could put their rubbish would actually be a more cost effective option. It was AGREED to monitor this for the next two months, and assess if ECC should be contacted suggesting this solution. After discussion, it was AGREED that at this stage the Parish Council would not take any action, but that it would, and had been, supporting the creation of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. P14.155 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SCHEME Cllr Jackson stated that there had been correspondence between himself, John Adams and Mick Sheen (Chairman of Essex Neighbourhood Watch), and requested the Clerk read out the content of Mr Adams email (which she duly did). The email confirmed that Mr Adams 2- Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 had begun distributing welcome packs to members of the community, however there were still many to do. Mr Adams has requested further supplies of the NHW information, and it is hoped these would be distributed before Christmas. Cllr Jackson stated that Mr Adams had formally requested some assistance regarding these deliveries, and more regular assistance to manage the Toot Hill NHW area. In addition, Mr Adams had formally requested the Parish Council consider providing funding for the Parish NHW scheme, as the available funds from Essex County Council were limited and finite. The Clerk confirmed this would be on the January meeting for full discussion. P14.156 CLERKS COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE REPORT Members RECEIVED an oral report from the Clerk as follows: o Clerk has written to Cllr David Finch, Leader of ECC regarding greater involvement in the Local Highway Panel meetings. o Letter from Mr Readman reference hedge cutting o Response sent to Mrs Hayden in response to her letter - The Chairman stated that he had, as agreed, checked the notice boards and they had indeed gone green again, however he could not clean them as the Perspex is in such poor condition that it wouldn't make any difference. Councillors requested a quote was obtained to replace the Perspex for the Stanford Rivers Notice Board. o Members Interests not on Parish Council Website - Councillors noted this was urgent, and updated forms should be with the Clerk ASAP. o Diversion of footpath 27 - Email received 22/10 stating Essex County Council intend to make an Order to divert Footpath 21 / 13 Stapleford Tawney and Footpath 27 Stanford Rivers. There will also be a new Footpath Creation which will link Footpath 27 with Tawney Lane, providing an east west link which was previously not available. Footpath 27 will simply be diverted from across the corner of the field to around the field boundary. Comments to be made by 13th November. It was requested the Clerk responded stating the Council had no objection, however requested the relevant land owners and land registry aware, and that new signage is installed. o Environment Agency - Water Body Summary 2015 - copy tabled for members information. o EFDC Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year awards - deadline for November Friday 27th November o Essex County Council (ECC) has recently launched funding for residents, landowners, and organisations such as parish councils etc, who are looking to address issues relating to flooding. Property level protection (PLP) - This is for residents who have been affected by flooding to apply for up to £5k to purchase and install physical measures to protect their homes. Typically these measures can include flood barriers across external doors, air vent covers, non-return valves. The scheme is being administered by a private company on behalf of ECC and is on a first come, first served basis. The overall budget available is £100k hence residents are being encouraged to register their interest promptly. Flood programme grant - This totals £400k and is intended to contribute towards the delivery of bespoke flood prevention schemes that have protection to residential properties as their primary aim. Sources of flooding can include ordinary watercourses, ground water flooding, surface water flooding. Flooding from rivers is excluded as this rests principally with the Environment Agency to address. o o o o 3- Essex Rural Strategy consultation - ends 4th December - open to anyone JSC adoption of alterations - this will be on the January agenda. Total Transport project by ECC - Essex County Council are working with Suffolk County Council and a private company called FutureGov to deliver a project which examines how transport needs of rural communities can be better met in the future. The Clerk has emailed the nominated contact for further details, however no response has been received at this time. Councillors requested that the Clerk printed off the relevant bus timetables and that these are displayed in the Parish notice boards. There is no further update on the Transfer of Asset for the land at Little End. Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 P14.157 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1. To CONSIDER any planning applications submitted to the Parish Council for comment as detailed below NONE EPF/2444/15 Mitchells Farm, London Certificate of Lawful development for use of agricultural Road, Stapleford Tawney buildings for storage and distribution use with ancillary RM4 1SP workshop and offices. Applicant: Mr David Fowler No Objection Deadline: 23rd Nov 2. To NOTE any planning applications that have been responded to via the Clerks delegated powers EPF/2207/15 Mill Place, Mill Lane, Toot Sub-division of plot and erection of a three-bedroomed Hill, Essex CM5 9SF bungalow with new access off Mill Lane. Applicant: Mr Bob Harrington No Objection EPF/2256/15 The Dairy, Murrells Farm, Single storey side extension London Road, Stanford Rivers CM5 9QE No Objection Applicant: Mr C Nelson 3. To NOTE any planning applications upon which EFDC do not normally accept comments EPF/2600/15 Former Milkin Parlour, Colemans Farm, Toot Hill Road Applicant: Mrs Jocelyn Smith Confirmation of compliance with 4 & 5 of planning consent EPF/2628/07 (Conversion and adaptation to form two bedroom dwelling with garden, boundary fencing, parking and landscaping) NOTED 4. To NOTE any enforcement actions or appeals 0437/15 Enforcement Four Elms, Mutton Row Stanford Rivers Agricultural land taken into residential curtilage NO BREACH 0464/15 Enforcement Millrite Engineering 151-153 London Road Stanford Rivers S.106 contribution due NOT EXPEDIENT TO TAKE ENFORCEMENT ACTION Councillors noted that the Clerk had requested a full explanation of this action from EFDC, and after discussion it was agreed that the relevant enforcement officer would liaise with Nigel Richardson regarding the action that should be taken and the content of the relevant Sec. 106 agreement. 5. To NOTE the following planning decisions by EFDC EPF/1594/15 4 Epping Road Stanford Rivers Ongar Essex Single storey front extension, two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Full Planning Application Decision Date: 9/9/2015 Decision: Refuse Permission (Householder) EPF/1772/15 Land adjacent 79 London Road Stanford Rivers Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PH 71 London Road Stanford Rivers 1 affordable home with 2 parking spaces Full Planning Application Decision Date: 8/9/2015 Decision: Grant Permission (With Conditions) EPF/1889/15 4- Double storey rear extension, removal of chimneys and new canopy over front entrance Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 Ongar Essex CM5 9PN door.Full Planning Application Decision Date: 16/10/2015 Decision: Grant Permission (With Conditions) subject to legal agreement (e.g. s.106, unilateral undertaking) preventing the extension granted under EPF/0383/13 from being implemented. EPF/1965/15 17 London Road, Stanford Rivers, Ongar, CM5 9PH EPF/2033/15 & EPF/2034/15 Hilltop Barn, Toot Hill, Greensted, Ongar, CM5 9LJ EPF/2247/15 11 Garden Fields, Stanford Rivers, Ongar CM5 9PL Proposed additional second storey to existing single storey rear extension Full Planning Application Decision Date: 5/10/2015 Decision: Grant Permission (With Conditions) Proposed extension to listed barn, plus Listed Building permission. Full Planning Application Decision Date: 7/10/2015 Decision: Grant Permission Prior approval application for a 6 metre deep single storey rear extension, height to eaves maximum 4 metres and overall height of 4 metres. Prior Approval - Single Storey Rear Extensions Decision Date: 23/10/2015 Decision: Prior Approval Not Required P14.158 REPORTS Members RECEIVED the following reports Chairman's Report - The Chairman reported that he and the Clerk would temporarily take over the production of News and Views if a replacement could not be found, until such time as somebody volunteered. The Chairman took this opportunity to thank Paul for his dedication and commitment to News and Views over the past few years. This was seconded by members present. Vice Chairman - The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Buckley had, as agreed, attended Little End Green to view the state of the overgrowth, and establish whether or not it needed cutting back, and in his opinion it did need cutting back and suggested the Parish Council should complete this. It was AGREED that the Clerk should request the Parish Council groundsman trims back the area around the wall and the sign. Cllr Buckley had also suggested that the Stanford Rivers sign should be repainted, and it was AGREED the Clerk should obtain a quote for these works. Cllr Jackson suggested that perhaps the sign should be moved to a more prominent location, however it was agreed to cut back the area first, and consider this at a later date if needed. County Councillors Report - Cllr McEwen reported that ECC are presently working on the budget for 2016/2017, which needs to include £170m of savings over the next 4 years. £520,000 has already been saved, so ECC are moving in the right direction, however more savings are needed. It is likely that Council tax will need to be increased next year. The Chairman stated that the frequency of potholes seems to have reduced, to which Cllr McEwen stated that ECC are trying to resurface roads rather than just fill potholes. In terms of Broadband, Cllr McEwen stated that Epping Forest were the first area in Essex to get Superfast Broadband due to the fact that Epping Forest District Council were the only authority to financially support the project. Councillors Reports: Broadband - It was agreed that the Clerk would email all Councillors with details of the rollout map and associated dates. 5- Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 P14.159 HIGHWAYS The Clerk tabled a list of outstanding Highways works, which included details of the cutting back of various area of the highway and the reinstatement of missing finger posts, all of which ECC Highways had stated did not meet their criteria to be fixed. However, the Clerk had seen on the LHP Highway Rangers works list that such works were being completed. A copy of the list was passed to Cllr McEwen who stated that a formal submission would need to be made to the LHP for these works, which she supported. It was AGREED that the Clerk would formally request these works were passed to the LHP for consideration via the correct medium. P14.160 .EFDC STRATEGIC HOUSING MARKET ASSESSMENT (SHMA) AND OBJECTIVE ASSESSED HOUSING NEED (OAN) Members NOTED the summary of reports below that went to the October EFDC Cabinet: Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 1. Consultants completed report jointly with EFDC, East Herts, Harlow and Uttlesford. Broxbourne BC and Brentwood BC elected not to be included in the 2012 SHMA or this new one (it makes no reference to London Boroughs, but Broxbourne and Brentwood did form part of the 2010 SHMA). 2. The objectively assessed housing need for EFDC is 11,300 – THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE THE FINAL HOUSING TARGET FIGURE 3. The following can be deducted already from this figure a. 948 dwellings (already built) between 2011 to now b. 900 dwellings which have permission (however they will only count once they are built) c. 1,600 (80 dwellings per year) via windfall sites d. 600 (30 per year) empty homes brought into use Total that can be deducted – 4,048, leaving 7,252 4. The Council can make a policy decision to uplift the figures (meaning they can increase it to ensure there is enough market housing planned to make affordable housing deliverable) 5. The Council will need to consider if its adopted housing target (which has not been set yet) equates equally to its annual figures for its 5 year assessment of land supply (what this means is that EFDC will have to look at its five year land supply – permitted housing supply – equates to five years worth of the councils housing target) Objectively Assessed Economic Need (OAEN) 1. Conducted with the same authorities as the SHMA 2. Produced two separate reports: a. Joint Economic Report – Looking at the 4 districts collectively b. Detailed EFDC Economic Report – commissioned by and for EFDC alone – looks at specifics for the District 3. This objectively assessed the Economic need, however is not necessarily the employment/jobs target 4. Based on a Functional Economic Market Area (FEMA) which rarely fit administrative boundaries. The FEMA does show links to London and the London boroughs, however it is not clear in the report how these commuting patterns affect the figures. We may need to look at the full consultants report to establish this if needed. 5. Expansion of Stansted has been factored into figures 6. The Joint Economic report shows that between 400 – 455 jobs per year need to be catered for 7. Table below shows the amount of land needed for specific job growth over the plan period. Use class Net additional Floorspace A1 – Shops -3,000 sq. m to -700 sq. m A2 - Financial and professional services 2,400 sq. m to 2,700 sq. m 6- Translated into Land requirement (B and D2 only) Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 A3 / A4 / A5 – Restaurants & cafés / Pubs & bars / Takeaways 8,900 sq. m to 9,900 sq. m B1a – Offices 32,600 sq. m to 35,400 sq. m B1b/B1c - Research & Development / Light Industry B2 - General industrial 10.2 to 13.3 hectares 5,800 sq. m to 6,300 sq. m -15,900 sq. m to -14,600 sq. m B8 - Storage or distribution C1 – Hotels D2 - Assembly and leisure (cinemas, indoor/outdoor sport, gyms etc.) 17.3 to 18.3 hectares 9,400 sq. m to 13,300 sq. m 50 to 190 hotel rooms 30,000 sq. m to 33,000 sq. m 8.3 to 9.0 hectares P14.161 LOCAL PLAN WORKSHOPS EFDC Planning Policy Team organised a series of workshops, the purpose of which is to discuss emerging draft policy considerations covering different aspects of the Local Plan. Monday 2 November 2015 Thursday 19 November 2015 Tuesday 24 November 2015 The first meeting was an opportunity to hear about the responses on the subjects from the Community Choices Consultation, consider the issues and key evidence findings and ask questions about them. The workshop briefly explored the key findings from evidence and public consultation before focusing on the participants’ views on the broad policy areas of the Natural Environment, Green Networks and Open Space and the Historic Environment of the District. The Clerk was unable to attend the meeting, however a full copy of the documentation distributed at the meeting together a summary of the main points has been requested. The agenda for the next two workshops are as follows: Thursday 19th November – Economic Strategy, Food Production, Glasshouses, Tourism, Live/Work Tuesday 24th November – Affordable Housing and Housing an Ageing Population P14.162 FINANCIAL REPORT a) List of Cheques & Monthly Statement of Accounts - The following payments were authorised: Reference BACS To Environtech BACS Thornwood Grounds Maintenance A&C Mechanical Electrical BACS 7- BACS Adriana Jones BACS HMRC For Asbestos Survey for Toot Hill Village Hall (out of earmarked reserves) Grounds Maintenance September and October Amount £594.00 (inc VAT £99) Electrical Works to ensure satisfactory certificate THVH (out of earmarked reserves) Clerk salary October and November £100.00 PAYE October and November £180.00 (paid monthly) £480.00 £720.00 (paid monthly) Stanford Rivers PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting: PARISH COUNCIL 8th November 2015 P14.163 TOOT HILL VILLAGE HALL The Clerk gave members an update on the following: 1. Car park has now been completed and the date for the official opening has been set for 8th February 2016, however the time will be dependent on the daylight hours. 2. The Chairman stated that whilst he had seen some activity in terms of cutting back the grass, it wasn't necessarily a well completed job, however he would take a further look over the next few weeks. P14.164 CHRISTMAS EVENTS Traditionally there are two Christmas events held in the Parish each year. Councillors AGREED/NOTED the following: Toot Hill Event - Date unknown No Action Required by the Parish Council Stanford Rivers Event - 6th December 5pm - Little End Village Green Cllr Buckley had arranged the Electricity with Martin Ellice, the tree ordered and delivery booked for w/c 30th November (price to be confirmed), Santa booked with his sleigh courtesy of Ongar Round Table, however a grant of £200 to be given to them for this service, Philippa Giles to arrange the carols as usual with Rosmarie Tiffin, Dave Giles to be contacted about erecting the tree, and Colin North contacted regarding the lights. The Flyers for the event need to be distributed in the village perhaps on the weekend of 28/29th November -these were handed out to members at the meeting for distribution. Clerk to arrange the mulled wine, hot chocolate, mince pies and the treats for the children, including gold coins Cllr Glover to deliver the iron posts and provide the tape to fence off the area and also deliver the low wooden blocks that skirt the tree. They can all be left behind the wall next to the village sign. P14.165 DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS Councillors NOTED the dates of the next meetings: 6th December Christmas Tree Lighting 14th January 2016 8th February - Toot Hill Village hall car park opening and AGM 12th March 2016 Meeting Closed 19.20 Signed ........................................ 8- Date ............................