Humanities Center Research Grants

Humanities Research Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Grants for Summer 2015
The Humanities Research Center is delighted to announce its second annual competition for
Research Grants designed to foster excellence in research and creative scholarship at Virginia
Commonwealth University by providing funds to support direct research costs incurred by
faculty. These costs will include travel to archives, lodging, meals, and expenses related to
collection of data such as photocopying and photography fees. (The awards are not to be used
for conference travel, for the purchase of books or equipment, or for travel to use archival
material that is available on the internet.)
The Center will award fifteen Research Grants of $1000 each for use during the summer of
2015. All tenured, tenure-track, and collateral faculty working in the humanities at VCU are
eligible to apply. Preference will be given to candidates who are or will be applying for research
support from an external agency during the current academic year, or who have done so within
the past two academic years (2012-13 and/or 2013-14).
Applications are due November 10, 2014. They will be reviewed by a peer committee of faculty
chaired by the center director, who will announce the awards for 2015 by the end of December
2014. The Grants must be spent by the end of summer 2015 and will be available to the
successful candidates in the form of reimbursement for expenses once they have returned from
their research trips and submitted receipts in accordance with university procedures.
Publications resulting from this grant program should include an acknowledgment of the
center’s support.
A complete application will consist of the following:
A completed coversheet
A detailed proposal, not to exceed three single-spaced pages, that explains (a) the goals,
methods, and significance of the project, (b) the archive(s) or other research site(s) to
be visited and the material to be consulted there, (c) the impact that the project will
have on the candidate’s career development, and (d) the impact that the project will
have on the candidate’s discipline and the humanities in general.
A current Curriculum Vitae
A completed budget form
Please submit application materials in one collated WORD file to
Humanities Research Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Grants for Summer 2015
Application Coversheet
Years in tenure-track position at VCU:
Email address:
Title of research project:
Project Summary (limit 200 words)
External Research Grants or Fellowships applied for in 2012-13 or 2013-14, or that you are
applying for in this current academic year (please attach coversheets for any applications that
you have already submitted):
Humanities Research Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Grants for Summer 2015
Budget Form
Title of research project:
Description of Item
______________Estimated Cost (in US dollars)
Total (not to exceed $1000)