Change in Challenging contexts

Change in Challenging contexts (14 September 2015):
10:30 – 11:00: Registration and coffee
11:00 – 13:00: Are there examples of positive and constructive change?
Country reformers will share their insights on delivering effective reform in a wide range of challenging
contexts, ranging from pandemics and conflict to severe political crises:
Delivering services in the midst of conflict in South Sudan
Responding to the impact of Ebola
Managing resources and public finances during a period of acute crisis
Delivering innovation: why is Uganda more transparent than Norway?
Chair: Rachel Turner - Director East and Central Africa, DFID
Ocum Genes Karlo – Acting Director General of Budget, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Planning, South Sudan (tbc)
Emmanuel Ssewankambo - Country Manager, BSI South Sudan
J. Wellington Barchue, I - Economist, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia
Tove Strauss - Country Manager, BSI Liberia
Andy Ratcliffe - Deputy CEO, Africa Governance Initiative
Kenneth Mugambe - Director of Budget, Ministry of Finance, Uganda (tbc)
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30: What are the characteristics of change and what lessons can be drawn for working in
conflict-affected and fragile states?
Chair: David Booth - Senior Research Fellow, ODI
 Tim Williamson - Research Associate, ODI and Country Manager, BSI Uganda
 Moses Mabior Deu Awuol – Director of Aid Coordination, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Planning, South Sudan
 Andrew Lawson - Director, Fiscus Ltd
 Kathy Bain - Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank
15:30 – 16:00: Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30: How can external actors better support change and reform?
Chair: Simon Gill – Director, BSI
Leni Wild - Head of Politics and Governance, ODI
Verena Fritz - Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank
Marcus Cox – Director, Agulhas Consultants, ICAI reviewer
Steven Pierce - Director, Program Staff, Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, USAID
17:30: Launch of ODI’s new report 'Change in Challenging Contexts'
18:00: Drinks reception
Panel 1: Are there examples of positive and constructive change?
Rachel Turner - Director East and Central Africa, DFID
Ocum Genes Karlo – Acting Director General of Budget, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, South
Sudan (tbc)
J. Wellington Barchue, I - Economist, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia
Emmanuel Ssewankambo - Country Manager, BSI South Sudan
Tove Strauss - Country Manager, BSI Liberia
Kenneth Mugambe - Director of Budget, Ministry of Finance, Uganda (tbc)
Andy Ratcliffe - Deputy CEO, Africa Governance Initiative
Panel 2: What are the characteristics of change and what lessons can be drawn for working in conflictaffected and fragile states?
David Booth - Senior Research Fellow, ODI
Tim Williamson - Research Associate, ODI and Country Manager, BSI Uganda
Moses Mabior Deu Awuol – Director of Aid Coordination, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, South
Kathy Bain - Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank
Andrew Lawson - Director, Fiscus Ltd
Panel 3: How can external actors better support change and reform?
Simon Gill - Director, BSI
Steven Pierce - Director, Program Staff, Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, USAID
Verena Fritz - Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank
Leni Wild - Head of Politics and Governance, ODI
Marcus Cox - Director, Agulhas Consultants