Approval of the Minutes

April 30, 2015
The following members attended:
June Millovich
Marina Aminy (alternate)
Pam Barr
Estella Castillo-Garrison
Jerilyn Chuman
Ana Maria Cobos
Barbara Cox
Tom DeDonno
Jennifer Forouzesh
Carmenmara Hernandez-Bravo
Ken Lee (alternate)
Leslie Lowe
Cliff Meyer
Hochin Moon
Veronica Obermeyer
Heidi Ochoa
Kevin O’Connor
Donna Rane-Szostak
Christina Smith
Barbara Tamialis
Tony Teng
Norm Weston (alternate)
Karla Westphal
Mike Bennett
Don Busché
Michelle Duffy
Patti Flanigan
Lindsay Fox (represented by alt.)
Dorothy Garant
Bruce Gilman (represented by alt.)
Tony Lipold
Christopher McDonald
Bart McHenry
Terrence Nelson
Diane Pestolesi
Pamme Turner
Dan Walsh
Kathy Werle
Cadence Wynter
David Francisco
Carrie Goulding
Jill Ibbotson
Dan Predoehl
Curriculum Chair
Liberal Arts
Counseling Services
Dean, Community Ed, Emeritus, & K-12
Dean, Counseling Services
Online Education & Learning Resources
Business Science
Business Science
Health Sciences & Human Services
Liberal Arts
ATAS alternate/Alternate Curriculum Chair
Emeritus Institute
Advanced Technology & Applied Science
Interim Articulation Officer
Alternate Curriculum Chair
Fine Arts & Media Technology
Dean, Liberal Arts
Health Sciences & Human Services
Social and Behavioral Science
Social & Behavioral Science
Acting Dean, Business Science
Fine Arts & Media Technology
Math, Science, & Engineering
Transfer, Career, & Special Programs
Interim Dean, Advanced Tech & Applied Science
Alternate Curriculum Chair
Dean, Online Educ. & Learning Resources
Advanced Technology & Applied Science
Kinesiology & Athletics
Liberal Arts
Dean, Kinesiology & Athletics
Dean, Math, Science, & Engineering
Fine Arts & Media Technology
Transfer, Career, & Special Programs
Health Sciences & Human Services
Emeritus Institute
Academic Senate Pres/Alt. Curriculum Chair
Vice President for Instruction
Dean, Social & Behavioral Science
Counseling Services
Liberal Arts
Project Specialist, Community Education
Director, Emeritus Institute
Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made, seconded, and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Approval of the Agenda
June Millovich announced the agenda needed to be amended as issues concerning
item number 5 (Accelerated English Course) were resolved prior to the meeting and
no longer needed to be addressed.
A motion was made, seconded, and the amended agenda was unanimously
Public Comments
Barbara Cox expressed appreciation for Members’ support of Dog Fair, which was
held earlier that day.
Carrie Goulding provided background regarding the accelerated English course
and thanked June for her assistance. She called for a quicker approval process for
new courses or a way to offer experimental courses.
Chair’s Report
Construction on the curriculum website is ongoing; recent changes were briefly
shown and described to Members. June shared that space has been secured in the
Faculty Center for Student Success for the curriculum team to meet with faculty;
hours will be announced/posted soon.
Accelerated English Course – Information and Discussion Item
This item was pulled from the agenda.
AESLCS Taxonomic Pathway (AB86) – Information and Action Item
An additional new taxonomic pathway is needed to accommodate ESL civics
courses being created within Continuing Education in response to AB86 (Adult
Education) for implementation in Fall 2015. Estella Castillo-Garrison provided
background regarding Saddleback’s efforts to meet AB86 in collaboration with the
Saddleback Valley Unified School District and Capistrano School District. Brief
discussion ensued.
A motion was made, seconded, and the new taxonomic pathway was unanimously
New Adult Education Courses (AB86) for 2015-16 – Information and Action
A motion was made and seconded. Pam Barr sought clarification regarding who
would be teaching these new courses; Estella explained that a pool would be
opened for non-credit adult education adjunct faculty, and that hopefully some of
the instructors who currently teach the courses for the Saddleback Valley and
Capistrano districts will apply. There was no further discussion and 8 new adult
education courses were unanimously approved.
EDUC 90 Curriculum Changes for 2015-16 – Information and Action Item
A very minor change—inclusion of the word “elementary” in a lecture topic—was
needed in order for EDUC 90 to meet a C-ID descriptor. Two of the textbooks were
updated to the most recent editions; a third book was replaced by a different title.
A motion was made, seconded, there was no discussion, and 1 course modification
was unanimously approved.
Summer Curriculum Approvals – Information and Action Item
There may be a need over the summer to approve curriculum; June researched
and found that the Committee could make a temporary amendment to the bylaws
to allow for a modified Committee to address curriculum concerns that might
Karla Westphal expressed understanding for such a need but requested that the
actions taken be presented at the first meeting of the Committee for the 2015-16
year for review in the interest of transparency. Discussion ensued. Members
expressed concern regarding whether actions taken over the summer could be
reversed when the Committee met in full again and the implications of this. It was
suggested that agenda items could be e-mailed to the full Committee and feedback
provided electronically; quorum requirements could remain the same.
A motion was made to include a temporary amendment for the months of June
and July for a smaller Committee to make time sensitive decisions regarding
curriculum with a quorum comprised of a minimum of five people. Karla proposed
an amendment to the motion that the summer Committee shall not be authorized
to approve new courses (with the exception of the accelerated English course) and
that any actions taken by this Committee shall be on the agenda for the first
curriculum meeting of the 2015-16 year for review by the entire Committee.
Discussion ensued. Concerns were expressed regarding Karla’s request that no
new courses beyond the accelerated English course be approved as such action
might be needed to meet AD-T requirements; Estella spoke to the potential need for
additional new community education courses. Karla expressed concern that the
time period identified in the original motion didn’t account for several weeks in
August prior to classes starting; it was noted that the motion also didn’t account
for the month of May.
June summarized the motion and modified the duration of the period to be covered
to include May through the beginning of the Fall 2015 semester, retaining the
proposed quorum of five, and including review of all actions taken at the first
meeting of the full Committee. Karla proposed dividing her amendment into two
separate amendments so that it could be determined whether they were friendly;
the limitation of approval of new courses to only include the accelerated English
course was deemed unfriendly and was removed while review of the actions taken
at the first meeting was deemed friendly.
A motion was made, seconded, and it was unanimously approved that a smaller
Committee would be permitted to make time sensitive curriculum decisions
regarding curriculum from May through the beginning of the Fall 2015 semester
with a quorum comprised of a minimum of five people and that any actions taken
by this Committee shall be on the agenda for the first curriculum meeting of the
2015-16 year for review by the entire Committee.
SC/IVC Comparable Course List (Comprehensive) – Information Item
Members were provided the Saddleback/Irvine Valley comprehensive course list for
2014-15 as compiled by the Articulation Office for information at the April 16th
meeting. June noted that the list is not complete and still needs some work. It was
then discovered that quorum had been lost.
The meeting concluded at 4:02 p.m. after quorum was lost. Action was not taken
on the following agenda items as a result: item 10 (SC/IVC Comparable Course
List [Comprehensive]) and item 11 (Spanish AA-T).