eAPPENDIX 1 P(CAP | vacc) is the risk of CAP among those vaccinated against influenza, and P(CAP | vacc) is the risk of CAP among those not vaccinated against influenza. Then RRCAP P(CAP | vacc) P(CAP | vacc) (1) is the relative risk of CAP for being vaccinated against influenza versus not being vaccinated against influenza. The effectiveness of influenza vaccine against CAP is expressed as VECAP (1 RRCAP )100 % . We then express the risk of CAP among the vaccinated as P(CAP | vacc) = P(CAP vacc ) / P( vacc ) = P(CAP flu vacc) P(CAP flu vacc) / P(vacc) = P(CAP | flu vacc)P( flu | vacc)P(vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc)P( flu | vacc)P(vacc)/ P(vacc) So that P(CAP | vacc) = P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) Similarly we have the risk of CAP among the unvaccinated as P(CAP | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) We then redefine RRCAP as follows RRCAP P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) (2) We now make a simplifying assumption that once it is known whether a person has influenza or not, the risk of CAP becomes independent of vaccination status and becomes a function of influenza disease status alone. Under this assumption we have P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu) Substituting the above two expressions into equation 2 and using the following P( flu | vacc) 1 P( flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) 1 P( flu | vacc) We have RRCAP P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu)P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu)P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) (3) Now define RR flu P( flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) (4) as the relative risk of influenza disease for being vaccinated against influenza versus not being vaccinated, with P ( flu | vacc) being the background rate of influenza infection among the unvaccinated. Note that RRflu ≤ 1 and that VE flu (1 RR flu )100% is the effectiveness of influenza vaccine against influenza infection. Substituting P( flu | vacc) RR flu P( flu | vacc) into equation 3 we have RRCAP P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) RR P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) flu Now define RRCAP| flu P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) (6) (5) as the relative risk of CAP for having influenza disease versus not being having influenza. Note that RRCAP| flu 1 . We have that P(CAP | flu) RRCAP| flu P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu) (RR CAP| flu 1) Substituting these into Equation (5) we have RRCAP P(CAP | flu)( RRCAP| flu 1) RR flu P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP | flu)( RRCAP| flu 1) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu) And dividing both numerator and denominator by P(CAP | flu) we obtain RRCAP RR flu ( RRCAP| flu 1) P( flu | vacc) 1 ( RRCAP| flu 1) P( flu | vacc) 1 (7) eAPPENDIX 2 In addition to estimating the effectiveness of influenza vaccine against CAP in general, we may wish to estimate the effectiveness of influenza vaccine specifically against that subset of CAP with pre-disposing influenza infection, or with influenza co-infection. That is, we wish to estimate RRCAP P(CAP flu | vacc) P(CAP flu | vacc) (1) We note the following expressions P(CAP flu | vacc ) P(CAP flu vacc ) / P( vacc ) P(CAP | flu vacc ) P( flu | vacc ) P( vacc ) / P( vacc ) P(CAP flu | vacc ) P(CAP | flu vacc ) P( flu | vacc ) Similarly P(CAP flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) and therefore we have RRCAP P(CAP flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P( flu | vacc) (2) Once it is known whether a person is infected with influenza or not, we assume the risk of CAP then becomes independent of vaccination status and becomes a function on influenza infection status alone. Under this assumption we have P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu vacc) P(CAP | flu) and substituting into Equation (2) we have RRCAP P(CAP | flu ) P( flu | vacc) P(CAP | flu ) P( flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) Therefore under the assumption of conditional independence of CAP and vaccination status given influenza infection status, the relative risk of CAP with influenza is the same as the relative risk of influenza: RRCAP P(CAP flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) RR flu P(CAP flu | vacc) P( flu | vacc) (3) Similarly, the vaccine effectiveness against CAP with influenza is the same as the vaccine effectiveness against influenza: ) (1 RR flu ) VE flu VECAP flu (1 RRCAP eAPPENDIX 3 Equations 4 through 7 of this article and equation 7 of Appendix 1 require an estimate of RRCAP|flu, the relative risk of CAP for being infected with influenza versus not being infected with influenza. An estimate of RRCAP|flu would be difficult to obtain. However, P(flu|CAP), the proportion of CAP that is associated with influenza may be more easily estimated from observational studies of patients with CAP or surveillance systems. Using Bayes theorem we derive an expression for RRCAP|flu that is a function of P(flu|CAP), the proportion of CAP that is associated with influenza, and which may be conveniently substituted into equations that require RRCAP|flu. RRCAP| flu P(CAP | flu) P(CAP flu) / P( flu) P( flu | CAP) P(CAP) / P( flu) P(CAP | flu) P(CAP flu) / P( flu) P( flu | CAP) P(CAP) / P( flu) And therefore RRCAP| flu P( flu | CAP) 1 P( flu) 1 P( flu | CAP) P( flu) (1) The risk of influenza in the general population is shown as P ( flu ) which can be expressed as a weighted average of the influenza rates among the vaccinated and unvaccinated as follows: P( flu ) P( flu | vacc) P(vacc) P( flu | vacc) P(vacc) RR flu P( flu | vacc) P(vacc) P( flu | vacc)1 P(vacc) P( flu | vacc)RR flu P(vacc) 1 P(vacc) P( flu ) P( flu | vacc)P(vacc)RR flu 1 1 Any of these expressions for P ( flu ) can be substituted into Equation 1 for RRCAP|flu. Equation 1 is the odds of influenza among CAP cases divided by the odds of influenza among the general population. The use of this exposure odds ratio to estimate a disease relative risk is an essential feature of case-cohort or case-based studies (Pierce 1993; Knol et al. 2008). eAPPENDIX REFERENCES Knol MJ, Vandenbroucke JP, Scott P, Egger M. What do case-control studies estimate? Survey of methods and assumptions in published case-control research. Am J Epidemiol. 2008;168(9):1073-1081. Pierce N. What does the odds ratio estimate in a case-control study? Int J Epidemiol. 1993;22(6):1189-1192.