Surgical Table Inc.`s V-MAX series of vascular X

Mesas Quirúrgicas y de Imagen
STI firma a la que representamos es uno de la más grandes y de mayor confianza y prestigio en la
tecnología de mesas C-Arm. Con la confianza de "Hecho en EE.UU.", tenemos para ofrecerles una
línea completa de mesas quirúrgicas que se adapte a sus necesidades tanto en el presente como en el
La serie de Mesas imágenes X-Ray de imágenes de rayos X puede adquirirse con 5 vías de controles
ajustables, incluyendo la altura, inclinación lateral, recorrido longitudinal y desplazamiento lateral.
Los controles de precisión significan que sus pacientes están exactamente donde usted los necesita
durante los procedimientos delicados donde milímetros pueden marcar la diferencia.
Mesas de Imagen-Serie Streamline
Mesas Móvil de Imagen - EconoMAX
Mesas Móvil de Imagen – Series Max
Mesas de Imagen Urológica-URO-MAX
Mesas de Imagen-Rayos X-Cirugía Bariatrica
Mesas de Imagen-Vascular V-MAX
Streamline Series Imaging Tables
Adjustable Height and Tilt for Boarding Patients Fast, Easily, and Safely
(altura ajustable y de inclinación rápida para pacientes internados, fácil y segura)
Trendelenburg with Slight Lateral Tilt
(ligera inclinación lateral)
Streamline Surgical Table with Height
(mesa quirurgica con altura)
Streamline in Lateral Tilt and Trendelenburg
(inclinacion lateral)
Streamline with Trendelenburg
Streamline Lateral Tilt End View
Close-up of Streamline Base
Fácil de Bloquear /desactivar el bloqueo de las ruedas
Diseñado para alto rendimiento en centros de cirugía, tratamiento del dolor, y otros
centros médicos multidisciplinarios, la serie Mesas de Imagen Streamline de rayos X son
las más económicas en la industria.
características que están incluidas en la línea Streamline:
• Fibra de carbono, el estilo C-arm para fácil acceso
• Gran capacidad del paciente - motor de alta gama soporta cargas de 500 libras
• longitud 84” puede acomodar incluso el más alto de los pacientes
• top 24” elimina la necesidad de tableros para brazos
• cojín de dos pulgadas de espesor, de alta calidad para comodidad del paciente
• Ligero - fácil de mover dentro de la habitación o de habitación en habitación
• De fácil uso; alta calidad en los seguros de las ruedas
Posición baja extrema hace fácil, segura y rápida la internación de los pacientes
La serie Streamline viene en cinco modelos diferentes.
Streamline Series Movements
Las mesas de imágenes Streamline Serie X-Ray
vienen en cinco modelos diferentes, con cada
uno ofrece una selección diferente de ajustes
• Streamline 1 ofrece sólo ajuste de altura.
• Streamline 2 ofrece altura y ajustes
• Streamline 3 ofrece ajuste de altura,
inclinación lateral, y los de Trendelenburg.
• Streamline 4 ofrece cuatro ajustes
diferentes: altura, inclinación lateral,
Trendelenburg, y para transporte/viaje
•Stramline 5 ofrece cinco ajustes diferentes:
altura, inclinación lateral, Trendelenburg,
transporte/viaje Longitudinal y Lateral
Para todas las mesas de imagen de la serie
Streamline que vienen con movimientos
motorizados, el sistema incluye un control
remoto para su uso durante el
posicionamiento del paciente.
Los botones de altura son para subir y bajar la
parte superior de la mesa como se muestra a
la derecha. Los botones de inclinación lateral
controlan el ángulo de inclinación lateral. Los
botones de Trendelenburg controlar el ángulo
de inclinación de la cabecera.
Recorrido longitudinal mueve el tablero de la
mesa en la dirección longitudinal como se
muestra a la derecha. Y, finalmente, el botón
de desplazamiento lateral controla los
movimientos de la mesa en la dirección
Tenga en cuenta que todas las mesas de
imagen de la serie Streamline con
movimientos motorizados requieren energía
de 120 VAC para la operación
MAX Series Mobile Imaging Tables
MAX Series Surgical Table (Mesa Quirurgica)
MAX Series Surgical Table (Mesa Quirurgica)
Another View of Max Series (comes in five models)(viene en cinco modelos)
Close-up of the MAX Series Base (base)
Facial Cut-out for Patient Comfort
Surgical Table Clamp (Modular Siderail System)
Power Switch with Emergency Stop and Removable Power Cord
5-Way Adjustable Switch (ajustable para 5 movimientos)
Las mesas quirúrgicas de la serie MAX son altamente versátiles y perfectas para el uso en
manejo del dolor, inyecciones espinales o cirugía de la columna, así como diversos
procedimientos ortopédicos.
Diseñado para dar soporte en los últimos avances en los procedimientos quirúrgicos y técnicas
de imagen, y estableciendo el estándar para la eficiencia operativa, y la seguridad en el
Mesas quirúrgicas de la serie MAX ofrecen las siguientes características:
• Una fibra de carbono "top, de ancho (84" 24 de longitud) que se adapta cómodamente a los
pacientes mayores y en muchos casos elimina la necesidad de apoya brazo
• Interruptor de parada de emergencia para obtener el máximo funcionamiento y la seguridad
de Procedimientos.
• Serie MAX permite movimientos simultáneos para posición rápida del paciente.
• La luz indicadora de encendido del auricular se ilumina en verde cuando la mesa está en
• Fácil traslado de pacientes de camilla a camilla. Camilla estándar o mesa-camilla estándar
pueden quedar al ras con la serie superior radiolúcida MAX que permite un fácil traslado de pre
o post-intervención para los pacientes incapacitados.
• Diseño de base moderna permite la máxima holgura c-brazo que se ofrece en el mercado
• Baja altura para pacientes de edad avanzada o con que usan silla de ruedas.
• Cable removible para facilitar el transporte de la mesa.
•Los apoya brazos quirúrgicos incorporan 180 grados de rotación lo que permite infinitas
posiciones del c-arm
• sistema avanzado para el manejo vía aérea ofrece el máximo acceso al paciente •
• El fuelle de protección proporciona seguridad cubriendo todos los motores, controles y cableado.
El fuelle de protección también es fácil de limpiar con desinfectantes estándar o de habitación.
• Clasificado para pacientes de 500 libras.
• La barra de traslado del paciente se monta en el sistema del riel lateral y ayuda a evitar que el
paciente vuelque al ser transferido hacia o desde la mesa.
• 2 "cojín es de un material suave y flexible para la comodidad del paciente. La almohadilla se
puede limpiar con limpiadores estándar o desinfectantes para las habitaciones.
• Mesas MAX imágenes series son muy fáciles de mover. Una sola enfermera o una persona del
staff sola puede girar fácilmente una mesa.
• Las 4 ruedas giratorias de bloqueo tienen una capacidad nominal de 1.760 libras.
• Control remoto inalámbrico, sistema de alimentación ininterrumpida (UPS), y controles de pie
Undo edits
EconoMAX Mobile Imaging Tables
Surgical Table Clamp (Modular Siderail System)
Power Switch with Emergency Stop and Removable Power Cord
Surgical Table Foot Switch
The EconoMAX series of imaging tables use a cantilevered (diving board) style design without the bellows. The "H"
style base offers maximum C-Arm clearance along the entire cantilevered length.
There are four different EconoMax models within the series:
EconoMAX 1 moves (up/down - height adjustable)
EconoMAX 2 moves (up/down, lateral tilt)
EconoMAX 3 moves (up/down, lateral tilt, and trendelenburg)
EconoMAX 4 moves (up/down, lateral tilt, trendelenburg, and longitudinal travel)
These tables come with a standard 500-pound load rating, a 2" thick, high quality patient comfort pad, a 24" wide
top that can eliminate the need for arm boards, locking swivel castors, a narrow base for easy patient transfer, a
facial cut-out for prone procedures, simultaneous motion movements, and extremely low boarding height.
EconoMAX has the highest patient weight load rating at the best price! The EconoMax series offers the best value
on the market. With many user-friendly accessories and options to choose from, the EconoMAX mobile economy
imaging tables offer the perfect combination of features and price.
URO-MAX Urological Imaging Tables
URO-MAX Series Urological Imaging Table
Handle on the Back for Easy Maneuverability
URO-MAX Series Urological Imaging Table with Trendelenburg
URO-MAX Series Urological Imaging Tables at Max Height
Optional 5-way Adjustable Foot Switch
Leg Stirrups for the URO-MAX Imaging Table
URO-MAX C-arm imaging tables offer an excellent solution for real-time urological X-ray procedures.
The cantilevered, carbon fiber, radiolucent top areas allow full fluoroscopic visualization and
unobstructed C-arm positioning. The URO-Max is highly versatile with many movement options and
accessories, and the carbon fiber leg extension accessory can quickly turn your Urology table into a
procedure table for pain management and other C-arm guided procedures.
Standard URO-MAX features include:
Carbon fiber with integral facial cutout section
Remove and install leg extension while fluid catcher is in place
Leg extension easy to remove and very light weight
Diving board style for easy C-arm access
Large patient capacity (500-lb pound load, and weight tested to 4X the patient load rating)
A 2” patient high quality comfort pad
Light weight – easy to physically move the table
Our 24” wide top eliminates the needs for arm boards
Easy patient transfer to table
Low height for patient boarding
Protective bellows between the base and top
Any OR accessory can be rigidly attached to the table top
URO-MAX Series Movements
The URO-MAX Series of imaging tables
come in six different models, with all but
URO-MAX 0 offering varying selections of
motorized adjustments:
URO-MAX 0 is fixed height (36") with no
height or other adjustment capability.
URO-MAX 1 offers Height adjustment but no
other adjustments (28" to 40").
URO-MAX 2 offers both Height and Lateral
Tilt adjustments (tilt of +/- 170 ).
URO-MAX 3 offers Height (29" to 41"),
Lateral Tilt (+/- 170 ), and Trendelenburg (+/200) adjustments.
URO-MAX 4 offers Height (30" to 40"),
Lateral Tilt (+/- 170), Trendelenburg (+/- 200),
and longitudinal travel (10", +/- 5")
URO-MAX 5 offers Height (32" to 42"),
Lateral Tilt (+/- 170), Trendelenburg (+/- 200),
longitudinal travel (10", +/- 5"), and lateral
travel (10", +/- 5") adjustments.
For all URO-MAX series imaging tables that
come with motorized movements, the system
includes a remote control for use when
positioning the patient.
The height buttons support raising and
lowering the table top as shown at right. The
Lateral Tilt buttons control the lateral angle of
inclination. The Trendelenburg buttons
control the angle of inclination of the head
end. The longitudinal travel moves the table
top in the longitudinal direction as depicted at
right. And, finally, Lateral Travel moves the
table top in the lateral direction.
URO-MAX series imaging tables with
motorized movements require 120 VAC
power for operation.
Bariatric Surgery X-Ray Imaging Tables
Bariatric Surgery X-ray Imaging Table
Bariatric Surgery X-ray Imaging Table
Surgical Table Side Rail Clamp
Handle for Easy Maneuverability
Power Switch with Emergency Stop and Removable Power Cord
Designed to support the latest advancements in surgical procedures and imaging techniques, and
setting the standard for operating efficiency, ergonomics and safety, the Bariatric series of surgical
tables provides a flexible solution for the medical and budgetary concerns of all surgical
With a 1000-lb patient weight capacity, this table is the only diving board style table on the market to
support this weight capacity.
The “H” style base allows maximum C-Arm clearance along the entire cantilevered length, and the
table can support up to 5 movements, depending upon the model purchased.
Our Bariatric X-Ray Imaging table features include:
Carbon fiber, diving board style for easy C-arm access.
Large patient capacity – high-end actuator motor supports 1,000-pound loads.
An 84" length can accommodate even the tallest of patients.
A 27" top eliminates the need for arm boards.
Two-inch thick, high quality patient comfort pad.
Light weight – easy to physically move the table within the room or from room to room.
Simple to use, high quality wheel locks.
Extreme low position makes boarding patients fast, easy and safe.
Hand or foot control available.
Designed for easy C-arm access.
The Only Cantilevered 1,000 lb, Bariatric Surgery X-ray Imaging Table on the Market Today
Bariatric Series Movements
The Bariatric Series of imaging tables come
in six different models, with all but Bariatric 0
offering varying selections of motorized
Bariatric 0 is fixed height (36") with no
height or other adjustment capability.
Bariatric 1 offers Height adjustment but no
other adjustments (28" to 40").
Bariatric 2 offers both Height and Lateral Tilt
adjustments (tilt of +/- 170 ).
Bariatric 3 offers Height (29" to 41"), Lateral
Tilt (+/- 170 ), and Trendelenburg (+/- 200)
Bariatric 4 offers Height (30" to 40"), Lateral
Tilt (+/- 170), Trendelenburg (+/- 200), and
longitudinal travel (10", +/- 5") adjustments.
Bariatric 5 offers Height (32" to 42"), Lateral
Tilt (+/- 170), Trendelenburg (+/- 200),
longitudinal travel (10", +/- 5"), and lateral
travel (10", +/- 5") adjustments.
For all Bariatric series imaging tables that
come with motorized movements, the system
includes a remote control for use when
positioning the patient.
The height buttons support raising and
lowering the table top as shown at right. The
Lateral Tilt buttons control the lateral angle of
inclination. The Trendelenburg buttons
control the angle of inclination of the head
end. The longitudinal travel moves the table
top in the longitudinal direction as depicted at
right. And, finally, Lateral Travel moves the
table top in the lateral direction.
Bariatric series imaging tables with motorized
movements require 120 VAC power for
V-MAX Vascular Imaging Tables
V-MAX Series Surgical Table
V-MAX Series Surgical Table
Another View of V-MAX
V-MAX T with Trendelenburg
V-MAX Joy Stick Control
V-MAX with Strap
Foot Switch for the V-MAX T Surgical Table
Surgical Table Inc.'s V-MAX series of vascular X-ray imaging tables offer all of the features of the
competition, but at a fraction of the cost.
The V-MAX offers height and four-way float adjustments and the V-MAX T offers height, four-way
float and trendelenburg.
Standard features for both table models include:
Table top automatically stops at level
Diving board style for easy C-arm access
Large patient capacity (500-lb pound load)
2” high quality patient comfort pad
Facial cut-out access
Light weight – easy to physically move the table
A 24” wide carbon fiber top eliminates the needs for arm boards
A 27" wide top is also available
An 84" length to accommodate even the tallest of patients
Easy patient transfer to table
Low height for patient boarding
Any OR accessory can be rigidly attached to the table top
Bellows to cover and protect the table motor assembly
Rotating and lockable casters
Control handle (knob) for easy table movement
Optional V-MAX joystick or V-MAX T control unit
Options include:
Joystick controls
Wireless foot switch
Modular side rail system
Surgical arm boards (can rotate 180 degrees)
Procedural arm boards (each can rotate 180 degrees)
V-MAX Series Models
The V-MAX and V-MAX T models differ in heights and movements supported:
V-MAX offers Height (28" to 38"), Lateral Float (14"), and Longitudinal Float (36", +/- 18")
V-MAX T offers Height (30" to 40"), Lateral Float (14"), Longitudinal Float (36", +/- 18"), and
Trendelenburg (+/- 160) adjustments.
Each V-MAX series vascular X-Ray table comes with a foot switch that enables the operator to
position the patient as needed, as well as a motorized joystick.
The foot switch's height buttons support raising and lowering the table top as shown at right. The
Lateral Brake Unlock button permits the table top to be manually moved laterally (side to side).
Similarly, the Longitudinal Brake Unlock button supports manual movement of the table
longitudinally (head to toe). The Trendelenburg buttons control the angle of inclination of the head
An optional remote hand control can be purchased to control the various table movements.
The VMAXT-CONTROL is also sold as an option, enabling the operator to control height,
Trendelenburg, and float on the V-MAX T.
The VMAX-JOYSTICK supports float controls for either the V-MAX or the V-MAX T
Note that the longitudinal brake will NOT lock if the table top is not level! Use Trendelenburg Up /
Down to bring the table top to a level position.
Both V-MAX series tables require 120 VAC power for operation.