Celebrating our 10th Annual Empty Bowls Naples event which takes

Celebrating our 10th Annual Empty Bowls Naples event which takes place on January
23th, 2016 at Cambier Park from 11:00am.-2:00pm. There are “Presenting” Sponsorship
opportunities still available as well as all other sponsorship levels. The Presenting
Sponsorship level is $10,000 and sponsoring at this level would make your company
name part of the event name. The name of the event would be Empty Bowls Naples
event presented by______. Your company name would be included in the newspaper ads,
banner the day of the event and any other printed material. The Empty Bowls Naples event
has really grown over the last 10 years. What a great way to showcase your company and
provide food to local families!
Over 2,000 beautiful ceramic bowls created by school students and artists will be available,
along with pottery demonstrations, bowl painting, music and a silent auction with lovely
creations donated by local artists. Entrance to the event is a suggested $15.00 donation.
Attendees will select a beautiful bowl to keep, sample over 40 amazing soups provided by
local restaurants and enjoy wonderful bread donated by Panera Bread.
This wonderful event is coordinated by the Empty Bowls Naples committee including;
Betsy Dawson, Mike Huffman, Maria Schiller, and Jody Van Cooney.
The Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida is pleased to announce that last
year’s 9th Annual Empty Bowls Naples event was a big success. Thanks to the generosity of
our 2015 sponsors and participants over $65,000 was raised (not including in-kind
donations), we were able to distribute over $360,000 worth of food to your neighbors
experiencing hunger in these hard economic times. Our goal is to be able to raise enough
funds; ($65,000) to distribute $390,000.00 worth of food throughout our 5 county
communities, and we need your help to make this year’s Naples Empty Bowls even more
We need your help and support. There are sponsorships levels to fit everyone’s budget. The
attached information describes the various sponsorship levels and the benefits. Currently
we are seeking sponsorship commitments for the 2016 Empty Bowls Naples. Sponsorship
payments may be made any time in 2015, or in January 2016, whichever fits your budget
the best.
We hope you share in our vision of a childhood free of hunger. Please review the
sponsorship levels and call us today for more information about how you can sponsor or
support Empty Bowls Naples 2016 or visit our web site www.emptybowlsnaples.org.
For additional information contact: Joyce Jacobs; joycejacobs@harrychapinfoodbank.org
Telephone # 239-334-7007 Ext. 130 or Cell Phone 239-839-4143
Sincerely, the Empty Bowls Naples Committee
3760 Fowler Street Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Office: 239-334-7007 Fax: 239-337-1399