NEW COMMITMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR Philippians 3:12-14. INTRODUCTION: 1. Starting a New Year many of us make promises to ourselves about what we are going to do that we usually forget about third week in January. How many of you kept the diet past January? How many of you actually kept going doing exercise past February? Are you determined that this year everything will be different? 2. This morning I want to talk to you about some resolutions, some commitments which I guarantee will make a fundamental difference in your life if you follow through on them. I want to offer you a way of start the New Year which could significantly change your life. 3. God encourages us to make four commitments that could become one of the most significant events in your life for 2015. If you follow God’s advice, could become a way for you to have a better life in 2015. CENTRAL IDEA: START A NEW YEAR GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO COMMIT YOURSELF. I. II. III. START A NEW YEAR GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO COMMIT YOURSELF TO FORGET YOUR FAILURES Phil 3:13-14. A. I don’t know any other relevant and practical advice for us at the start this year. There is no reason to live our life imprisoned by our past. All of us have failed in some way in our lives over the last year and probably we have our failures recorded in our hearts and minds. B. For many of us our failures are painful memories. What the Bible says is that we must not permit ourselves to be overwhelmed by our past disappointments for that stops us moving forward into the future that God has for us. Starting a New Year is a good time to say to yourself I am going to, with help of God, forget my past, to stop make suffer myself about what I did or did not do. C. The Lord Jesus died on the cross and has forgiven you. When we become Christians forgiveness becomes a reality in your lives and it allows us to forgive ourselves and forget our failures. START A NEW YEAR GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO COMMIT YOURSELF TO GIVE UP YOUR GRUDGES Col 3:13. A. In this text we have the second challenge, God is challenging us to give up our grudges. A grudge is a deep resentment that we improve in our hearts against someone else. B. It is a result of bitterness. Bitterness is an unresolved offense. A grudge leads to unforgiving attitudes and actions. Grudges are dangerous because they are destructive. Grudges break up families, ruin friendships, split churches. God says to us in His word “don’t sentence yourself to prison.” Set yourself free. C. Give up your grudges. No matter who has offended you or who has disappointed you, there is no reason for in 2015 do not have in your life the joy of your salvation and the peace of God in his heart. START A NEW YEAR GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO COMMIT YOURSELF TO RESTORE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Romans 12:18. A. The important phrase there is, “as far as it depends on you”. God is challenging each one of us to do all we can to restore our relationships. The Lord wants you to do everything you can to restore any relationships that have gone wrong in your life. B. Some relationships might have gone wrong in your life because of what other people have done and they might well not want that relationship restored. God recognizes that. That is why he starts saying “If it is possible” But if we be honest some of our relationships have gone wrong because of what we have done. C. One of the most important things you can do this New Year is eat less and exercise more, it is important, but admit your past mistakes in relationships and humbly seek forgiveness which have hurt is one of the most important decision you can do. IV. START A NEW YEAR GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO COMMIT YOURSELF TO TURN YOUR BACK ON YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS. Romans 6:2. A. The world is infected with sin. Sin has damage everything in this world. Sin is the root of all human tragedies. If sin is a problem we seek the solution, if sin is a disease we seek a medicine, but sin is an offense, an insult to God and we need forgiveness. B. This is a challenge that if you want to meet this New Year will truly be helpful to you. When God says “Do not let sin control the way you live, He give the challenge to turn back from your transgressions. Christ died to set them free, the Holy Spirit has given them the power to be free. C. There are sin that overwhelmed us every day. For most of us when we are saved we give up certain sins easily but there are other things that we know are wrong that we really battle with. Many believers end up choosing to practice these sins and end up living a double life. God challenges us to turn our back on that sin whatever it is. D. The Lord Jesus death broke the power of sin, the Holy Spirit can give us the power to resist sin and all of that means that we don’t have to go into this New Year still being defeated by the same old sin. You can have the victory over it. If we ask for God’s forgiveness for our sin and his power to resist that sin then this year can be for us not just a new year in history but a new year in our spiritual life. Don’t miss that opportunity. ACTION POINTS: 1. This year should not be just a change in your calendar or a year of new events for you. Accept the challenges of the Word of God to make these four commitments become a priority in your life in 2015. Commit yourself to forget your failures and give up your grudges. Commit yourself to restore your relationships and turn back on your transgressions. Then this New Year will really be something to celebrate for you. 2. If you cannot do it today or this week, no later than this month forgive yourself and forget the past. To forgive others who have hurt you and forgive whatever grievances you have. To ask for forgiveness from those you have hurt and as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. To ask for God’s forgiveness and No longer be a slave to sin. Ask the Lord Jesus for wisdom, courage, and faith to continue on, whatever happens this New Year. 2