Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship

Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Completed and Ongoing Studies
Jeanne Liedtka, Marian Moore, Yi Zhang and Andrew King have conducted both online
and lab studies with both undergraduate and MBA students looking at the efficacy of
design thinking training in innovative outcomes.
Bobby Parmar and colleagues Francesca Gino and Julia Lee were selected as fellows at
the Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. Their project consists of several online, lab and
field experiments, which examine how facets of managerial communication about
ethics effects on both unethical and ethical behavior in organizations.
Bobby Parmar and Megan Hess have completed a series of online experiments that
show the conditions under which complex versus simple moral frames are useful in
Bobby Parmar is collecting data for an ongoing study that examines the differential
impact of priming people to think about moral excellence or moral compliance on
cheating and helping behaviors in organizations.
Bobby Parmar, Andrew Wicks and Adrian Keevil have conducted a series of online
studies examining the effect of a firm’s stakeholder or shareholder orientation on the
level of self-determination experienced by employees.
Published and Forthcoming Articles
Bromiley, Philip and Jared D. Harris (2014). “A Comparison of Alternative Measures of
Organizational Aspirations,” Strategic Management Journal, 35(3):338-357.
Harris, Jared D., Scott G. Johnson, and David Souder (2013). “Model Theoretic
Knowledge Accumulation: The Case of Agency Theory and Incentive Alignment,”
Academy of Management Review, 38(3): 442-454.
Kraft T., F. Erhun, R. Carlson, D Rafinejad (2013). “Replacement Decisions for Potentially
Hazardous Substances.” Production and Operations Management (POM). This is for a
special issue on new product development, innovation and sustainability, 22(4): 958–
Parmar, B. (2014). “From Intrapsychic Moral Awareness to the Role Of Social
Disruptions, Labeling and Action in The Emergence Of Moral Issues,” Organization
De Colle, S., Henriques, A. and Sarasvathy, S. D. “The paradox of CSR standards,” Journal
of Business Ethics. Published online, 2013.
Sarasvathy, S.D., Kumar, K., York, J. and Bhagavatula, S. (2014). “An Effectual Approach
to International Entrepreneurship: Overlaps, Challenges and Provocative Possibilities,”
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Special Issue on high potential concepts,
phenomena and theories in international entrepreneurship research). Published online,
Harmeling, S. and Sarasvathy, S. D. (2013). “When contingency is a resource: Education
entrepreneurs in the Balkans, the Bronx and beyond,” Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 37(4): 713-744.
Venkataraman, S., Sarasvathy, S. D., Dew, N. and Forster, W. (2013). “Of narratives and
artifacts” Academy of Management Review, 38(1): 163-166.
Sarasvathy, S. D., Menon, A. R. and Kuechle, G. (2013). “Failing firms and successful
entrepreneurs: Serial entrepreneurship as a temporal portfolio,” Small Business
Economics, 40(2): 417-434.
Sarasvathy, S. D. (2013). “Mazes without Minotaurs: Herbert Simon and the Sciences of
the Artificial,” European Management Journal, 31: 82– 87.
Andy Wicks and Jeff Harrison (2013). “Stakeholder Theory, Value and Firm
Performance,” Business Ethics Quarterly 23(1): 97- 124.
Andy Wicks (forthcoming). “Stakeholder Theory and Spirituality in the Workplace: A
Topic Whose Time Has Come,” Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion.
Kluver, Jesse and Andrew Wicks (forthcoming). “Decoration, Self-Transcendence and
Spiritual Expression: Stakeholder Cooperation and the Creation of Join Value in the
Workplace,” Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion – Special Issue on
Stakeholder Theory and the Workplace.
Wicks, Andrew and Adrian Keevil (forthcoming). "When Worlds Collide: Medicine,
Business, the Affordable Care Act and the Future of Health Care in the US,” Journal of
Law, Medicine and Ethics.
Book chapters
Wicks, Andrew C., Jared D. Harris and Brian Moriarty (forthcoming). “Public Trust in
Business: What’s the Problem and Why Does it Matter?” in J. Harris, A. Wicks and B.
Moriarty (Eds.), Public Trust in Business, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, New
Jared Harris, Adrian Keevil and Andy Wicks (forthcoming 2013). “Researching the
Public’s Trust in Business”, Advances in Trust Research. A. Zaheer and R. Bachmann,
ed’s. Edward Elgar.
Jared Harris, Adrian A. C. Keevil and Andrew C. Wicks (2013) “Public Trust in the
Institution of Business,” in R. Bachmann and A. Zaheer (Eds.), Advances in Trust
Research, 204-223. Edward Elgar: Northampton, Massachusetts.
Pirson, M., K. Martin, and B. Parmar (forthcoming). “Public Trust in Business and its
Determinants.” In The Cambridge Volume on Public Trust in Business.
Sarasvathy, S. D, (forthcoming). “The Whole Deal: Models, Metaphors and Mechanisms
in Entrepreneurial Cognition,” Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition, edited by Robert
Mitchell and Ronald Mitchell.
Sarasvathy, S. D., Forster, W. and Ramesh, A. (2013). “The Ordinary Entrepreneur.” The
Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship, edited by Friederike Welter and Ted Baker
and published by Routledge.
Sarasvathy, S. D. (2013). “Causation and Effectuation: Toward a Theoretical Shift From
Economic Inevitability to Entrepreneurial Contingency,” Academy of Management
Review, 26(2): 243-288. Reprinted in Entrepreneurial Opportunities, edited by Dean
Shepherd and Denis Gregoire, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Sarasvathy, S. D., Forster, W. and Ramesh, A. (2013). “The Ordinary Entrepreneur,” The
Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship, edited by Friederike Welter and Ted Baker
and published by Routledge.
Harris, Jared D., Andrew C. Wicks, and Brian Moriarty (Eds.), (forthcoming 2014). Public
Trust in Business, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, New York.
Sarasvathy, S. D., Venkataraman, S., and Dew, N. (forthcoming 2014). Made, as well as
found: Researching entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial. Columbia University