University of Kent

The title of the module
BI852 Advanced Analytical and emerging
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (30 Credits)
2. The School which will be responsible for management of the module
3. The Start Date of the Module
September 2012
4. The cohort of students (onwards) to which the module will be applicable
5. The number of students expected to take the module
6. Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module and consultation
with other relevant Schools and Faculties regarding the withdrawal
None (This is revised version of BI821 which was previously withdrawn; Analytical
7. The level of the module
8. The number of credits which the module represents
30 (15 ECTS)
9. Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern)
10. Prerequisite and co-requisite modules
11. The programmes of study to which the module contributes
MSc Biotechnology and Bioengineering
12. The intended subject specific learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship
to programme learning outcomes
a. Knowledge and understanding of key analytical technologies used in the analysis of cell
based expression systems in the biotechnology and bioengineering field (Programme
Outcomes A1-5, B2, C2, C3, D1)
b. Practical experience of modern analytical technologies utilised in academia and industry in
the field (Programme Outcomes A1-7, B1-6, C1-3, C7, D1)
A fundamental understanding of the principles underlying spectroscopic,
chromatographic, sequencing, microscopy and physical methods of analysis (Programme
Outcomes A1-7, B1-6, C1-3)
d. Basic skills in the interpretation of data from analytical analysis of products and samples
(Programme Outcomes A1, A4, B1-4, B6, C1, C3, D1)
e. Ability to design appropriate analytical experiments to answer questions to be addressed
(Programme Outcomes A1, A4, B1-6, C1)
f. An appreciation of the importance of analysis for quality assurance, process monitoring
and fundamental understanding of biological systems (Programme Outcomes A7, C2,
C7, C8, D1)
13. The intended generic learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to
programme learning outcomes
a. Communication: ability to organise information clearly, present information in oral and
written form, adapt presentation for different audiences including academic and
industrial (Programme Outcomes A6, B5, C5)
b. Analytical skills: interpretation of data, marshalling of information from published sources,
critical evaluation of own research and that of others. An appreciation of how to utilise
multiple data sets together to characterise a system or molecule. (Programme
Outcomes A1, A4, B1-6, C1, C3, D1)
c. Self-motivation and independence: time and workload management in order to meet
personal targets and imposed deadlines (Programme Outcomes B2, B3, C6, D3-5)
e. Information technology: use of appropriate technology to retrieve, analyse and present
scientific information (Programme Outcomes A1-5, B2, C2, C3, D1)
14. A synopsis of the curriculum
This module will consider key areas of analytical technologies used for the analysis of
proteins, small molecules and cells. This will include mass spectrometry techniques (GC-MS,
ESI-MS, MALDI-ToF MS), crystallography and NMR, spectroscopy (UV-vis, IR, Raman,
fluorescence, ESR), chromatography, DNA and RNA sequencing, bioinformatics, microscopy
(AFM, EM), electrophoresis, (qRT)-PCR, ‘omics’ approachs, glycosylation profiling, cell based
assays, simple fermentation control and measurements. Industrial case studies will be
covered to demonstrate how different techniques and approaches are integrated in a
commercial environment. Students will also be expected to design and implement a protocol
aim at recovering and characterising a protein molecule from mammalian cell culture within
set constraints and parameters. There will also be a visit to an industrial analytical laboratory
to demonstrate such technologies in the work place. This will be delivered through
workshops and seminars by specialists within the CMP and involve a number of course work
assignments that will consider the most current research and thinking in these areas. This
will be complemented by a one week practical where the students are asked to design a
process to purify and characterise a molecule and then use this to setup a crystallisation
15. Indicative Reading List
The reading list will largely be the latest review and primary research articles in this area,
which will be used to drive a case-study based approach to learning. Students will be
provided with their own copies of this reading material, but in some cases they will be set
tasks for receiving appropriate journal articles to which we already have access. Key Journals
will be Nature Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Biotechnology
and Bioengineering, and Genetic Engineering News to which the students can subscribe free
of charge. Many basic biochemistry and chemistry text books within the Library also cover
much of the material which will be delivered.
16. Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and
the total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to
achievement of the intended learning outcomes
The module will comprise a number of practical workshops and seminars to introduce the
key concepts and practical techniques in each of the disciplines to be covered. These
workshops will be aligned with a one week laboratory practical, whereby the students are
required to design their own analytical process and procedure to purify and characterise a
protein from a mammalian cell culture and then use the subsequent material to setup a
crystallisation trial. The workshops and seminars will be complemented by a series of
lectures that will introduce the key fundamental knowledge that underpins the different
analytical techniques. We will also have several guest lectures from industrialists working in
analytics to show how the various technologies are integrated into the commercial
environment. The learning will be reinforced by visits to the industrial sites to see the
technologies in action.
Seminars, and workshops including preparation time (40 h)
Lectures (15 h)
Laboratory practical and write up (50 h)
Industrial site visits and preparation (20 h)
Industrial guest lectures, discussions and preparation (25 h)
Self study (150 h)
17. Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended
learning outcomes (Note: Assessments will assess the learning outcomes indicated in
Practical and writeup (40%) (all subjective specific learning outcomes 12a-f, 13a-e)
In class test (one problem and one essay, 60%) (12a, 12c, 12d-f, 13b)
18. Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space
This module will feature a practical, which will be undertaken in a research laboratory and
require access to the Biomolecular Analysis Facility. The practical will be run after
undergraduate project students are completed at the end of the spring term. This will be
accompanied by small-group workshops, journal clubs and seminars alongside a number of
traditional lectures, and emphasis will be placed on self directed reading and study.
19. A statement confirming that, as far as can be reasonably anticipated, the curriculum,
learning and teaching methods and forms of assessment do not present any nonjustifiable disadvantage to students with disabilities
The School recognises and has embedded the expectations of current disability equality
legislation, and supports students with a declared disability or special educational need in its
teaching. Within this module we will make reasonable adjustments wherever necessary,
including additional or substitute materials, teaching modes or assessment methods for
students who have declared and discussed their learning support needs. Arrangements for
students with declared disabilities will be made on an individual basis, in consultation with
the University’s disability/dyslexia support service, and specialist support will be provided
where needed. Assessment of how students are able to undertake practical work would
need to be undertaken for students with certain disabilities relating to mobility, for health
and safety reasons. Some assessment of how students are able to undertake practical work
would need to be undertaken for students with certain disabilities relating to mobility, for
health and safety reasons.