Global vs. Analytical Learners: Teaching Strategies

Global and Analytical Learners
Their Characteristics
Teachers Strategize
to Accommodate Them
By :
Nor Syafika Binti Ghazali A133133
Nur Zarina Binti Mohamad A138098
Learning Style explains how the individual
interacts with new information.
The GLOBAL learning style and the
ANALYTICAL learning style.
No person is bound by one learning style.
Even though individuals find themselves in
both categories, they gravitate toward just
one learning style.
The Global Style
 Linked to right-hemisphere dominance in the brain
 Takes in information holistically
 Begins with understanding concepts first, with mastery of
details to follow
 Prefer music or other background noise.
The Analytical Style
 Grounded in left-hemisphere dominance in the brain
 Take in information sequentially, step-by-step
 Preferring to learn a series of facts that lead toward an
understanding of a larger concept
 Requires orderly, quiet surroundings
 may work better in groups than alone
 prefer to work on multiple tasks at once
 sees the big picture or overall view
 likely to respond to a problem with emotion first, instead
of logic
 preferring to study alone for long periods without
 tend to work on one task to completion
 focuses on the parts that make up the big picture
 likely to respond to a problem with logic first, instead of
emotion, solve problem systematically and logically.
• Understanding the key differences in student
learning styles leads to better learning support.
• Numerous assessment tests allow individuals to
determine their own learning styles and help
parents and teachers find ways to encourage
• Teachers can develop lesson plans that
accommodate both styles, such as incorporating
narratives and group work into lesson plans to
accommodate global learners.
• Provide traditional classroom setting.
• Shows and organize the sequences of
• Leads to larger concept of
• Provide activity that follows sequence,
process, list, timeline, and charts.
• Example: bring back pieces or parts of
body altogether and explain their
• Provide flexible learning
• Explain concept first
then the details.
• Give them chances to do
some group work.
• Give them multiple task
at once.
• Plays background music.
• Gives open ended
• Relates to life